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Kotlin Multiplatform: Structure, Versioning and Ci/Cd

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Table of Contents Character Introduction Project Structures How should the players interact? Who are the key players? Versioning CI/CD Pipeline How to automate everything? How to keep track of the players? 01 02 03 04

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Character Introduction 01

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Marco Valentino! ● Graduated with Master’s Degree from University of Illinois Urbana Champaign ● Joined teamLab in April 2019 doing iOS (0.5 years) and Android (1.5 years) development ● Started working with Kotlin Multiplatform since early 2020

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Characters iOS Kotlin Multiplatform Android iOS KMP Android

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Characters iOS Android [iOS Project] [Android Project] [Server] UI Domain Data Data Domain UI

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Characters iOS KMP Android [iOS Project] [Android Project] [Server] UI Domain Data UI [KMP Project]

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Project Structure 02

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Mono-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository]

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Mono-Repository iOS Android [Repository] KMP

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Mono-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository]

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Multi-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository]

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Multi-Repository iOS Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository] KMP

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Multi-Repository iOS Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository] KMP

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Multi-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository]

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Multi-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository]

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Multi-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository] [Cocoapods] [Maven]

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Multi-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository] [Cocoapods] [Maven]

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Multi-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository] [Cocoapods] [Maven] v 0.1 v 0.2

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Multi-Repository iOS KMP Android [Repository] [Repository] [Repository] [Cocoapods] [Maven] v 0.1 v 0.2

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Versioning 03

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- Delegate to Github versioning for releases and pull requests - Use tags for releases - Use commit hashes for snapshots Versioning

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- Delegate to Github versioning for releases and pull requests - Use tags for releases - Use commit hashes for snapshots Versioning git fetch --tags --quiet && git describe --tags --always --first-parent releases: 0.1.0 snapshots: 0.1.0-1-gf4e3f96 [sh]

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latest tag - Delegate to Github versioning for releases and pull requests - Use tags for releases - Use commit hashes for snapshots Versioning git fetch --tags --quiet && git describe --tags --always --first-parent releases: 0.1.0 snapshots: 0.1.0-1-gf4e3f96 # of commits since tag commit hash [sh]

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- Delegate to Github versioning for releases and pull requests - Use tags for releases - Use commit hashes for snapshots Versioning environment { VERSION = sh([script:’git fetch --tags --quiet && git describe --tags --always --first-parent’, returnStdout:true]).trim() ... } [CI/CD: Jenkinsfile] allprojects { version = System.getenv(“VERSION”) ... } [KMP: root/build.gradle]

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CI/CD Pipeline 04

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Goals for Ci/Cd Versioning System Push Artifacts to a Repository Maven for Android, Cocoapods for iOS Releases for tags, Snapshots for Pull Requests Parallel Builds Run platform specific tasks on different nodes 01 02 03 Hosted on private Github repository Do not use other package managers (Github Packages, Bintray, ect.) 04

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Ci/Cd Pipeline Setup Lint Test Publish Assemble Report

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Ci/Cd Pipeline Setup Lint Test Publish Assemble Report

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Create place to store artifacts locally /artifacts/maven for Android /artifacts/cocoapods for iOS Add gradle tasks to create necessary artifacts 01 02 Artifacts Overview

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Artifacts plugins { apply(“maven-publish”) ... } ... publishing { repositories { maven(“${project.rootDir}/artifacts/maven”) } } [KMP: build.gradle] Android ./gradlew publishKotlinMultiplatformPublicationToMavenRepository ./gradlew publishAndroidDebugPublicationToMavenRepository ./gradlew publishAndroidReleasePublicationToMavenRepository [sh]

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Create ‘iosmodule’ module Add gradle tasks to create universal framework Setup Cocoapods Repo Add gradle tasks to create podspec 01 02 03 04 Artifacts iOS

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Create ‘iosmodule’ module Add gradle tasks to create universal framework Setup Cocoapods Repo Add gradle tasks to create podspec 01 02 03 04 Artifacts iOS

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Artifacts kotlin { ... configure(listOf(iosArm64(), iosX64()) { binaries.framework { ... cinterop settings ... export(“::module1”) export(“::module2”) ... } } ... } [KMP: iosmodule/build.gradle] iOS - Creating an ‘iosmodule’ module

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Artifacts kotlin { ... sourceSets { val commonMain by getting { dependencies { api(“::module1”) api(“::module2”) ... } } ... } ... } [KMP: iosmodule/build.gradle] iOS - Creating an ‘iosmodule’ module

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Create ‘iosmodule’ module Add gradle tasks to create universal framework Setup Cocoapods Repo Add gradle tasks to create podspec 01 02 03 04 Artifacts iOS

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Artifacts kotlin { val frameworkName = “common” val artifactsDir = rootDir.resolve(“artifacts/cocoapods”) val debugFramework = tasks.create("debugFramework", FatFrameworkTask::class) { baseName = frameworkName destinationDir = artifactsDir.resolve("debug") from( iosArm64.binaries.getFramework("DEBUG"), iosX64.binaries.getFramework("DEBUG") ) } } [KMP: iosmodule/build.gradle] iOS - Create gradle task to build framework

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Create ‘iosmodule’ module Add gradle tasks to create universal framework Setup Cocoapods Repo Add gradle tasks to create podspec 01 02 03 04 Artifacts iOS

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Artifacts iOS - Setup Cocoapods Repo

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Create ‘iosmodule’ module Add gradle tasks to create universal framework Setup Cocoapods Repo Add gradle tasks to create podspec 01 02 03 04 Artifacts iOS

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Artifacts iOS - Generate Podspec do |spec| = "" spec.version = "" spec.license = "" spec.homepage = "" spec.authors = "" spec.summary = "" spec.source = { :git => ', :branch => '' } spec.platform = :ios, "" spec.vendored_frameworks = 'cocoapods/debug/.framework' spec.static_framework = true spec.libraries = "c++", "sqlite3", ... spec.module_name = "#{}_umbrella" spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'ios_x64', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphoneos*]' => 'ios_arm' ... } end [Podspec]

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Artifacts iOS - Generate Podspec val generatePodspec = tasks.create("generatePodspec") { val podspecText = “”” do |spec| = "" spec.version = "$version" spec.license = "" spec.homepage = "" spec.authors = "" spec.summary = "" spec.source = { :git => '’, :branch => '$version' } spec.platform = :ios, "" spec.vendored_frameworks = 'cocoapods/debug/$frameworkName.framework' spec.static_framework = true spec.libraries = "c++", "sqlite3", ... spec.module_name = "#{}_umbrella" spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'ios_x64', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphoneos*]' => 'ios_arm' ... } end “””.trimIndent() artifactsDir.resolve(".podspec”).writeText(podspecText) } [KMP: iosmodule/build.gradle]

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Artifacts iOS - Generate Podspec val generatePodspec = tasks.create("generatePodspec") { val podspecText = “”” do |spec| = "" spec.version = "$version" spec.license = "" spec.homepage = "" spec.authors = "" spec.summary = "" spec.source = { :git => '’, :branch => '$version' } spec.platform = :ios, "" spec.vendored_frameworks = 'cocoapods/debug/$frameworkName.framework' spec.static_framework = true spec.libraries = "c++", "sqlite3", ... spec.module_name = "#{}_umbrella" spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'ios_x64', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphoneos*]' => 'ios_arm' ... } end “””.trimIndent() artifactsDir.resolve(".podspec”).writeText(podspecText) } [KMP: iosmodule/build.gradle]

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Artifacts iOS - Generate Podspec val generatePodspec = tasks.create("generatePodspec") { val podspecText = “”” do |spec| = "" spec.version = "$version" spec.license = "" spec.homepage = "" spec.authors = "" spec.summary = "" spec.source = { :git => '’, :branch => '$version' } spec.platform = :ios, "" spec.vendored_frameworks = 'cocoapods/debug/$frameworkName.framework' spec.static_framework = true spec.libraries = "c++", "sqlite3", ... spec.module_name = "#{}_umbrella" spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'ios_x64', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphoneos*]' => 'ios_arm' ... } end “””.trimIndent() artifactsDir.resolve(".podspec”).writeText(podspecText) } [KMP: iosmodule/build.gradle]

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Artifacts stage(‘Artifacts’) { parallel { stage(‘Android’) { steps { node(label: 'android') { sh "./gradlew publishKotlinMultiplatformPublicationToMavenRepository" sh "./gradlew publishAndroidDebugPublicationToMavenRepository" sh "./gradlew publishAndroidReleasePublicationToMavenRepository" stash(name: 'androidArtifacts', includes: '**/artifacts/maven/**') } stage(‘Ios’) { steps { node(label: 'ios') { sh "./gradlew universalFramework” sh "./gradlew generateCocoapodsFile” stash(name: 'iosArtifacts', includes: '**/artifacts/cocoapods/**') } } } } } [CI/CD: Jenkinsfile] KMP

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Push artifacts to GitHub 01 Publish Overview Run Cocoapod commands 02

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Push artifacts to GitHub 01 Publish Overview Run Cocoapod commands 02

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Publish plugins { id("org.ajoberstar.git-publish") version "3.0.0" } extensions.getByType().run { repoUri.set() branch.set("$version") commitMessage.set("Release $version") contents { from("artifacts") } } [KMP: build.gradle.kts] - Use Gradle-Git-Publish plugin (

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Push artifacts to GitHub 01 Publish Overview Run Cocoapod commands 02

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Publish pod repo remove || true pod repo add pod repo push artifacts/cocoapods/.podspec [sh] - Add Cocoapods commands (

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Publish stage(‘Publish’) { unstash 'androidArtifacts' unstash 'iosArtifacts' sh ``` ./gradle gitPublishPush pod repo remove || true pod repo add pod repo push artifacts/cocoapods/.podspec ``` } [CI/CD: Jenkinsfile]

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Thanks for listening!

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik Credits!