Application Quality
What is it? How to create it? How to maintain it?
Why should I care?
@ KaunasPHP v.7
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Who are we?
Artūras Šmorgun
Marijus Kilmanas
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Why are we here?
• Because quality matters;
• Because we care about the reputation of our
craft and the craftsmen;
• Because there is a way to sleep calm at night.
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Software Quality?
What is quality?
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What if we ignore quality?
External Quality
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What if we ignore quality?
Internal Quality
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“But it slows us down”
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“But it slows us down”
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Are we responsible?
• We are professionals
• quality is expected
• We are craftsmen
• we should do our job to the best
• Quality = recommendation
• trust of customers
Why we need tests?
• Refactoring without tests is...
• Pain
• Insane
• Suicide
• Refucktoring
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External Quality
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Cycles of life
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Let’s speak Gherkin!
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Let’s speak Gherkin!
In order to cooperate
As developers / agency
We need to have a common language
• States the business value;
• Defines the beneficiary;
• Gives an idea of what is needed to achieve value.
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Scenario: Customer understands Gherkin
Given I produce feature specification
When customer reads them
Then they should understand what we agree upon
• Lists assumptions and preconditions;
• Defines what action triggers the behavior;
• Tells how to verify if behavior was correct;
Let’s speak Gherkin!
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Scenario: Gherkin can be tested
Given customer confirmed the feature
When when we implement them
Then we should be able to verify they conform
to the agreed requirements
• Defines exactly how much functionality is needed;
• Automates acceptance criteria;
• Guides development process;
Let’s speak Gherkin!
• Used within a single scenario;
• Represents state of the browser;
• Page object is a sub-property;
• Allows different browser for separate
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Common pitfalls
• Too technical;
• Too enterprise’y;
• Coupled with dataset / environment.
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Internal Quality
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Cycles of life
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• Wo do make mistakes;
• Integration testing is expensive;
• Testing afterwards is boring;
• “Test last” encourages to skip it;
• We want to code, not to debug.
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Telecommunication Device for the Deaf
Test Driven Development
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What TDD is not:
• It’s not about verifying;
• It’s not about “waterfall”;
• It’s not for fast hacks.
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What TDD is:
• It’s about communication;
• It’s about being agile;
• It’s for long term relationships.
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3 rules of TDD:
• Do not write production code unless
there is failing test;
• Do not write more test than it is
sufficient to fail;
• Do not write more production code
than it is sufficient to pass failing test.
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TDD cycle
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• A lot of scaffolding have to be done in
order to write test;
• Mocking is expensive (time = money);
• Misleading terminology.
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TDD v2.0
TDD Done Right
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Spec BDD
It’s not about verification,
it’s about emerging design.
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• Test Case ⇾ Specification
• Test ⇾ Example
• Assertion ⇾ Expectation
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• Easy to use:
• does boring stuff for you;
• mocking & stubbing is very easy;
• TDD cycle oriented;
• Behavior oriented:
• encourages specification by example.
Inviqa provides training
• on Professional PHP and OOD
• on Agile development
• on collaborative BDD approach
• on full stack BDD in use
• on git & git flow
• and many more
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We are looking for
team mates!
Senior Software Engineers,
passionate about their job.
(but we mean it!)
Kaunas, London, Liverpool, Sheffield, Manchester, Edinburgh, Leeds.