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@michellesanver Behat+Mink+PhantomJS = TEST ALL THE THINGS* * Maybe not all the things

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@michellesanver WIIIIIIIE \o/ “Learn the most by sharing your knowledge with others” - @coderabbi

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@michellesanver Audience Do you test your application? (With automatic testing not just clicking in a browser)

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@michellesanver I would have a picture of grumpy programmer here, but I didn’t want to pay the royalties.

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@michellesanver “My code is so awesome, I don’t need tests.” - Conference attendee

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@michellesanver Audience Do you use PHPUnit?

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@michellesanver Audience TDD? BDD?

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@michellesanver This talk is entry-level.

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@michellesanver Michelle Sanver

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@michellesanver Michelle Sanver Co-President of PHPWomen

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@michellesanver PHPWomen 30 dollars

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@michellesanver Michelle Sanver Accent(s)!?

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@michellesanver Michelle Sanver

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@michellesanver I’m a backend developer.

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@michellesanver This talk is Open Source

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@michellesanver What is Behat anyway?

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@michellesanver Behat!? Behat is a Behaviour Driven Development framework

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@michellesanver Erm, what is BDD, anyway?

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@michellesanver BDD BDD is clearly defined behaviour and English spoken tests :D

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@michellesanver BDD BDD = TDD + Spices

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@michellesanver Why we chose Behat

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@michellesanver Gherkin Defining your behaviour

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@michellesanver Gherkin Feature: List
 In order to use the shoppinglist
 As a website user
 I need to be able to see the shoppinglist and use its elements
 Scenario: Visit shoppinglist page as anonymous
 Given I am not logged in
 And I am on profile “shopping lists"
 Then I should see “My shopping lists"
 And I should see “I don’t have an M-connect account yet“
 Scenario: See the shoppinglist
 Given I am logged in
 And I am on profile “shopping lists"
 Then I should see "My shopping lists"
 And I should see "I don’t have an M-connect account yet"

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@michellesanver Gherkin: Feature Feature: List
 In order to use the shoppinglist
 As a website user
 I need to be able to see the shoppinglist and use its elements
 Scenario: Visit shoppinglist page as anonymous
 Given I am not logged in
 And I am on profile “shopping lists"
 Then I should see “My shopping lists"
 And I should see “I don’t have an M-connect account yet“
 Scenario: See the shoppinglist
 Given I am logged in
 And I am on profile “shopping lists"
 Then I should see “My shopping lists"
 And I should see “Active lists"

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@michellesanver Gherkin: Scenario Feature: List
 In order to use the shoppinglist
 As a website user
 I need to be able to see the shoppinglist and use its elements
 Scenario: Larry garfield at a conference
 Given I am Larry Garfield
 And I am at a conference
 Then I should wear “Blue shirt”
 And I should wear “Leather vest"
 Scenario: See the shoppinglist
 Given I am logged in
 And I am on profile “shopping lists"
 Then I should see “My shopping lists"
 And I should see “Active lists"

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@michellesanver Gherkin Given, Whens, Thens Scenario: Larry garfield at a conference
 Given I am Larry Garfield
 And I am at a conference
 Then I should wear “Blue shirt”
 And I should wear “Leather vest"

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@michellesanver Gherkin And + But Scenario: Larry garfield at a conference
 Given I am Larry Garfield
 And I am at a conference
 Then I should wear “Blue shirt”
 And I should wear “Leather vest"

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@michellesanver Gherkin: Background Feature: Multiple site support
 Given a global administrator named "Greg"
 And a blog named "Greg's anti-tax rants"
 And a customer named "Wilson"
 And a blog named "Expensive Therapy" owned by "Wilson"
 Scenario: Wilson posts to his own blog
 Given I am logged in as Wilson
 When I try to post to "Expensive Therapy"
 Then I should see "Your article was published."
 Scenario: Greg posts to a client's blog
 Given I am logged in as Greg
 When I try to post to "Expensive Therapy"
 Then I should see "Your article was published."

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@michellesanver Gherkin: Scenario Outlines Scenario: Drink 5 out of 12
 Given there are 12 beers
 When I drink 5 beers
 Then I should have 7 beers
 Scenario: Drink 5 out of 20
 Given there are 20 beers
 When I drink 5 beers
 Then I should have 15 beers

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@michellesanver Gherkin: Scenario Outlines Scenario Outline: Lonestar social
 Given there are beers
 When I drink beers
 Then I should have beers
 | start | drink | left |
 | 12 | 5 | 7 |
 | 20 | 5 | 15 | Keep it DRY

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@michellesanver Gherkin Tagged Hooks (@loggedin etc that we’ve seen)

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@michellesanver Reusable Actions: Steps

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@michellesanver Steps Each keyword (given, when etc.) is a step

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@michellesanver Steps Automatically add steps by accepting context!

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@michellesanver Steps use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;
 use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;
 use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
 class FeatureContext implements SnippetAcceptingContext
 * Initializes context.
 public function __construct()

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@michellesanver Steps: Results Pending

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@michellesanver Steps: Results Failed

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@michellesanver Steps: Results Skipped

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@michellesanver Steps: Results Ambigious

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@michellesanver Steps: Results Reduntant

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@michellesanver Steps: Results Undefined

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@michellesanver SUCCESSFUL \o/ :D

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@michellesanver Hooked on a feeling *bamdabadam* Hooks

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@michellesanver Hooks Suite Hooks

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@michellesanver Hooks Feature Hooks

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@michellesanver Hooks Scenario Hooks

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@michellesanver Hooks Step Hooks

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@michellesanver Hooks /** 
 * @BeforeScenario
 public function before(BeforeScenarioScope $scope)
 if($this->getMink()->getDefaultSessionName() == 'selenium2') {
 $this->getSession()->resizeWindow(1200, 768);
 } else {
 self::$client = $this->getSession(‘symfony2') ->getDriver()->getClient();
 self::$container = self::$client->getContainer();
 self::$guzzle = self::$container->get(‘guzzle.api.client’);

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@michellesanver Tagged hooks /**
 * @BeforeScenario @database,@orm
 public function cleanDatabase()
 // clean database before
 // @database OR @orm scenarios

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@michellesanver Tagged hooks: && /**
 * @BeforeScenario @database&&@fixtures
 public function cleanDatabase()
 // clean database before
 // @database OR @orm scenarios

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@michellesanver Context

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@michellesanver Context Feature How your application behaves Context How to test your application

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@michellesanver Context FeatureContext Class

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@michellesanver Context /**
 * @When I do something with :argument
 public function iDoSomethingWith($argument)
 // do something with $argument

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@michellesanver Context Contact class requirements

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@michellesanver Context: Class requirements 1. The context class should implement the Behat\Behat\Context \Context interface.

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@michellesanver Context: Class requirements 2. The context class should be called FeatureContext.

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@michellesanver Context: Class requirements 3. The context class should be discoverable and loadable by Behat.

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@michellesanver Context Contexts lifetime

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@michellesanver Context lifetime Your context class is initialized before each scenario is run

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@michellesanver Context lifetime 1. Every scenario is isolated from each other scenario’s context.

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@michellesanver Context lifetime 2. Every step in a single scenario is executed inside a common context instance.

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@michellesanver Context Multiple contexts

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@michellesanver Multiple contexts # behat.yml default: suites: default: contexts: - FeatureContext - SecondContext - ThirdContext

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@michellesanver Writing TESTS

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@michellesanver Writing Tests A test only fails if an exception is thrown.

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@michellesanver Writing Tests Write simple tests using PHPUnits assertions.

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@michellesanver Writing Tests But essentially test ANYTHING YOU’D LIKE, just throw exceptions.

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@michellesanver Mink

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@michellesanver Mink Simulate browser behaviour with Mink

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@michellesanver Mink Clicking links!

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@michellesanver Mink // wait for animation
 // get loginlink
 $loginLinkSelector = '.hidden-phone a.login';
 $loginLink = $page->find('css', $loginLinkSelector); 
 // click loginlink

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@michellesanver Mink Drag and drop

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@michellesanver Fixtures and Mocking

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@michellesanver Fixtures and Mocking

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@michellesanver Fixtures and Mocking Any time API responses changed… We cried. :’(

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@michellesanver Fixtures and Mocking PHP VCR Record HTTP interactions!

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@michellesanver PhantomJS Testing JavaScript

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@michellesanver PhantomJS Headless browser

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@michellesanver Selenium Driver PhantomJS is a ghost!

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@michellesanver PhantomJS @javascript
 Scenario: Searching for "tomaten"
 Given I am on "/sortiment/groceries"
 When I search for "tomatoes"
 Then I should see “Your search for tomatoes yielded"

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@michellesanver PhantomJS /**
 * @When I search for :searchterm
 public function iSearchFor($searchterm)

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@michellesanver PhantomJS $session = $this->getSession();
 $page = $session->getPage();
 $searchField = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-input');
 $searchButton = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-btn');
 // Wait until we have a search-title with a length longer than 0.
 "$('.search-title').length > 0"
 $this->saveScreenshot('debugscreenshot.png', self::DEBUGPATH);

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@michellesanver PhantomJS $session = $this->getSession();
 $page = $session->getPage();
 $searchField = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-input');
 $searchButton = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-btn');
 // Wait until we have a search-title with a length longer than 0.
 "$('.search-title').length > 0"
 $this->saveScreenshot('debugscreenshot.png', self::DEBUGPATH);

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@michellesanver PhantomJS $session = $this->getSession();
 $page = $session->getPage();
 $searchField = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-input');
 $searchButton = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-btn');
 // Wait until we have a search-title with a length longer than 0.
 "$('.search-title').length > 0"
 $this->saveScreenshot('debugscreenshot.png', self::DEBUGPATH);

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@michellesanver PhantomJS $session = $this->getSession();
 $page = $session->getPage();
 $searchField = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-input');
 $searchButton = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-btn');
 // Wait until we have a search-title with a length longer than 0.
 "$('.search-title').length > 0"
 $this->saveScreenshot('debugscreenshot.png', self::DEBUGPATH);

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@michellesanver PhantomJS $session = $this->getSession();
 $page = $session->getPage();
 $searchField = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-input');
 $searchButton = $page->find('css', '.hidden-phone .search-btn');
 // Wait until we have a search-title with a length longer than 0.
 "$('.search-title').length > 0"
 $this->saveScreenshot('debugscreenshot.png', self::DEBUGPATH);

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@michellesanver Screenshot comparison Compare image code

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@michellesanver Wrapup

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@michellesanver Behat and Gherkin A BDD Framework with clearly defined behaviours

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@michellesanver Contexts and Steps Steps are your tests living in a context, which contains your logic for testing

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@michellesanver Testing JavaScript Use Mink with a driver, for instance PhantomJS to test dynamic parts of your website.

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@michellesanver Still not mature for CSS and image comparison.

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@michellesanver Behat is Open Source

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@michellesanver Got a bit excited about one Testing Framework for ALL THE THINGS? As developers in an open source community the decision is ours.

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@michellesanver Contribute to my talk!

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@michellesanver Thank you!