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Scene 01 Panel 1

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Scene 02 Panel 1 Action Notes EXT. STREET Apple and Onion are sitting in Falafel’s stationary car pretending to drive. Apple is at the wheel, turning it left and right. Onion is beside him holding a map. Apple makes . Falafel's car ref:

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Scene 02 Panel 2

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Scene 02 Panel 3

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Scene 02 Panel 4

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Scene 03 Panel 1 Action Notes INT. FALAFEL'S CAR

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Scene 03 Panel 2

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Scene 03 Panel 3 Dialog ONION Great, now

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Scene 03 Panel 4 Dialog ONION press the

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Scene 03 Panel 5 Dialog ONION stop ped--

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Scene 03 Panel 6 Dialog ONION --al.

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Scene 03 Panel 7 Dialog ONION --al.

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Scene 03 Panel 8 Action Notes Apple slams down on the brake.

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Scene 03 Panel 9

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Scene 03 Panel 10 Dialog APPLE I st-

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Scene 03 Panel 11 Dialog APPLE I -

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Scene 03 Panel 12 Dialog APPLE I pressed it

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Scene 03 Panel 13 Dialog APPLE very hard

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Scene 03 Panel 14 Dialog APPLE so that we can stop safely and securely.

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Scene 03 Panel 15

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Scene 03 Panel 16 Dialog ONION Nice one.

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Scene 03 Panel 17 Dialog ONION I’m very excited we’re going on our first

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Scene 03 Panel 18 Dialog ONION road trip together tomorrow.

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Scene 03 Panel 19 Dialog ONION Route Action Notes Onion holds up a map showing Route 66.

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Scene 03 Panel 20 Dialog ONION 66 Action Notes Onion holds up a map showing Route 66.

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Scene 03 Panel 21 Dialog ONION baby. Action Notes Onion holds up a map showing Route 66.

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Scene 03 Panel 22 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 23 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 24 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 25 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 26 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 27 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 28 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 29 Dialog APPLE Wickidy, wickidy, wickidy. Action Notes (doing his finger snap thing)

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Scene 03 Panel 30 Dialog ONION I’m so glad

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Scene 03 Panel 31 Dialog ONION Falafel finally

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Scene 03 Panel 32 Dialog ONION trusts us enough to actually lend us

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Scene 03 Panel 33 Dialog ONION his car.

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Scene 03 Panel 34 Dialog APPLE Truth.

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Scene 03 Panel 35 Dialog ONION That’s our reward for putting our necks out

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Scene 03 Panel 36 Dialog ONION to fix his gas powered stove.

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Scene 03 Panel 37 Action Notes Screen rotates on the face of a cube, with VHS tracking lines overlaied, like an old 90"s era video transition. Reveals AO dirty with tool belts in Falafels kitchen in front of the shiny fixed stove. A,O, and Falafel grin and give eachother thumbs up.

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Scene 03 Panel 38

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Scene 03 Panel 50

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Scene 03 Panel 51

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Scene 03 Panel 52 Dialog APPLE Oh

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Scene 03 Panel 53 Dialog APPLE em,

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Scene 03 Panel 54

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Scene 03 Panel 55 Dialog APPLE by the way, in our pretend practice driving,

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Scene 03 Panel 56 Dialog APPLE we basically stopped in the middle of the road

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Scene 03 Panel 57 Dialog APPLE and now

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Scene 03 Panel 58 Dialog APPLE there’s pretend cars honking at us.

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Scene 03 Panel 59 Dialog ONION You better do a pretend parallel park

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Scene 03 Panel 60 Dialog ONION into a parking space then.

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Scene 03 Panel 61 Dialog APPLE And how do you do that?

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Scene 03 Panel 62 Dialog ONION Well I don’t know.

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Scene 03 Panel 63 Dialog ONION Do you not know?

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Scene 03 Panel 64 Dialog APPLE No I don’t know.

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Scene 03 Panel 65 Dialog ONION What?

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Scene 03 Panel 66 Dialog APPLE Oh no, what if we have to do it tomorrow for real?

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Scene 03 Panel 67 Dialog ONION Well we’re gonna have to go practice,

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Scene 03 Panel 68 Dialog ONION lets go practice

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Scene 03 Panel 69 Dialog ONION now. We’ll actually

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Scene 03 Panel 70

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Scene 03 Panel 71 Dialog ONION do a proper

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Scene 03 Panel 72 Dialog ONION practice.

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Scene 04 Panel 1 Dialog APPLE AND ONION (V.O.) Enough time for it to be annoying later. Action Notes CHYRON: ENOUGH TIME FOR IT TO BE ANNOYING LATER

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Scene 04 Panel 2 Dialog APPLE AND ONION (V.O.) Enough time for it to be annoying later. Action Notes CHYRON: ENOUGH TIME FOR IT TO BE ANNOYING LATER

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Scene 05 Panel 1 Action Notes EXT. STREET Apple and Onion are driving along looking around for a space. Falafel's car ref:

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Scene 05 Panel 2 Dialog APPLE What is

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Scene 05 Panel 3 Dialog APPLE this, eight blocks and still no spot? Action Notes They see one. Apple slams down on the break, and they both jerk forward. They stop, parallel to a row of cars right in front of a space which is the exact same length as they car.

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Scene 05 Panel 4 Dialog ONION Theres one!

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Scene 05 Panel 5

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Scene 05 Panel 6

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Scene 05 Panel 7 Dialog ONION

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Scene 05 Panel 8 Dialog APPLE Whoah that stop button’s

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Scene 05 Panel 9 Dialog APPLE much more sensitive then I thought

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Scene 05 Panel 10 Dialog APPLE it would be.

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Scene 06 Panel 1 Action Notes Onion holds up the map again.

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Scene 06 Panel 2 Dialog ONION Right,

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Scene 06 Panel 3 Dialog ONION so it says

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Scene 06 Panel 4 Dialog ONION here on this map slash

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Scene 06 Panel 5 Dialog ONION parallel parking instruction...

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Scene 06 Panel 6 Dialog ONION paper

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Scene 06 Panel 7 Dialog ONION that, you need to...

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Scene 07 Panel 1 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space. Action Notes (super speed) As Onion goes through the above instructions. Apple follows them, perfectly and very quickly parking the car in the spot. (Bird’s eye view of this could be good)

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Scene 07 Panel 2 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 3 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 4 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 5 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 6 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 7 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 8 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 9 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 10 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 11 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 12 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 13 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 14 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 15 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 16 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 17 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 18 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 19 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 20 Dialog ONION Straighten the steering wheel once your front wheels are opposite the forward car’s back wheels. Stop and swing the sreering wheel full look in the opposite direction to bring the nose of your car into the space.

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Scene 07 Panel 21 Dialog APPLE Like that?

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Scene 07 Panel 22 Dialog APPLE Like that?

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Scene 07 Panel 23 Dialog APPLE Like that?

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Scene 07 Panel 24

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Scene 07 Panel 25 Dialog ONION I think so, yeah.

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Scene 07 Panel 26 Dialog ONION I think so, yeah.

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Scene 07 Panel 27 Dialog ONION I think so, yeah.

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Scene 07 Panel 28 Dialog ONION I think so, yeah.

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Scene 07 Panel 29 Dialog ONION I think so, yeah.

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Scene 08 Panel 1 Dialog ONION Now exit the car and lock Action Notes They exit the vehicle. Apple locks the door.

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Scene 08 Panel 2 Dialog ONION - it.

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Scene 08 Panel 3

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Scene 08 Panel 4 Dialog APPLE And now

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Scene 08 Panel 5 Dialog APPLE what do I

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Scene 08 Panel 6 Dialog APPLE do with

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Scene 08 Panel 7 Dialog APPLE the keys?

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Scene 08 Panel 8 Dialog APPLE Aha Ahaha ah! Action Notes As Apple holds it up as he says this and he fumbles it.

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Scene 08 Panel 9 Dialog APPLE Aha Ahaha ah!

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Scene 08 Panel 10 Dialog APPLE Aha Ahaha ah!

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Scene 08 Panel 11 Action Notes The key falls down through the grates of a drain. They both look down at it blank faced for a beat.

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Scene 08 Panel 12

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Scene 08 Panel 13

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Scene 09 Panel 1 Action Notes View of sewer interior. AO see key on top of pile of trash.

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Scene 09 Panel 2

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Scene 09 Panel 3

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Scene 09 Panel 4

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Scene 19 Panel 1 Action Notes INT. INSIDE FALAFELS APARTMENT. Onion is looking in FALAFEL’S BEDROOM.

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Scene 19 Panel 2 Dialog ONION Come on

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Scene 19 Panel 3 Dialog ONION that spare key

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Scene 19 Panel 4 Dialog ONION has got to be in

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Scene 19 Panel 5 Dialog ONION here some--

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Scene 19 Panel 6 Dialog ONION --where.

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Scene 20 Panel 1 Action Notes CUT TO KITCHEN. Apple is looking in the fridge.

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Scene 21 Panel 1

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Scene 21 Panel 2 Dialog APPLE Maybe

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Scene 21 Panel 3 Dialog APPLE it’s at the bottom of this orange juice carton?

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Scene 21 Panel 4 Action Notes He a whole carton of orange juice.

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Scene 21 Panel 5 Dialog AH

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Scene 21 Panel 6 Dialog APPLE No.

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Scene 21 Panel 7 Dialog APPLE Maybe inside Action Notes (picks up a little chocolate)

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Scene 21 Panel 8 Dialog APPLE this chocolate morsel?

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Scene 21 Panel 9 Action Notes He a chocolate morsel.

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Scene 21 Panel 10 Action Notes He a chocolate morsel.

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Scene 21 Panel 11 Dialog APPLE No.

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Scene 22 Panel 1 Action Notes CUT BACK TO FALAFEL’S BEDROOM. Onion moves down to look under the bed (without getting under it).

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Scene 22 Panel 2 Dialog ONION How about under the bed. Action Notes (He sees something)

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Scene 22 Panel 3 Dialog ONION Action Notes (He sees something)

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Scene 22 Panel 4 Dialog ONION OHHHH APPPPPLLLLLEEEEE. Action Notes (He sees something)

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Scene 23 Panel 1 Dialog APPLE Not now, I’m looking for the key.

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Scene 23 Panel 2 Dialog ONION (O.S.) No Need. I’ve found it.

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Scene 23 Panel 3

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Scene 23 Panel 4

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Scene 23 Panel 5

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Scene 23 Panel 6

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Scene 23 Panel 7

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Scene 23 Panel 8

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Scene 23 Panel 9

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Scene 23 Panel 10

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Scene 23 Panel 11

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Scene 23 Panel 12

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Scene 23 Panel 13

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Scene 23 Panel 14

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Scene 23 Panel 15

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Scene 23 Panel 16

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Scene 23 Panel 17

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Scene 24 Panel 1 Dialog ONIO Action Notes Cut to Falafel’s bedroom. Bothe Apple and Onion are looking at something under the bed.

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Scene 24 Panel 2

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Scene 24 Panel 3 Dialog ONION See that

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Scene 24 Panel 4 Dialog ONION there?

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Scene 25 Panel 12 Dialog ONION That’s the unmistakable glint of a car key

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Scene 25 Panel 13 Dialog ONION That’s the unmistakable glint of a car key

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Scene 25 Panel 14 Dialog ONION That’s the unmistakable glint of a car key

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Scene 26 Panel 1 Dialog ONION Let’s go get it.

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Scene 26 Panel 2 Action Notes They quickly crawl all the way under the bed to reach for it. Just then, they hear the .

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Scene 26 Panel 3 Dialog APPLE AND ONION .

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Scene 26 Panel 4 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) After much consideration

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Scene 26 Panel 5 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) I concluded that

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Scene 26 Panel 6 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) tripping at front door

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Scene 26 Panel 7 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) was bad omen.

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Scene 26 Panel 8 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) Safe place

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Scene 26 Panel 9 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) is bed

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Scene 26 Panel 10 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) until tomorrow.

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Scene 26 Panel 11

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Scene 26 Panel 12 Dialog FALAFEL (O.S.) Ahyeni.

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Scene 26 Panel 13 Action Notes Falafel climbs into bed, and the mattress sinks until it is squashing Apple and Onion. They and Falafel gets extremely shocked, jumps off the bed and hysterically panics.

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Scene 26 Panel 14 Action Notes Falafel climbs into bed, and the mattress sinks until it is squashing Apple and Onion. They and Falafel gets extremely shocked, jumps off the bed and hysterically panics.

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Scene 26 Panel 15 Action Notes Falafel climbs into bed, and the mattress sinks until it is squashing Apple and Onion. They and Falafel gets extremely shocked, jumps off the bed and hysterically panics.

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Scene 26 Panel 16 Action Notes Falafel climbs into bed, and the mattress sinks until it is squashing Apple and Onion. They and Falafel gets extremely shocked, jumps off the bed and hysterically panics.

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Scene 26 Panel 17 Dialog ONION AHH Action Notes Falafel climbs into bed, and the mattress sinks until it is squashing Apple and Onion. They and Falafel gets extremely shocked, jumps off the bed and hysterically panics.

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Scene 27 Panel 1

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Scene 27 Panel 2

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Scene 27 Panel 3 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 4 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 5 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 6 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 7 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 8 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 9 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 10 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 11 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 12 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 13 Dialog FALAFEL Yaiy! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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Scene 27 Panel 14 Dialog APPLE Falafel, Action Notes Apple and Onion immediately come out to calm him down from his panic.

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Scene 27 Panel 15 Dialog APPLE Falafel, it‘s us! Action Notes Apple and Onion immediately come out to calm him down from his panic.