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Case Study: Generation of Non-covalent, Pan-KRAS Inhibitors
Copyright © Elix, Inc. All rights reserved.
Problem Setting
KRAS mutations are associated with many cancers, but has poor ligandability. After several decades of work,
covalent inhibitors against KRAS finally reached market. However, covalent inhibitors target only one mutant
(G12C). Therefore, we need non-covalent inhibitors that target multiple mutants.
Image Sources: Fell, J. B. et al., J. Med. Chem., Vol. 63, pp. 6679-6693 (2020), Kim, D. et al., Nature, Vol. 619, pp. 160–166 (2023)
Our input data is only the crystal
structure of Adagrasib with G12C KRAS,
as well as common molecular
descriptors and filters.
Input Data
1. Determine optimal reward function
structure for generative models.
2. Identify generated structures that may
be good candidates.
Study Objectives