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@Library() Code reuse Unification over a bunch of repos Credentials encapsulation Usability improvements Custom output Custom build configuration format

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3 CODE REUSE Helpers def addDelimiter = { message -> lineLength = 80 line = “=“ * lineLength + “\n” return line + + “\n” + line } def emailSuccess = { … } def emailFailure = { … }

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4 CREDENTIALS ENCAPSULATION Public resources with shared credentials def promoteArtifact() { artifact, environment -> … } def gitClone() {} Environment provisioning def provisionCapacityTestEnv = { projectLabel -> … }

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5 USABILITY IMPROVEMENTS General automation def unsealVault = { params.secKey1, params.secKey2 -> withCredentials ([ string(credentialsId: 'jenkinsKey', variable: ‘SECKEY3’) ]) { … }

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6 USABILITY IMPROVEMENTS Popular common caveat #1 @Library(‘my-pretty-cool-lib@master’) _ 
 def version = ${param.libVersion} == null ? “master” : ${param.libVersion} def lib = (“my-cool-lib” + version).toString() library(lib)

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@Library(‘wolox-ci’) Language agnostic, initially written for RoR Lightweight TravisCI port to Jenkins :) Simple to get onboard Hard to propagate and support Out of the box connectors to Postgres, Redis, MongoDB
 ElasticSearch, MS Sql

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8 PAIN Pain cause #!/bin/bash +x set -e # Remove unnecessary files echo -e "\033[34mRemoving unnecessary files...\033[0m" rm -f log/*.log &> /dev/null || true &> /dev/null rm -rf public/uploads/* &> /dev/null || true &> /dev/null # Build Project echo -e "\033[34mBuilding Project...\033[0m" docker-compose --project-name=${JOB_NAME} build # Prepare test database COMMAND="bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate" echo -e "\033[34mRunning: $COMMAND\033[0m" docker-compose --project-name=${JOB_NAME} run \ -e RAILS_ENV=test web $COMMAND # Run tests COMMAND="bundle exec rspec spec" echo -e "\033[34mRunning: $COMMAND\033[0m" unbuffer docker-compose --project-name=${JOB_NAME} run web $COMMAND # Run rubocop lint COMMAND="bundle exec rubocop app spec -R --format simple" echo -e "\033[34mRunning: $COMMAND\033[0m" unbuffer docker-compose --project-name=${JOB_NAME} run -e RUBYOPT="-Ku" web $COMMAND

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9 PAIN MITIGATOR Solution --- config: dockerfile: .woloxci/Dockerfile project_name: some-project-name services: - postgresql - redis steps: analysis: - bundle exec rubocop -R app spec --format simple - bundle exec rubycritic --path ./analysis --minimum-score 80 --no-browser setup_db: - bundle exec rails db:create - bundle exec rails db:schema:load test: - bundle exec rspec security: - bundle exec brakeman --exit-on-error audit: - bundle audit check --update environment: RAILS_ENV: test GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: a GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: b LANG: C.UTF-8

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10 UNDER THE COVER Project Configuration Docker configuration Integration presets

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@Library(‘wolox-ci’) PROS Simple to get onboard Good integration pattern Require minimal unsafe script approvals CONS No YAML validation Dynamic step count visualization issue Shell-command style orientation No Windows/Powershell support

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@Library(‘wcm-io’) For Java/mvn projects with js/npm support Host deploy oriented (no containers support) Excellently documented Pretty interesting set of features Community-oriented (Adobe Experience Manager) Large number of installation

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13 FEATURES Presumed infrastructure • - Jenkins Instance • - Git Server • - Sonatype Nexus artifact server • - NPM repository • - Ruby bundler repository Concepts • Auto provide credentials (no worries, only Jenkins credential ids, not the credential itself) (see Credentials) • Auto provide maven settings (see ManagedFiles) • configure each job the same way (see ConfigStructure) • log and see the things you are interested in (see Logging)

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14 FEATURES Extended Logging @Library ('pipeline-library') pipelineLibrary import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.logging.* Logger.init(steps, LogLevel.INFO) Logger log = new Logger(this)"This is an info log from the pipeline library") [Pipeline] echo [INFO] WorkflowScript : This is an info log from the pipeline library [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS

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15 CONFIG Configuration example Map config = [ (SCM): [ (SCM_URL): 'git@git.yourcompany.tld:group/project.git' ], (TOOLS): [ [ (TOOL_NAME): 'apache-maven3', (TOOL_TYPE): Tool.MAVEN ], [ (TOOL_NAME): 'jdk8', (TOOL_TYPE): Tool.JDK ] ], (MAVEN): [ (MAVEN_GOALS): [ "clean", "install" ] ], (LOGLEVEL): LogLevel.INFO ]

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@Library(‘wcm-io’) PROS Not very hard to get onboard Excellent documentation and tutorial Credentials auto-resolve HTTP, SSH, SCM Single configuration for Maven Extended Logging with colors Extended email notifications Custom SCP client CONS Require a lot unsafe script approvals Dynamic step count visualization issue Shell-command style orientation No Windows/Powershell support