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Pushing the Envelope With iOS 10 Notifications CocoaConf Chicago | April 2017 by Ellen Shapiro @designatednerd | |

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Kinds of Notifications We Use Push Notifications

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Kinds of Notifications We Use Push Notifications Silent Push Notifications

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Kinds of Notifications We Use Push Notifications Silent Push Notifications Geofenced Notifications

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Kinds of Notifications We Use Push Notifications Silent Push Notifications Geofenced Notifications Time/Date Scheduled Notifications

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Ye Olde and Busted Way Push notifications and local notifications are totally different classes, with totally different paths

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Kinds of Notifications We Use Push Notifications remote Silent Push Notifications remote Geofenced Notifications local Time/Date Scheduled Notifications local

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Ye Olde and Busted Way Push notifications and local notifications are totally different classes, with totally different paths Remote notifications can't be updated by the system

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Ye Olde and Busted Way Push notifications and local notifications are totally different classes, with totally different paths Remote notifications can't be updated once received If you send things which change remotely, you have to send one kajillion separate notifications

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Ye Olde and Busted Way Push notifications and local notifications are totally different classes, with totally different paths Remote notifications can't be updated once received If you send things which change remotely, you have to send one kajillion* separate notifications *-rough estimate

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What Changed?

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Ye Awesome Neue Way A Notification is a Notification is a Notification

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Ye Awesome Neue Way A Notification is a Notification is a Notification Notification extensions can grab additional content like images and videos from remote notifications

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Ye Awesome Neue Way A Notification is a Notification is a Notification Notification extensions can grab additional content like images and videos from remote notifications Remote notifications can have unique identifiers and be updated rather than having to send separate notifications.

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Other helpful changes Notifications received while the app is in the foreground can be shown using system UI

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Other helpful changes Notifications received while the app is in the foreground can be shown using system UI Local/Remote notification handling delegate methods are now combined

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Other helpful changes Notifications received while the app is in the foreground can be shown using system UI Local/Remote notification handling delegate methods are now combined (and no longer on UIApplicationDelegate)

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Other helpful changes Notifications received while the app is in the foreground can be shown using system UI Local/Remote notification handling delegate methods are now combined (and no longer on UIApplicationDelegate*) *mostly

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Other annoying changes I really hope you like extensions

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Other annoying changes I really hope you like extensions A couple bits are still in the UIApplicationDelegate

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Other annoying changes I really hope you like extensions A couple bits are still in the UIApplicationDelegate Threading? ¯\_(ϑ)_/¯

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Other annoying changes I really hope you like extensions A couple bits are still in the UIApplicationDelegate Threading? ¯\_(ϑ)_/¯ Simultaneous support of old and busted with the new hotness is REAL obnoxious.

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Stupid Swift Tricks

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Sweet Swift Tricks

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Protocol Oriented Programming

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iOS 9

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iOS 10

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Even iOS 10-ier

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God help me, it's a live DEMO

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What Do You Need To Do? 1. Use the UNNotifications framework

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What Do You Need To Do? 1. Use the UNNotifications framework 2. Create A Framework For Shared Elements

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What Do You Need To Do? 1. Use the UNNotifications framework 2. Create A Framework For Shared Elements 3. Create a Notification Service Extension

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What Do You Need To Do? 1. Use the UNNotifications framework 2. Create A Framework For Shared Elements 3. Create a Notification Service Extension 4. Create a Notification Content extension (needs the UserNotificationsUI framework)

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What Do You Need To Do? 1. Use the UNNotifications framework 2. Create A Framework For Shared Elements 3. Create a Notification Service Extension 4. Create a Notification Content extension (needs the UserNotificationsUI framework) 5. Start begging working on convincing your Product team to drop iOS 9 support.

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Teh Codez! (Updated for Xcode 8.3.2!) iOS10NotificationSample

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WWDC Sessions! → WWDC 2016 Session 707 - Introduction to Notifications videos/play/wwdc2016/707/ → WWDC 2016 Session 708 - Advanced Notifications: wwdc2016/708/

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Links! → iOS 10 API Diff: library/prerelease/content/releasenotes/ General/iOS10APIDiffs/ → iOS 10 By Tutorials Preview: https:// → Castro's use of Notifications: https:// podcast-triage-through-rich-notifications/

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Parrots! courtesy of