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ᇌ KIBA ETL Past, present & future of data processing with Ruby RubyKaigi 2018 - Thibaut Barrère (France), independent consultant [email protected] /

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KIBA ETL? lightweight, generic data processing framework for Ruby initially released in 2015 & now at v2.

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Kiba == Fang (scrunch your data)

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Back in time Why was Kiba ETL created?

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2006 ❤ activewarehouse-etl Thanks Anthony Eden! (now founder at DNSimple)

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source :in, { :file => 'extracted/crm-changes.csv', :parser => :delimited, :skip_lines => 1 }, [:first_name, :last_name] after_read :ensure_fields_presence, { :fields => fields } transform(:id_partenaire) { |n,v,r| some_computation } destination :out, { :file => output_file, :include_headers => true, :separator => ";" }

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transform(:email_provider) do |name, value, row| row.fetch(:email).downcase.split('@').last end transform :email_provider, :default, :default_value => 'Unknown' before_write do |r| r[:email_provider] =~ /Hotmail/ ? nil : r end

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before_write do |r| position, status = geocode_with_redis_cache(row) row[:geocoding_status] = status row[:latitude] = position.latitude row[:longitude] = position.longitude row end

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$ etl my_etl_script.etl

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Use cases 2006-2012 Extract CSV data from a ($$$) CRM Import to MySQL (low-cost Business Intelligence) Geocode & export to "nearby search" Rails app IBAN validation & export to COBOL back-end More details available in RuLu 2012 talk1 1 See Youtube video & SpeakerDeck slides

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2011 Took over maintenance

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ETL::Parser::Parser: SaxParser, FixedWidthParser, NokogiriXmlParser, XmlParser, ExcelParser, CsvParser ETL::Processor::Processor: FtpUploaderProcessor, FtpDownloaderProcessor, EscapeCsvProcessor, ZipFileProcessor, SftpDownloaderProcessor, SftpUploaderProcessor, ImapattachmentDownloaderProcessor, EncodeProcessor, TruncateProcessor, BulkImportProcessor, Pop3attachmentDownloaderProcessor ETL::Processor::RowProcessor: BlockProcessor, EnsureFieldsPresenceProcessor, DatabaseJoinProcessor, RequireNonBlankProcessor, CopyFieldProcessor, SequenceProcessor, PrintRowProcessor, SurrogateKeyProcessor, FilterRowProcessor, CheckExistProcessor, HierarchyExploderProcessor, CheckUniqueProcessor, RenameProcessor ETL::Transform: StringToDateTimeTransform, DateToStringTransform, HierarchyLookupTransform, SplitFieldsTransform, DecodeTransform, StringToTimeTransform, Sha1Transform, TypeTransform, OrdinalizeTransform, BlockTransform, StringToDateTransform, Md5Transform, CalculationTransform, TrimTransform, ForeignKeyLookupTransform Source: ModelSource, DatabaseSource, FileSource Destination: CsvDestination, ExcelDestination, YamlDestination, DatabaseDestination, InsertUpdateDatabaseDestination, UpdateDatabaseDestination, FileDestination

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module ETL #:nodoc: module Parser #:nodoc: # Parses CSV files class CsvParser < ETL::Parser::Parser # Initialize the parser # * source: The Source object # * options: Hash of options for the parser, defaults to an empty hash def initialize(source, options={}) super configure end attr_reader :validate_rows def get_fields_names(file) do |input| fields = CSV.parse(input.readline, options).first new_fields = [] fields.each_with_index do |field,index| # compute the index of occurrence of this specific occurrence of the field (usually, will be 1) occurrence_index = fields[0..index].find_all { |e| e == field }.size number_of_occurrences = fields.find_all { |e| e == field }.size new_field = field + (number_of_occurrences > 1 ? "_#{occurrence_index}" : "") new_fields << end return new_fields end end # Returns each row. def each Dir.glob(file).each do |file| ETL::Engine.logger.debug "parsing #{file}" if fields.length == 0 ETL::Engine.logger.debug "no columns specified so reading names from first line of #{file}" @fields = get_fields_names(file) end line = 0 lines_skipped = 0 CSV.foreach(file, options) do |raw_row| if lines_skipped < source.skip_lines ETL::Engine.logger.debug "skipping line" lines_skipped += 1 next end line += 1 row = {} validate_row(raw_row, line, file) if self.validate_rows raw_row.each_with_index do |value, index| f = fields[index] row[] = value end yield row end end end # Get an array of defined fields def fields @fields ||= [] end private def validate_row(row, line, file) ETL::Engine.logger.debug "validating line #{line} in file #{file}" if row.length != fields.length raise_with_info( MismatchError, "The number of columns from the source (#{row.length}) does not match the number of columns in the definition (#{fields.length})", line, file ) end end def configure @validate_rows = if source.configuration.has_key?(:validate_rows) source.configuration[:validate_rows] else true end source.definition.each do |options| case options when Symbol fields << when Hash fields <<[:name]) else raise DefinitionError, "Each field definition must either be a symbol or a hash" end end end class Field #:nodoc: attr_reader :name def initialize(name) @name = name end end end end end

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Photo Credit: National Fire Protection Association

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2013 - Maintenance stopped Too many features Yet, features lacking flexibility Custom components complicated to implement Costly to maintain (code + CI)

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But I still have data processing needs! source transform transform transform destination and that row-based DSL syntax is really great for maintenance

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2008 TinyTL (a tiny ETL) Clean-room implementation Minimalistic (113 lines total) 2 small production apps

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2015 Kiba ETL v0.5.0 Lightweight. Flexible (write your own components) Simple assumptions (PORO) Standalone (no ActiveRecord dependency) Strong focus on documentation & articles Easy to "keep alive" as a maintainer

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5 keywords only pre_process source transform destination post_process

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source CSVSource, filename: 'data/extract.csv', csv_options: { col_sep: ';', encoding: 'ISO-8859-1:UTF-8' } transform MyLookup, config: { xxx } transform do |row| { siren: row.fetch('SIREN'), libapen: row.fetch('LIBAPEN') } end destination CSVDestination, filename: 'data/output.csv'

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Source def initialize(*args) def each (yields N rows)

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class CSVSource def initialize(options) @filename = options.fetch(:filename) @csv_options = options.fetch(:csv_options) end def each CSV.foreach(@filename, @csv_options) do |row| yield(row) end end end

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Transform (as class) def initialize(*args) def process(row) (returns 1 or 0 row) Transform (as block) transform { |row| xxx } (returns 1 or 0 row)

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Destination def initialize(*args) def write(row) (writes 1 row) def close

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class CSVDestination def initialize(filename:, csv_options: {}, headers:) @filename = filename @csv_options = csv_options @headers = headers end def write(row) @csv ||=, 'wb', csv_options) @headers ||= row.keys @headers_written ||= (csv << headers ; true) csv << row.fetch_values(*@headers) end def close @csv&.close end end

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2015-2018 Numerous production uses Almost no core changes to Kiba Components easy to author & maintain "Long Term Support" of gem possible as solo dev

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Sustainable project evolution

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#1 Micro-batches < 50k rows per job Very near realtime sync

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Push mode

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Pull mode (with push notify)

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Don't shell out from HTTP or Sidekiq ❌ ❌ ❌ def perform system("kiba my-import-job.etl") end ❌ ❌ ❌

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Use the Programmatic API (e.g call from Sidekiq2) class PartnersUploadProcessorWorker include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(options) job = Kiba.parse do source CSVSource, filename: options.fetch('filename') transform ... transform ... transform ... destination SQLUpsert, connection: SEQUEL_DB, table: xxx end end end 2 Kiba ETL Wiki: Considerations for running Kiba jobs programmatically

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Extract the job declaration module ETL module SyncPartners module_function def setup(source_file, sequel_connection, logger) Kiba.parse do source transform transform transform destination end end end end

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#2 Multistep batch processing (enterprise data aggregation) N different ERP systems (1 per SaaS client) Different extraction methods Different input formats (fields & data) Target: a single, common schema

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Keep things simple (cron + bash) #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e bundle exec kiba common/s3_downloader.etl bundle exec kiba client_acme/extractor.etl bundle exec kiba client_acme/transformer.etl bundle exec kiba common/api_uploader.etl bundle exec kiba common/cleaner.etl

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Amazon S3 = inbox Email from ERP (CSV/XLSX) -> Amazon SES -> S3 ERP -> SFTP export -> S3 Capybara -> XLSX download from ERP -> S3

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Pre-extraction from S3 to local file system Generic local download step (Kiba script) Move from /unprocessed to /processed S3 lifecycle rules to ensure data removal config = { aws_region: ENV.fetch('ACME_CORP_AWS_REGION'), aws_bucket: ENV.fetch('ACME_CORP_AWS_BUCKET'), aws_kms_key_id: ENV.fetch('ACME_CORP_AWS_KMS_KEY_ID') } source ETL::S3::ListObjects, config transform ETL::S3::Downloader

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Amazon S3 = message passing between machines (scalability!)

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Keep things DRY & enforce re-use Sources, transforms, destinations "Meta-transforms" Steps (whole Kiba scripts)

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Actual components re-use between pipelines module DSLExtensions module DefaultValue def default_value(field, default_value) transform do |row| value = row.fetch(field) row.merge(field => value.blank? ? default_value : value) end end end end extend DSLExtensions::DefaultValue default_value :some_field, 'Unknown'

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More actual components re-use between pipelines AddTimestamps DefaultValue EnforceValuesChoice RenameField HashLookup RaiseOnBlanks RemapBoolean (more...)

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#3 Automation of internal tasks

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source ETL::Sources::HTTPPaginatingFetcher, base_url: bank_base_url, headers: { Authorization: bank_auth } assert_equal :content_type, 'application/json' transform { |r| r.fetch(:body) } transform { |r| JSON.parse(r) } transform { |r| r.fetch('transactions') } transform Kiba::Common::Transforms::EnumerableExploder assert_equal 'currency', 'EUR' # SNIP destination Kiba::Pro::Destinations::SQLUpsert, database: ENV.fetch('DATABASE_URL'), unique_key: :fit_id, table: :bank_transactions

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source ETL::Sources::OFXSource, dir_pattern: "files/*.ofx" transform do |row| { fit_id: row.fit_id, memo: row.memo, name:, posted_at: row.posted_at.to_date, amount: row.amount } end destination Kiba::Pro::Destinations::SQLUpsert, database: ENV.fetch('DATABASE_URL'), unique_key: :fit_id, table: :bank_transactions

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Source = PDF files

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PDF download & transform pre_process do system!("wget -A pdf ...") end source Kiba::Common::Enumerable, -> { Dir["downloads/*.pdf"] } transform { |r| { filename: r } } transform PDFToText, :filename_key => :filename # SNIP - extraction, verification destination CSVDestination, file: 'vat_rates.csv'

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class PDFToText def initialize(filename_key, content_key, pdftotext_args) @filename = filename_key @content = content_key @pdftotext_args = pdftotext_args end def process(row) cmd = "pdftotext #{@pdftotext_args} #{row[@filename]} -" output = system_with_output!(cmd) row[@content] = output row end end

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#4 Big rewrites & data migrations

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Use MiniTest & Sequel for "data screens" class Screens < ETL::BaseTest def test_well_known_record amount = db[:orders].where(id: 12456).amount_with_vat assert_equal 100.27, amount end def test_counts count = db[:orders].count assert_in_delta(230_000, count, 10_000) end def test_states states = db[:orders]'state') assert_equal ['complete', 'pending'], states end end

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Key takeaways from data migrations Use "Bulk insert" (Kiba Pro, Sequel, ...) Use deterministic ids & reset sequence Bypass ActiveRecord validations validate_uniqueness_of :email, unless: -> { @etl_running } Work on a data subset for iteration Measure & optimize continuously Use screens to test specific & global data

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Why Kiba v2? mostly a drop-in replacement

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class XMLSource def initialize(...) @dir_pattern = dir_pattern end def each Dir[@dir_pattern].sort.each do |file| doc = Nokogiri::XML(IO.binread(file))'/invoices/invoice').each do |item| yield(item) end end end end

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class CSVSource def initialize(...) @dir_pattern = dir_pattern end def each Dir[@dir_pattern].sort.each do |file| CSV.foreach(file, csv_options) do |row| yield(row) end end end end

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Kiba v2 "StreamingRunner" def transform_stream(stream, t) do |y| stream.each do |input_row| returned_row = t.process(input_row) do |yielded_row| y << yielded_row end y << returned_row if returned_row end end end ❤ Ruby's Enumerator

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v2 transforms can yield N rows, not just sources More components re-use + more composition class EnumerableExploder def process(row) row.each { |item| yield(item) } nil end end source DirectoryLister, dir_pattern: '*.csv' transform XMLReader transform XMLSearcher, selector: '/invoices/invoice' transform EnumerableExploder

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Happy with current data processing toolkit Kiba (core, OSS) Kiba Common (extra generic components, OSS) Kiba Pro (fast SQL, S3, profilers...) Tons of gems for pretty much any format

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More performance available soon TruffleRuby Ruby 2.6.0 JIT improvements GIL & Guilds

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Ruby ETL performance trend4 4

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Data + Ruby = ❤ Great asset for data enterprise glue Efficient code reuse between data pipelines Components can be tested quite easily (PORO) Wealth of libraries to tap into Raw speed (single threaded) good & improving Concurrency story will improve too!