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ScrumMaster͔ΒݟΔ Scrumͷ࢟ ӿݪ੟ଠ 1

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About me 2 ӿݪ੟ଠ αΠϘ΢ζגࣜձࣾ

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About Cybozu 3

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What is Scrum? Scrum is the leading Agile product development framework. It provides a foundation and path to delivering business goals in a collaborative, sane, and enjoyable manner.ɹ - Core Scrum 4

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Sprint Planning for Team εϓϦϯτ಺ͰԿΛ σϦόϦʔͰ͖Δ͔ʁ σϦόϦʔͷͨΊʹ ԿΛ͢Ε͹ྑ͍͔ʁ σϦόϦʔͷͨΊͷ࡞ۀΛ ͲͷΑ͏ʹ੒͠਱͛Δ͔ʁ 7

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Sprint Planning for SM νʔϜ͸ٞ࿦͠΍͍͢ঢ়ଶͰ ਐΊΒΕ͍ͯΔ͔ʁ ඞཁʹԠͯ͡ඞཁͳਓͱ ίϛϡχέʔγϣϯΛͱ͍ͬͯΔ͔ʁ े෼ʹৄࡉͳλεΫ෼ׂ͕ ߦΘΕ͍ͯΔ͔ʁ 8

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Scrum Master is “Master” 10

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Enjoy! 12