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@ManfredSteyer ManfredSteyer The New NGRX Signal Store for Angular 3+n Flavors of the Signal Store

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@ManfredSteyer Signal as Producer 4711 Consumer read set notify 4712

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@ManfredSteyer Signal Eventually Zone-less!

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@ManfredSteyer flights = signal([]); const flights = await this.flightService.findAsPromise(from, to);;

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@ManfredSteyer from = signal('Paris'); to = signal('London'); flightRoute = computed(() => this.from() + ' to ' +; constructor() { effect(() => { console.log('from', this.from()); console.log('to',; }); }

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@ManfredSteyer Component Store "Intention" Signals sync/ async computed(…) computed(…)

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@ManfredSteyer Manfred Steyer

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@ManfredSteyer @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class FlightBookingFacade { private state = signalState({ from: 'Paris', to: 'London', flights: [] as Flight[], basket: {} as Record, }); readonly flights =; readonly from = this.state.from; […] }

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@ManfredSteyer @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class FlightBookingFacade { […] readonly selected = computed( () => => this.basket()[]) ); […] }

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@ManfredSteyer @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class FlightBookingFacade { […] updateCriteria(from: string, to: string): void { patchState(this.state, { from, to }) } […] }

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@ManfredSteyer @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class FlightBookingFacade { […] updateCriteria(from: string, to: string): void { patchState(this.state, (state) => ({ from:, to: state.from })); } […] }

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( { providedIn: 'root' }, […] );

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( { providedIn: 'root' }, withState({ from: 'Paris', to: 'London', […] }), […] );

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( { providedIn: 'root' }, withState({ from: 'Paris', to: 'London', […] }), withComputed(([…]) => ({ […] })), withMethods(([…]) => ({ })), withHooks({ […] }) );

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( […] withMethods((state) => { […] return { loadByCriteria: rxMethod((c$) => c$.pipe([…])) }; }), […] );

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( […] withMethods((state) => { […] return { loadByCriteria: rxMethod((c$) => c$.pipe([…])) }; }), […] );

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( […] withMethods((state) => { […] return { loadByCriteria: rxMethod((c$) => c$.pipe( filter(c => c.from.length >= 3 && >= 3), debounceTime(300), switchMap((c) => flightService.find(c.from,, tap(flights => patchState(state, { flights })) )) }; }), […] );

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( […] withMethods((state) => { […] return { loadByCriteria: rxMethod((c$) => c$.pipe( filter(c => c.from.length >= 3 && >= 3), debounceTime(300), switchMap((c) => flightService.find(c.from,, tap(flights => patchState(state, { flights })) )) }; }), […] );

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@ManfredSteyer export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore( […] withHooks({ onInit({ loadByCriteria, criteria }) { loadByCriteria(criteria); }, }), ); takes: Signal, Observable, T

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@ManfredSteyer const BookingStore = signalStore( withEntities() );

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@ManfredSteyer Free eBook (6th Edition) 20 Chapters 4 new Signal Store Chapters

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@ManfredSteyer Signals: Future of CD Take Care of Data Flow Stores are the Missing Link Signal Store Lightweight Highly Extensible

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@ManfredSteyer d Slides & Examples Remote Company Workshops and Consulting