Slide 50
Slide 50 text
ࠃจࢽ (ࠪಡ͋Γ)
• ௩ӽॣ, ྒྷฏ, ాߒҰ. ఆٛจΛ༻͍ͨจຒΊࠐΈߏ๏, ࣗવݴޠॲཧ Vol. 30 No. 1 (ൃߦ༧ఆ).
ࠃࡍձٞ (ࠪಡ͋Γ)
• Hayato Tsukagoshi, Ryohei Sasano, Koichi Takeda. Comparison and Combination of Sentence
Embeddings Derived from Different Supervision Signals, in Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on
Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2022).
• Hayato Tsukagoshi, Ryohei Sasano, Koichi Takeda. DefSent: Sentence Embeddings using Definition
Sentences, in Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and
the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021).
ࠃձٞ (ࠪಡͳ͠)
• ཅాᠳฏ, ௩ӽॣ, ྒྷฏ, ాߒҰ. ΨεຒΊࠐΈʹجͮ͘จදݱੜ, ݴޠॲཧֶձ ୈ29ճ࣍େձ
(NLP2023) ൃද༧ఆ.
• ௩ӽॣ, ฏඌ, Լກ, ࠤࠀݾ, ྒྷฏ, ాߒҰ. ࣗવݴޠਪͱ࠶ݱثΛ༻͍ͨSplit and Rephraseʹ
͓͚Δੜจͷ্࣭, ݴޠॲཧֶձ ୈ28ճ࣍େձ (NLP2022).
• ௩ӽॣ, ྒྷฏ, ాߒҰ. ఆٛจΛ༻͍ͨจຒΊࠐΈߏ๏, ݴޠॲཧֶձ ୈ27ճ࣍େձ (NLP2021).
• 2023 ຊֶज़ৼڵձ ಛผݚڀһ-DC1 ࠾༻ఆ
• 2023 ໊ݹେֶ༥߹ϑϩϯςΟΞϑΣϩʔೝఆ