Translation System
• Exactly, yes.
• But someone could understand English well,
they don’t need the system.
• English only speakers need translation
system from Japanese => English.
• I know… BUT….
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Translation is expensive.
if we have set up
translation system, we need
3 million yen / 30 k USD
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Let’s Poll
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Why is JSConf
JP ticket so
cheap compare
to other JSConf?
is it sustainable?
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Cheap? or Expensive?
• Japanese some developers tell me "oh 8000
yen?! a little bit expensive than others".
• International organizers like JSConf asia, EU,
"pretty cheap!".
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Let’s Poll
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How do you feel the
difference between EU and
JP tech community?
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Japanese ? / European ?
• My feeling is a little bit diligent in Japanese
• We would like to break the difference but
language barrier is pretty higher than my
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Do Japanese developers
have better English skill
than other jobs? How good
is their skill? (No offfend)
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No content
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What is the key message
you want to deliver to
participants through the
conference as an organizer?
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Key message?
• Our motto: "To Be Global, To Be Inclusive"
• I really would like our attendees to make lots
of new international friends.
• AND if you have some troubles on your dev,
feel free to ask the troubles to our speakers.
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Do you think the
community should be small
and segregated? Or do you
think you should become
one big JS community?
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Small conf vs Big conf
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Let’s Poll
Slide 18
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How many JS communities
are there like CorkJS in the
EU? https://
Slide 19
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Do you have any plans for
the "next" JSConf EU?
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should have some lights at
room C after sunset.
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Sorry / ͝ΊΜͳ͍͞
• We have 350 CFPs, we would like to
introduce lots of talks as we could.
• We have requested new room but we could
not get, we have changed the RoofTop as a
new room.
• That is not so good idea for everyone …
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Do you have any metrics
that your conferences chase
to improve?
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• We have measured "satisfaction level" by
• BUT I am focusing on "quolitative attendees
voice". We are collecting the voice from
twitter/enquete/facebook/hatena etc.
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I'd like to know how many
international attendees join
this event.
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We don’t have the data, but
our feeling is
• 60% Japanese, 40% International :
Receptionist voice.
• Our philosophy is: Be Global, Be Inclusive,
That is good balance for Japanese
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How to join organizer
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• Please tell me!!!!
• We need lots of members AND we need
Project Manager role….
• We have a leader ( me :) ), we have lots of
great staff. But tastlist maintenance is not so
good at us …
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Will JavaScript, after
adding strict data types and
non-JIT compiler, be one
day execute as fast as C++?
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Javascript in the next 10
years? I work on a project
with 50 year lifetime, but
what will become of
JavaScript and various
frameworks in next 10
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Are there any goals for the
JS community as a whole,
like Ruby’s 3x3
performance goal?
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JSConf.JP next ??
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JSConf.JP next
• We will hold next event on September 2020
• TC39 will hold the meeting on Tokyo.
• We will collaborate with TC39!