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Continuous Community Management and Output ~What We Cherished, Successes, and Failures~ 2023/2/25, 2023/3/10 Shun Yoshie(@Typhon666_death)

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目次 Table of Contents 0

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Table of Contents 3 ⬢ Introduction ⬢ History of Community Participatory & Management ⬢ Continuous Community Management ⬢ JAWS-UG Branch Management ⬢ ??? ⬢ Recommended Books

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自己紹介と前置き Introduction 1

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HELLO! I am Shun Yoshie@Security-JAWS. Security Consultant@SIer. AWS Community Hero. You can find me at @typhon666_death . 5

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The original is in Japanese. 6 ⬢ The slides I gave at the DevRel/Japan CONFERENCE 2023 keynote have been translated into English. ⬢ DevRel/Japan CONFERENCE 2023 Keynote info: ⬡ ⬢ Speakerdeck: ⬡ output-what-we-cherished-successes-and-failures ⬢ Slideshare: ⬡

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Talked at DEVREL/JAPAN CONFERENCE 2019 ⬢ Also attended in 2019 ⬢ My first CFP 7

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JAWS-UG 8 ⬢ A group (community) of people who use cloud computing provided by AWS (Amazon Web Services)

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Security-JAWS 9 ⬢ Specialized branch dealing with the theme of AWS x Security in JAWS-UG

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JAWS-UG Nationwide 10 :Branches I currently manage

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DevRel AWS employees who support the growth of the community through organic collaboration DevRel & Community Management Community Management AWS User Group folks ● AWS User Group (Incl JAWS-UG) ● AWS User Group Leader ● AWS Heroes ● AWS Community Builders ● AWS Samurai ● etc 11 ⬢ Relationship of AWS and JAWS-UG Domestic/ Overseas Japan Only

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コミュニティ参加運営の(個人) 歴史 History of Community Participatory & Management 2

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Timeline 14 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2008 2005 Social gathering for 300+ new employees from the same period Attended JAWS FESTA 2014 Tohoku Attended JAWS DAYS 2016 Writed AWS Books Starting Security-JAWS Talked at JAWS DAYS 2018 Attended JAWS DAYS 2020 Awarded AWS Samurai Hosted JAWS SONIC 2020 Awarded AWS CommunityBuilder Talked at AWS Summit Talked at AWS Community APAC 2022 Attendted JAWS DAYS 2013 Join OWASP Japan PR Team Talked at AWS Summit Attended JAWS DAYS 2015 Attended ssmjp Talked at JAWS DAYS 2017 Starting X-Tech JAWS Hosted JAWS DAYS 2019 Awarded AWS Samurai Talked at DEVREL/JAPAN CONFERENCE 2019 Awarded AWS Community Hero Awarded AWS Samurai Attended AWS Summit Hosted JAWS Pankration 2021 Talked at DEVREL/JAPAN CONFERENCE2023 Formed a heavy metal fan club Event Participants Community Manager Title Holder AWS HERO

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Attended the JAWS-UG Events ⬢ JAWS DAYS 2013 (Tokyo) ⬡ The heat of JAWS-UG was amazing ⬢ JAWS FESTA 2014 TOHOKU ⬡ I want multiple colleagues to know about AWS ⬡ Despite being held locally, I was impressed by the scale of the event. 15

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Joined OWASP Japan PR Team 16 ⬢ Joined the first community management in 2015 ⬡ OWASP ZAP ⬡ OWASP Top10 ⬢ Translation and PR of existing tools ⬢ Providing Solutions to Security Issues Surrounding the Web ⬡ the significance of output

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Starting Security-JAWS ⬢ Starting Security-JAWS for the first time in 2016 ⬢ Management started with 10 people ⬡ Gathered by volunteers who like security ⬡ Look at other branches, let's launch! ⬢ We hold the stage offer and the venue ⬢ The real pleasure of management is being able to adjust the session we want to listen to 17 キャンセル待ち150人!Security-JAWS第1回で現場の苦労を見た

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Published the AWS book (Collab works) ⬢ 2016/8/1 release ⬢ 効果的な導入・運用のための Amazon Web Services活用入門/マイナビ出版 ⬢ First output in the form of a book ⬢ Participated in writing by JAWS-UG members at the time 18 products/detail/id=54224 Authors: 石井 大河 (著), 板橋 正之 (著), 内田 学 (著), 大串 肇 (著), 岡本 秀 高 (著), 片山 暁雄 (著), 金春 利幸 (著), 立花 拓也 (著), 得上 竜一 (著), 永 淵 恭子 (著), 中井 勘介 (著), 中丸 良 (著), 新沼 貴行 (著), 西島 幸一郎 (著), 松井 基勝 (著), 山﨑 奈緒美 (著), 吉江 瞬 (著)

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Started X-Tech JAWS ⬢ Started X-Tech JAWS in 2017 ⬡ ***-Tech is collectively called X-Tech. ⬢ Presenting offer to companies using AWS at X-Tech (eg.FinTech, AgriTech, etc) ⬢ Talk about both Biz and Tech ⬢ Have web media people write articles ⬢ New businesses are born from cross-talk between different industries at social gatherings 19

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Led the JAWS DAYS 2019 ⬢ Appointed executive committee chairperson of JAWS-UG's largest event ⬢ 2,400 applied, 2,000 participated ⬢ Incorporating new ideas and achieving everything -> Well-Being ⬢ DevRel is a community-run guardrail and a good partner 20 満漢全席ごちそうさま!おもてなし心にあふれた JAWS DAYS 2019

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Named AWS SAMURAI 2018 ⬢ Consecutive awards in 2019 and 2020 ⬢ Very honored award for me! ⬢ February 23rd is still a special day ⬢ lead to motivation ⬢ 21

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Led the JAWS SONIC 2020 ⬢ In COVID-19, an attempt in the midst of being forced to go online ⬢ All JAWS-UG branches (nearly 80 branches at the time) were invited, and 53 branches participated (?) ⬢ 24 hours non-stop online 66 sessions ⬢ I wanted to do a Festival 23

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Named AWS COMMUNITY HERO ⬢ AWS HERO Awarded in Mar 2021 ⬢ I am very happy that my efforts have been recognized globally. ⬢ The benefits of becoming a HERO are great ⬡ AWS re:Invent free PART ⬡ $2,000 coupon/year ⬡ etc 24 community/heroes/shun-yoshie/ JAWS-UG で僕らの世界は広がった。ふたりの AWS ヒーローによるコミュニティ活用のススメ

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Led the JAWS PANKRATION 2021 ⬢ Interact more with tough engineers from other countries ⬢ I wanted to do a crazy event involving these people ⬢ Simultaneous interpretation by handing out Pocketalk to speakers ⬢ 24-hour non-stop follow-the-sun event 25 JAWS PANKRATION 2021 Up till Down ~振り返り~

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Talked at AWS Summit 2022 ⬢ Panel presentation by AWS HEROES ⬢ Attending with these members ⬡ Serverless Hero x2 ⬡ Data Hero x1 ⬡ Community Hero x2 ⬢ It's fun to be on stage 26

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Closed X-Tech JAWS 27 X-Tech JAWS、僕なりにやりきったので、このコミュニティをたたむことにしました ⬢ Declaration to close X-Tech JAWS within AWS Summit ⬡ I really wanted to continue ⬢ Im burnt out, even with the support of DevRel ⬡ The reason is also written in my blog ⬢ It's hard to reboot a dead community, and even harder to keep going

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Talked at AWS COMMUNITY APAC 2022 ⬢ In an overseas community for the first time ⬡ Participate ⬡ CFP ⬡ Have a stage ⬢ Hero is NOT an honorary position ⬢ New opportunity to go inside out 28 AWS APAC Community Summit 2022に登壇した話

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Attended AWS re:Invent 2022 ⬢ First time in Las Vegas, I met AWSUG members in the world ⬢ I wanted these people to know about JAWS PANKRATION, but I was rejected by CFP ⬢ 29

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I became HERO thanks to the people involved ⬢ Supported by AWSJ/AWS (DevRel) ⬡ They trusted me and gave me a chance ⬢ Supported by Executive Committee & Branch Members ⬡ We could reach the same goal ⬢ Supported from people around me ⬡ To share the event, to output ⬢ I was able to do my own community management 30

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継続的コミュニティマネジメント Continuous Community Management 3

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My way of community management ⬢ community management for the first time in 2015 ⬢ I want to ⬡ create meaningful value ⬡ collaborate profitably ⬢ Reasons for early participation in community management ⬡ Information gathering ⬡ making connections ⬡ Confirm your position 32

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My meaning of existence in the community 33 ⬢ The value created in the community ⬢ what do you want ⬡ to do in the community? ⬡ your community to look like? ⬡ to manage community? ⬡ to hold a study session? ⬡ to provide open source knowledge?

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My continuous community management 1. P-MVV (in the community/myself) 2. Following 3. Community Marketing 4. Branding 5. Feedback and Future Work 6. Output 7. Social Capital 34

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1. P-MVV ⬢ Purpose (Why): ⬢ Mission (What): ⬢ Vision (Where): ⬢ Value (How): 35

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My P-MVV on community (e.g.JAWS-UG) ⬢ Purpose (Why): ⬡ Improving and contributing to the brand of AWS ⬢ Mission (What): ⬡ Increased awareness of JAWS-UG ⬢ Vision (Where): ⬡ Activities in JAWS-UG spread to all over Japan and the world ⬢ Value (How): ⬡ Sharing fun, JAWS-UG Statements 36

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My P-MVV on community (e.g.Security-JAWS) ⬢ Purpose (Why): ⬡ To use AWS more securely ⬢ Mission (What): ⬡ Increased awareness of Security-JAWS ⬢ Vision (Where): ⬡ Continuous transmission and Go global ⬢ Value (How): ⬡ Study sessions, NISC Collab, Interviews, Report creation 37

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JAWS-UG Values (statements) ⬢ Have a fun! ⬢ Make a difference! ⬢ Go global! ⬢ Find new heroes! 38

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(some) contribution confidence dignity impact on others community attribution Community Attribution ⬢ To people before access ⬡ effort to compromise ⬢ To people after access ⬡ Confirmation of standing position ⬡ Importance of following access people ⬡ Opening doors to the community ⬡ Continuously create meaningful value 39 access

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2. Following ⬢ Follow people reaching access ⬢ Follow people reached access ⬡ Encourage continued participation ⬡ Learning output ⬡ Experience output 40 - Through the community, feel the practical benefits of anything - Experiential, technical, social, mental, etc (some) contribution confidence dignity impact on others community attribution access

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3. Community Marketing ⬢ Community self-driven ⬢ Continue holding study sessions ⬢ Support for ongoing activities from AWS ⬢ Exhibit at AWS Summit ⬢ AWS Book publishing ⬢ Weekly Japan AWS user group report ⬢ Review of “aws what's new” (#ohayo_aws) ⬢ Follow-up on JAWS-UG by AWS employees 41 JAWS AWS (some) contribution confidence dignity impact on others community attribution access

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Involving Power ⬢ Planning to involve new people ⬢ Proactive cooperation from others ⬡ Collab with other COMM/organizations ⬡ Collab with speakers and fans ⬡ Large-scale event ⬡ Collab with JAWS-UG other branches ⬡ Collab with AWS Security Department ⬡ JAWS DAYS / JAWS PANKRATION 42 (some) contribution confidence dignity impact on others community attribution access

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Why “Involving Power” ⬢ Building new relationships and trust ⬢ Capture new ideas ⬢ Create opportunities for those involved ⬢ Providing a trigger for inside out 43 - Half of the assigned members are fixed in order to proceed smoothly with the event - Especially distribution infrastructure and operations - Change the other half to create new ideas and opportunities - Especially front-end and PR etc - Discover the next member to become “Find New Heroes” (some) contribution confidence dignity impact on others community attribution access

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“ The behavior will change if the mind changes. Habits change if action changes. Personality will change if the custom changes. The destiny will change if the personality changes. by William James 44

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4. Branding ⬢ Pursuit of originality ⬢ Continuous differentiation ⬡ The difference is filled when it is followed ⬢ Inner Branding and Outer Branding ⬢ (IN) Branding within JAWS-UG and for AWS ⬢ (OUT) External branding ⬡ In JAWS-UG, it feels like everyone who outputs is naturally able to do both branding 45

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5. Feedback and Future Work ⬢ Feedback on what you have done ⬡ Issue: Improvement of questionnaire collection rate ⬡ Differences between domestic and overseas surveys ⬢ Importance of retrospectives ⬢ Next action ⬢ How will it be reflected in community management? 46 Future work becomes the next vision and output

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6. Output ⬢ Reflect the learning gained from experiences such as study groups in expressions and activities ⬡ Event review event ⬡ Take the stage myself ⬡ SNS (Blog, Tweet) 47 /manga/vol11-2/ Hold a retrospective event for the sponsored event (re:Cap, re:Port Back, re:Verse, re:Trospective)

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No Output, No Life. Let's enjoy OUTPUT!! 48 #ssmjp

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Amazon “Our Leadership Principles” ⬢ At AWS COMMUNITY APAC 2022(Thailand), an award was given based on these principals ⬢ The following two winners from Japan: ⬡ Mr. Yamaguchi (Chiba)(DELIVER RESULTS) ⬡ Mr. Matsui (Hamamatsu)(INSIST ON THE HIGHEST STANDARDS) 50 Leadership Principles - About Amazon

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Amazon “Our Leadership Principles” ⬢ It is often said that I practice the following two things ⬢ Bias for Action ⬡ Speed of decision and action ⬢ Think Big ⬡ Branch Management -> JAWS DAYS (on-site big event) -> JAWS SONIC (24H online) -> JAWS PANKRATION (Global / SIS / 24H online) -> ??? 51

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“ Speed matters in business. Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study. We value calculated risk taking. 52 Bias for Action

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“ Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create and communicate a bold direction that inspires results. They think differently and look around corners for ways to serve customers. 53 Think Big

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7. Social Capital 54 ⬢ For Robert David Putnam, social capital refers to ‘features of social organizations, such as networks, norms and trust that facilitate action and cooperation for mutual benefit’.

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Social Capital 55 ⬢ Invisible value (power of connection) ⬢ Repeated accumulation is important for communities and individuals Social Capital Mutual respect Microservice Trustworthy organization Low High Social Capital (some) contribution confidence dignity impact on others community attribution access Norms Trust Network

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Social Capital 56 ⬢ Bonding Social Capital ⬢ Bridging Social Capital ⬡ JAWS-UG is not too blocky, not too loosely coupled (↑)Bonding&Bridging(→)

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As a result of JAWS-UG's continued accumulation of social capital ⬢ Domestic ⬡ A well-known name in the IT community ⬡ Easy to join ⬡ Indiscriminate ⬢ International ⬡ Acclaimed ⬡ Role model 57

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The problem of social capital ⬢ Inherent danger of exclusivity ⬡ conflict between communities ⬡ Racism ⬡ Relationship cracks ⬡ Harassment ⬡ etc. 58

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Expand the xxx of activities ⬢ Field ⬡ Expand your activity space ⬢ Range ⬡ Expand your consciousness space 59 Com A Com B Com C Com D Com E Com F Com A Expanding consciousness space rather than activity space < Emotion Intention Thinking Emotion Intention Thinking

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How can JAWS-UG expand range of activities? ⬢ Have a fun! ⬢ Make a difference! ⬢ Go global! ⬢ Find new heroes! 60 With these two things in mind, we held JAWS PANKRATION 20211120-jaws-pankration-2021-opening-remarks

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“ There are AWS user groups all over the world, and active exchanges are taking place across countries and regions. As one of the worldwide user groups, we are pleased to be able to participate in flat exchanges and contribute to the growth of international user groups. 61 Go global!

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My own “Go global!” ⬢ Held JAWS PANKRATION ⬢ Management was selected from each branch and involved ⬢ Bringing shy Japanese speakers to the global event to lower the threshold ⬢ I also wanted to take the stage overseas and CFP ⬢ There were direct impressions from the participants at the stage in Thailand 62 Go Global Planning SIS Fun Suitable Relief

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“ We believe that you can grow more by taking on the challenge of speaking once rather than participating in 100 study sessions. Through community activities, we share not only the knowledge and experience that each individual has, but also the opportunity for everyone who contributes to JAWS-UG to become a hero. 63 Find new heroes!

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My own “Find new heroes!” ⬢ Newcomers to JAWS-UG ⬡ Students and teachers at High School ⬡ “It was a dream to be on stage at JAWS-UG." ⬡ Global speakers at JAWS PANKRATION ⬢ New people participating in the operation ⬡ Executive committee chair of the next event ⬡ Setting up and running a new branch ⬢ Someone I want to shine next (AWS HEROES candidate!?) 64

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My continuous community management 1. P-MVV (in the community/myself) 2. Following 3. Community Marketing 4. Branding 5. Feedback and Future Work 6. Output 7. Social Capital 65

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JAWS-UGの支部運営 JAWS-UG Branch Management 4

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Continuous Community Management (eg.Security-JAWS) ⬢ Always take in new ideas (originality) ⬡ My goal is to be highly evaluated by all Security-JAWS 67 Initial ⬢ Study sessions ⬢ Collab other branches Until now ● Workshop ● Collab NISC(Gov Org) ● Interview ● Report creation (Japan target) From now ● Report creation (Overseas target) ● ???

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一期一会 Ichigo Ichie (once-in-a-lifetime chance) 5

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A once-in-a-lifetime chance with “people” ⬢ “In our age of complete distraction and our culture of instant gratification, when we often fail to listen, and engage only superficially with our surroundings, each person contains a key that can open the door to attention, harmony with others, and love of life.” ⬢ Cherish every moment ⬢ Don't end with “Ichigo Ichie" 69 chie-Making-Japanese/dp/0143134493

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A once-in-a-lifetime encounter with “chance” ⬢ Chance: What you are experiencing will never happen again ⬡ To be the executive chairperson of JAWS DAYS 2019 ⬡ AWS COMMUNITY APAC 2022 CFP adopted ⬡ Offered as keynote for DevRel/Japan CONFERENCE 2023 ⬢ Reach for opportunities that start with offers ⬡ Easy to refuse, hard to accept ⬢ Participating and experiencing events that you are not good at ⬡ Opportunities for inside out and mind change 70

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推薦図書 Recommended Books 6

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Recommended Books ⬢ Introducing books that were particularly helpful in verbalizing explicit knowledge at this event ⬢ Introducing 3 books together with the book that became the basis of community management 72

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People Powered: How Communities Can Supercharge Your Business, Brand, and Teams ⬢ Jono Bacon (Author) ⬢ Create a place of value for everyone ⬢ Do worthwhile work together ⬢ I've been subconsciously doing what's documented here, and reading the book convinced me 73 978-4-297-12769-5 owered-Communities-Supercharge- Business/dp/1400214882 (EN) (JP)

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手にとるようにわかるブランディング入門 ⬢ 金子 大貴(著)/かんき出版 ⬢ 経営のためのブランディングはコミュニティ でも通じる ⬢ 自分自信のアウトプットと掛け合わせること で、己のブランディングにも活かせられる 74 details/9784761276294 (JP) Since this is an introduction to Japanese branding, I think it would be fine to use something from your own country.

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もし高校野球の女子マネージャーが ドラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら ⬢ 岩崎 夏海(著)/ダイヤモンド社 ⬢ 通称「もしドラ」 ⬢ ドラッカーの「マネジメント(エッセンシャル 版)」× ラノベ ⬢ それを女子高生マネージャーが野球部で実 践し、甲子園にいくストーリー ⬢ マネジメントの入りとしてはベスト 75 details/9784761276294 (JP) A story about a high school girl who read Dragger's management book and strengthened her baseball club. In other words, read Dragger Management.

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AWS COMMUNITY APAC 2022登壇 ⬢ 2015年に初のコミュニティ運営参加 76

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Acknowledgments ⬢ I would like to thank Kohei “MAX” Matsushita (AWS Community Hero) for checking the English translations and helpful discussions. Kohei "Max" Matsushita

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THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at: ⬢ : @typhon666_death ⬢ : typhon666.death ⬢ : Shun Yoshie 78