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1 Container in Mesos Present and Future Jie Yu Timothy Chen

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2 ● Containerizer overview ● The unified containerizer ● Motivation ● Pluggable architecture ● Container image ● Container network ● Container storage ● Container security ● Extensions ● Moving forward ● Nested container ● VM support ● Unified fetching and caching ● Better abstraction for isolators Outline

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3 Containerizer ● Between agents and containers ● Launch/update/destroy containers ● Provide isolations between containers ● Report container stats and status What is containerizer? Mesos Master Mesos Master Mesos Master Zookeeper Marathon Framework Cassandra Framework Mesos Agent Containerizer Container Executor T1 T2 Mesos Agent Containerizer Container Executor T1 T2 Mesos Agent Containerizer Container Executor T1 T2

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4 Docker containerizer ● Delegate to Docker daemon Mesos containerizer ● Using standard OS features (e.g., cgroups, namespaces) ● Pluggable architecture allowing customization and extension Currently supported containerizers

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New features require changes to both containerizers ● E.g., GPU support, Persistent volumes, etc. ● Code duplication → bugs, maintenance issue Coordination needed between two containerizers ● Global resources like GPU, net_cls handles, etc. 5 Maintaining multiple containerizers is hard

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6 Goal: Unifying containerizer implementations using a shared, pluggable and extensible architecture Currently, it is based on Mesos containerizer Unified containerizer

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7 Customization ● Only few limited options with Docker (plugins) Depended on Docker Daemon ● Stability concern ● Extra dependency Support other image formats ● Appc, CVMFS, ... Why don’t we base on Docker containerizer

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8 ● Pluggable architecture ● Container image ● Container network ● Container storage ● Container security ● Customization and extensions Unified containerizer

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9 Pluggable architecture Unified containerizer Launcher Isolators Unified containerizer Provisioner Process management Container lifecycle hook Container image support

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10 Responsible for process management ● Spawn containers ● Kill and wait containers Supported launchers: ● Posix launcher ● Linux launcher ● Systemd launcher (future) Launcher Unified containerizer

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11 Interface for extensions during the life cycle of a container ● Pre-launch - prepare() ● Post-launch (both in parent and child context) - isolate() ● Termination - cleanup() ● Resources update - update() ● Resources limitation reached - watch() ● Agent restart and recovery - recover() ● Stats and status pulling - usage() Isolator Unified containerizer Sufficient for most of the extensions!

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12 Isolator example: cgroups memory isolator Unified containerizer Agent Process Launcher creates Subprocess Container Process execve() Script = Isolator::prepare() * Create a cgroup for the container in memory cgroup hierarchy: /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mesos/… * Start listening for OOM event Isolator::isolate(pid) Block on pipe Move ‘pid’ to the memory cgroup just created Invoke ‘Script’ Exec the executor Signal the Child to continue

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13 Isolator example: cgroups memory isolator Unified containerizer Agent Process Container Process Isolator::update() Change cgroup control: memory.limit_in_bytes Sending a new Task to Executor, ‘resources’ of the Executor changes Send Task to Executor

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14 Isolator example: cgroups memory isolator Unified containerizer Agent Process Container Process Isolator::cleanup() Remove the memory cgroup associated with the container Shutdown Executor or kill Task Destroy container Container terminated

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15 Cgroups isolators: cgroups/cpu, cgroups/mem, ... Disk isolators: disk/du, disk/xfs Filesystem isolators: filesystem/posix, filesystem/linux Volume isolators: docker/volume Network isolators: network/cni, network/port_mapping GPU isolators: gpu/nvidia …... and more! Need your contribution! Built-in isolators Unified containerizer

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16 Start from 0.28, you can run your Docker container on Mesos without a Docker daemon installed! ● One less dependency in your stack ● Agent restart handled gracefully, task not affected ● Compose well with all existing isolators ● Easier to add extensions Container image support Unified containerizer

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17 Manage container images ● Store: fetch and cache image layers ● Backend: assemble rootfs from image layers ● E.g., copy, overlayfs, bind, aufs Store can be extended ● Currently supported: Docker, Appc ● Plan to support: CVMFS (join the MesosCon talk!) Provisioner Unified containerizer

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18 message Image { enum Type { DOCKER = 1; APPC = 2; } required Type type; optional Appc appc; optional Docker docker; optional bool cached; message Docker { ... } message Appc { ... } } message TaskInfo { message ContainerInfo { enum Type { DOCKER = 1; MESOS = 2; } message MesosInfo { optional Image image; } required Type type; optional MesosInfo mesos; } optional ContainerInfo container; } Container image framework API Unified containerizer

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19 TaskInfo { ... “container” : { “type” : “MESOS”, “mesos” : { “image” : { “type” : “DOCKER”, “docker” : { “name” : “busybox” } } } } } Example: launch a Docker container w/ unified containerizer Unified containerizer Instead of “DOCKER”, which uses Docker containerizer More details can be found at:

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20 Demo Unified containerizer

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21 Mesos starts to support CNI in 1.0 ● CNI: a container network spec proposed by CoreOS ● Simpler and less dependencies than Docker CNM ● K8s supported it ● Rich plugins from network vendors Main advantages: ● Clear separation between container and network management ● IPAM has its own pluggable interface Container network support Unified containerizer

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22 Existing CNI plugins ● ipvlan ● macvlan ● bridge ● flannel ● calico ● weave ● … CNI Unified containerizer You can write your own plugin, and Mesos supports it!

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23 CNI support in Mesos Unified containerizer mesos-agent --isolation=network/cni message NetworkInfo { optional string name; ... } message TaskInfo { message ContainerInfo { repeated NetworkInfo network_infos; } } More details? Join the CNI talk! Implemented as an isolator.

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24 Support Docker volume plugins from 1.0 ● Define the interface between container runtime and storage provider ● A variety of Docker volume plugins ● Flocker ● Rexray ● Convoy ● Glusterfs ● Ceph Container storage support Unified containerizer

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25 Docker volume support in Mesos Unified containerizer mesos-agent --isolation=docker/volume message Volume { message Source { enum Type { DOCKER_VOLUME = 1; } message DockerVolume { optional string driver; required string name; } optional Type type; optional DockerVolume docker_volume; } optional Source source; } Implemented as an isolator.

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26 Linux capabilities ● Fine-grained access control ● Containers running as root have restricted set of capabilities ● Containers running as non-root can have certain capabilities User namespace ● Full privileges inside the user namespace (e.g., uid=0) ● Normal unprivileged user ID in the host user namespace Container security Unified containerizer

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27 Launcher ● Custom container processes management Isolator ● Extension to the life cycle of a container Provisioner ● New type of images ● Custom fetching and caching Extensions Unified containerizer

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28 ● Containerizer overview ● The unified containerizer ● Motivation ● Pluggable architecture ● Container image ● Container network ● Container storage ● Container security ● Extensions ● Moving forward ● Nested container ● VM support ● Unified fetching and caching ● Better abstraction for isolators Outline

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29 Future: unified containerizer! Make it awesome ● Nested container ● VM support ● Unified fetching and caching ● Better abstraction for isolators Future of containerization in Mesos

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30 Custom executor wants to create sub-containers ● Isolation between sub-containers ● Sub-containers have container images (e.g., Docker) ● When executor dies, sub-containers will be destroyed Use cases: ● K8s on Mesos ● Jenkins on Mesos ● Native POD support Nested container Future work

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31 VM support Future work Motivation and use cases ● More secure containers ● VM workload ● OpenStack integration Possible implementations ● A new containerizer? ● A plugin to unified containerizer? Goal: launching Mesos tasks/executors in VMs

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32 Problems: ● Different ways to fetch URIs and container images ● Cached in different places Pluggable fetcher ● A fetcher for each URI scheme ● Allow URIs with custom scheme ● Fetcher is modularized and can be extended (e.g., p2p) Unified caching ● All artifacts are cached the same way ● Content addressable storage ● Garbage collection ● Pre-fetching support Unified fetching and caching Future work

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33 Problems with the existing abstraction ● Cannot specify dependencies between isolators ● Sharing information between isolators is not possible ● Upgrading isolators in a backward compatible way is hard Potential solutions ● Explicit isolator dependency, both data and control ● Isolator versioning, and version checkpointing ● Isolator registry? Better abstraction for isolators Future work

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34 Unified containerizer ● Container images ● Container network ● Container storage ● Container security ● Pluggable architecture Future: keep improving the unified containerizer! Summary