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Distributed problems: DDOS and a family 1

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What is it all about? Disclaimer: I`m not a network security engineer. All the information is just to raise awareness on this topic. It’s for you to have smth to think about while designing and developing new decisions. Overview: ● What are DoS/DDoS attacks: reasons, types, point of failures ● Why scaling is not an option (usually) ● Defence approaches ● Bonus for developers 2

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DoS / DDoS 3

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Motivation for DoS attack - Vulnerabilities detection for a personal profit - Data hijacking (as a result of brute-force) - Reputational losses - Blackmail - Direct financial loss - Personal interest or public protest - Just for fun - You have a leg and gun 4

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Types of DoS - Network and transport layer OSI level 3,4 5

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DDoS 6

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DDoS 7

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Types of DoS - Application layer OSI level 6 & 7 Examples: - Not valid SSL - HTTP requests - RPC requests 8

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DDoS 9

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Points of failure - Transport (network bandwidth, balancing, packets overflow) - Computing power (servers CPU, DBs, queues and so on) Special case: - Protection (fail negative) 10

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Scale 11

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Scale C10M Bad design problem 12

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Scale 13

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Primary types of protection - Filtering on the network layer/data center/cloud provider (on premise, Azure Firewall, AWS WAF) - Filtering on the controlled servers (Istio, nginx rate limiting, fail2ban, iptables) - Filtering on the application layer (captcha, presigned request) - Move the target (IP or DNS change) - 3d party solution (AWS Shield, Cloudflare, Akamai, etc) - Scale (almost cloud only) 14

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Basic things to think of - Prevent VS react - Cost protection VS Price of failure - Filter as closer to the source as possible - Move verification to client as much as possible - Ask a professional 15

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Bonus: how to shoot your leg 100 000 clients update info once in 24 hours: - Normal distribution ~ 70 req/min ($50 server) - from 00:00 till 01:00 ~ 1670 req/min (at least $1200 server) - from 00:00 till 00:01 ~ 100000 req/min (at least $71000 on infrastructure) 16

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Bonus: how NOT to shoot your leg - Load should be normalized as much as possible - You should avoid using predefined events on specific time (aka “cron”) - You should avoid using boot time or app launch time as “zero” time - Add protection layer on the client app from bugs in client - Remember that users do not always update client apps, you should think of controlled backward compatibility and ability to deprecate old versions. 17

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