Slide 18
Slide 18 text
©2018 VMware, Inc.
Key values
➢ Avoiding double encapsulation and bypassing node TCP/IP stack
➢ Service type Load Balancer is realized automaticallyas NSX Virtual Server
➢ Admin Firewall policyenforced per service, per cluster, or across all clusters
➢ Distributed Firewall and Distributed Intrusion Detection Systemper Pod
➢ Reliableegress source IP address per OCP Project and per Service
➢ Mix of private and routed subnets per OpenShift Project
➢ Single pane of glass for OpenShift, Kubernetes, VM , and BM workload
➢ Network Qualityof Service, Multicast Routing, VRF
➢ Service Insertion to redirect traffic between Pods to third party security appliance
➢ Visibilityand Troubleshooting tools like NSX Traceflow, IPFIX, Port Mirroring, vRNI