15 years ago...
June 14, 2008
symfony 1.1 introduces "tasks"
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is one of the oldest
Symfony Component
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is the most used/downloaded
Symfony Component
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Symfony Console
> Commands
Input: parses CLI arguments/options
Code: your own business logic
Output: prints, redirect, pipe
> Low-level terminal abstractions
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namespace Symfony\Component\Console;
final class Color
public function __construct(string $foreground = '', string $background = '', array $options = [])
Is it a color?
$color = new Color('#000', 'white', ['underscore', 'reverse']);
Color Class
Console 7.0
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Introducing the
Terminal Component
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class Color
public function __construct(
private readonly string $value,
) {
ANSI-4 16 colors
ANSI-256 256 colors
ANSI-24 "true colors"
Just a color!
$color = new Color('#000');
$color = new Color('red');
Color Class
Terminal 8.0
$color = $color->tint(20);
$color = $color->shade(20);
$color = $color->scale(20);
$color = $color->mix($anotherColor, 20);
Like Saas
$context = new Context(
colorMode: ColorMode::Ansi8,
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$color = new AdaptiveColor('#0f0', '#ff0');
$context = new Context(
darkMode: true,
Color adapts depending
on your terminal background
Light/Dark background?
Terminal 8.0
Light Dark
From Colors to Styles
namespace Symfony\Component\Console;
final class Color
public function __construct(string $foreground = '', string $background = '', array $options = [])
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Styling, Formatting, ...
* Formats a message within a section.
* @param string $section The section name
* @param string $text The text message
* @param integer $size The maximum size allowed for a line (65 by default)
public function formatSection($section, $text, $size = null)
return sprintf(">> %-$9s %s", $section, $this->excerpt($text, $size));
* Formats a message within a section.
public function formatSection(string $section, string $message, string $style = 'info'): string
return sprintf('<%s>[%s]%s> %s', $style, $section, $style, $message);
Console 7.0 circa 2023
Tasks 1.1 circa 2008
$screen = new Columns(
echo $screen->render();
$stylesheet['.screen'] = (new Style())
$screen = (new Columns(
new StyledContent('LEFT', $stylesheet['.cell w-2fr']),
new StyledContent('RIGHT', $stylesheet['.cell w-1fr']),
echo $screen->render();
$screen = (new Rows(
echo $screen->render();
Columns and Rows
Terminal 8.0
2fr 1fr
$stylesheet['.cell'] = (new Style())
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$screen = (new Columns(
(new Rows(
new StyledContent('UP', $stylesheet['.cell']),
new StyledContent('MIDDLE', $stylesheet['.cell']),
new StyledContent(' LOW ', $stylesheet['.cell']),
))->position(Position::MIDDLE)->style($stylesheet['.cell w-1fr']),
new StyledContent('CENTER', $stylesheet['.cell w-1fr']),
new StyledContent(trim(str_repeat("RIGHT\n", 15)), $stylesheet['.cell w-1fr']),
echo $screen->render();
Columns and Rows
Terminal 8.0
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From Static to Interactive
with Widgets
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interface WidgetInterface extends RenderInterface
public function init(Stylesheet $stylesheet, LoggerInterface $logger): void;
public function update(MessageInterface $message): ?MessageInterface;
interface RenderInterface
public function render(): string;
Terminal 8.0
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class HelloWorldWidget implements WidgetInterface
public function init(Stylesheet $stylesheet, LoggerInterface $logger): void
public function update(MessageInterface $message): ?MessageInterface
if ($message instanceof KeyMessage && 'q' === (string) $message->key) {
return new ExitMessage();
return null;
public function render(): string
return 'Hello World!';
$term = new Terminal();
$stylesheet = new DefaultStylesheet();
$app = new Application($term, $stylesheet, new HelloWorldWidget());
HelloWorldWidget Terminal 8.0
Update the state
Infinite loop
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A Pager Terminal 8.0
Supported keys
up and down
page up and down
go to top
go to bottom
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public function __construct(string $content)
$this->viewport = new ViewportWidget();
$this->viewport->setContent($content, substr_count($content, "\n"));
public function init(Stylesheet $stylesheet, LoggerInterface $logger): void
$this->stylesheet = $stylesheet;
$this->viewport->init($stylesheet, $logger);
public function update(MessageInterface $message): ?MessageInterface
return null;
public function render(): string
return $this->stylesheet['span p-1 border-double']
A Pager Terminal 8.0
Update the Viewport
Propagate init()
Render the Viewport
Rely on another widget
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try {
} finally {
Mouse support
Terminal 8.0
if ($message instanceof WindowSizeMessage) {
Window resizing support
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Demo Time?
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A component with many sub-parts
Multi-year effort - release gradually 7.1 -> 8.0
Progressively use it internally in Console
Help from the community needed
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First Pull request: Empty "shell"
Terminal 8.0
Second one: Color sub-namespace