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Snakes in a Buildpack By Ian Huston and James Wen

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Ian has a problem Hard to deploy apps using great Python data science packages

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Why is this important? #productsNOTpowerpoints

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Current Solution Community Buildpack: Not tested No CI pipeline No time for maintenance

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Other Attempted Solutions Kenneth Reitz Buildpack ● ● Looks unmaintained, Heroku-specific, didn’t work with CF Continuum’s Conda buildpack ● ● No updates for 2 years, Heroku specific, would need downstream changes Just use Pip! ● nda-myths-and-misconceptions/ Docker? ● Don’t want responsibility of maintaining OS layer!

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Containers vs Buildpacks runtime layer OS image application layer Container (e.g. Docker) system brings fixed host OS Kernel * Devs may bring a custom buildpack runtime layer* OS image application layer Buildpack App container System Provides Dev Provides system brings fixed host OS Kernel

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Experiments - Use miniconda in the CF python buildpack - Vendor anaconda - Add data science dependencies to the rootfs Solution: Port over Ian’s conda buildpack and maintain it as a code path in the current python buildpack.

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Improvement/Fixes needed after Lock miniconda to a version instead of downloading latest Miniconda was always installing python 3 Miniconda needed to save and load from natural app cache Suppress miniconda progress bar output (massive staging logs)

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What can we do now? Predict time to delivery for an international courier company Order the right components for an European car manufacturer Deliver warnings of dangerous road conditions while you drive

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Hobbyist: OMSCS Machine Learning Course - Taking a Machine Learning class for the GTech OMSCS program - HW Assignment = Applying 5 supervised machine learning models to 2 large data sets

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Hobbyist: OMSCS Machine Learning Course - For the experiments/analyses, using Pivotal Web Services > running on my dinky 4 year old macbook - Ran the experiments by wrapping them in minimal Flask apps

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Future of Conda in the Python Buildpack Your Feedback? - Can’t run this functionality in air-gapped environment - Conda cannot vendor your packages (i.e. something like `bundle package`) - Reduce size of end droplet? - Apps using conda often end up large due to slew of dependencies Vendor miniconda (cached buildpack)

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Where can I get it? Official CF Python Buildpack from v1.5.6:

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Getting your wonderful ideas into Cloud Foundry - Open up discussion on cf-dev mailing list - Open up discussion on open source Cloud Foundry slack - Do the CF Dojo program and gain the skills to work on CF full-time (or just join Pivotal) - Create a feature narrative and get feedback

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Any Questions? James Wen @rochesterinnyc Ian Huston @ianhuston