• I use gulp-load-plugins for loading Gulp plugins
• it loads all gulp- plugins into an assigned variable
• every time you see $.fooBar, think gulp-foo-bar
allows for fine-tuning and best results
best for a few important photos
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faster and less error-prone
updated images get resized automatically
the code gets huge very quickly
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Image sprites
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Critical CSS
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• criticalCSS or critical
• loadCSS
• critical-path-css-tools
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Remove Unused CSS
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• fires up PhantomJS and extracts used styles
• tricky with web apps, many elements are initially
• possible solution: run it on your pattern library
• additional configuration may be needed
• just give it the root, it will do the rest
• finds assets by following URLs
• it has gajillion features (asset optimizations, spriting,
image processing, revisioning, gzipping…)
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IE6-9 CSS Selector Limit
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Inline Small
Background Images
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Image Processing
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And A Lot More…
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A Good Read
• Improving Smashing Magazine’s Performance: A
Case Study, Vitaly Friedman
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