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Hi, I’m Andrew Godwin • Django contributor (Migrations/Channels) • Principal Engineer at • I see Python threads in my sleep now

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No content

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async def view(request): return TemplateResponse( request, "template.html", {"article": await api_call(pk=5)} )

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Django In Depth 1. 2. 3. Threading, cooperation, and intrigue Spanning two worlds with one vision Handlers, Requests, Middleware & Views Big Framework Problems Async In Brief

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You don't know when it'll switch! Threads are preemptive

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You don't know when it'll switch! Threads are preemptive

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You don't know when it'll switch! Threads are preemptive Coroutines are cooperative They only yield at an await.

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Coroutines are cooperative They only yield at an await.

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You don't know when it'll switch! Threads are preemptive Coroutines are cooperative They only yield at an await.

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Coroutines need an event loop It's where the program idles between tasks

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An event loop runs in a single thread Yes, you can have threads and coroutines!

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Sync Thread Sync Thread Async Thread

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Threads are slow! The more you add, the worse it gets.

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Async is fast... As long as you are I/O bound!

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Async functions are different to sync They are not cross-compatible!

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# Call sync from sync result = function() # Call async from async result = await function()

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# Call async from sync in Python 3.7 result = # Python 3.6 loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) result = loop.run_until_complete(function())

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# Call sync from async executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() result = await loop.run_in_executor( executor, function, *args, )

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Async calling Sync is dangerous It has to be in a separate thread or it'll block the event loop

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Sync Thread Async Thread

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Sync Thread Async Thread

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It's complicated This is why I encourage writing sync code at first!

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Backwards compatibility is crucial Throw it away, and nobody will adopt your new thing

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A function cannot be both sync and async You have to pick one. I've tried.

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# You can have this... result = cache.get("my-key") # Or this. Not both. result = await cache.get("my-key")

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Totally different libraries And there's not even standards like DBAPI2

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# Even sleep is different! time.sleep(0.01) await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

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Lack of standards It's just too early on for things to coalesce.

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async def application(scope, receive, send): await receive() ... send({"type": "http.response", ...})

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Different language features No more attribute access

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# While this can have an async version... instance = await Model.objects.get() # There's no async way of doing this print(

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Threads matter! Sync code all wants to run in the same thread still.

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Async has to add, not replace Sync Django is still important Things need to look familiar We don't want a wildly different API feel Things need to be safe Deadlocking or blocking is easier than ever

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Handler ASGI / WSGI Server Middleware View ORM Template URL Router Forms

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Outside-in approach Async outside, sync inside

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Handler ASGI / WSGI Server Middleware View ORM Template URL Router Forms Phase One Phase Two Phase Three

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Phase One: ASGI Support Allowing Django to be async at all Phase Two: Async Views Unlocking async use in normal apps Phase Three: The ORM High-level async use for the most common case

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Phase One: Django 3.0 It's already committed! Phase Two: Django 3.1 Unless things really do turn out nicely... Phase Three: Django 3.2/4.0 There's a lot of work here.

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Each phase brings concrete benefits Even if we stop!

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Phase One: ASGI

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Django predates WSGI Which turns out to actually help, in the end

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“ James Bennett, "Django and NIH", 2006 Just so you know, Django is a smug, arrogant framework that doesn’t play nice with others.

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“ James Bennett, "Django and NIH", 2006 Just so you know, Django is a smug, arrogant framework that doesn’t play nice with others. [...] Or at least, that’s the impression you’d get from reading the rants...

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Custom request/response objects Most other frameworks did this too Custom "handler" classes Abstracts away WSGI Custom middleware Wow, was this contentious at the time!

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WSGIHandler __call__ WSGI Server WSGIRequest BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware View __call__ HTTP protocol Socket handling Transfer encodings Headers-to-META Upload file wrapping GET/POST parsing Exception catching Atomic view wrapper

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WSGIHandler __call__ WSGI Server WSGIRequest BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware View __call__ ASGIHandler __call__ ASGI Server ASGIRequest

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WSGIHandler __call__ WSGI Server WSGIRequest BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware View __call__ ASGIHandler __call__ ASGI Server ASGIRequest Asynchronous

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ASGI is mostly WSGI-compatible With better definitions of bytes versus unicode

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if self.scope.get('client'): self.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] = self.scope['client'][0] self.META['REMOTE_HOST'] = self.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] self.META['REMOTE_PORT'] = self.scope['client'][1]

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body_file = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=..., mode='w+b') while True: message = await receive() if message['type'] == 'http.disconnect': # Early client disconnect. raise RequestAborted() # Add a body chunk from the message, if provided. if 'body' in message: body_file.write(message['body']) # Quit out if that's the end. if not message.get('more_body', False): break return body_file

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if response.streaming: # Access `__iter__` and not `streaming_content` directly in case # it has been overridden in a subclass. for part in response: for chunk, _ in self.chunk_bytes(part): await send({ 'type': 'http.response.body', 'body': chunk, # Ignore "more" as there may be more parts; instead, # use an empty final closing message with False. 'more_body': True, }) # Final closing message. await send({'type': 'http.response.body'})

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WSGIHandler __call__ WSGI Server WSGIRequest BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware View __call__ ASGIHandler __call__ ASGI Server ASGIRequest Asynchronous

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“ Me, earlier in this talk Async calling sync is dangerous!

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from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async result = await sync_to_async(callable)(arg1, name=arg2)

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Propagates exceptions nicely Really helps with debugging! Proxies threadlocals down correctly Because people really love threadlocals. Stickies sync code into one thread We'll get back to this. It's nasty.

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Result: Django 3.0 can speak ASGI But it can't do much else async... yet.

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Phase Two: Views

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WSGIHandler __call__ WSGI Server WSGIRequest BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware View __call__ ASGIHandler __call__ ASGI Server ASGIRequest Asynchronous

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WSGIHandler __call__ WSGI Server WSGIRequest BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware Async View __call__ ASGIHandler __call__ ASGI Server ASGIRequest Asynchronous Sync View __call__

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WSGIHandler __call__ BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware Async View __call__ ASGIHandler __call__ Sync View __call__ TestClient get/post

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BaseHandler get_response Sync View __call__ TestClient get/post Main Thread Event Loop Sub Thread ThreadPool

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SQLite hates this Try This One Weird Trick To Help Thread-Sensitive Libraries

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result = async_to_sync(awaitable)(arg1, name=arg2) result = await sync_to_async(callable)(arg1, name=arg2)

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BaseHandler get_response Sync View __call__ TestClient get/post Main Thread Event Loop Main Thread async_to_sync sync_to_async

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There's a whole talk in how this works! Also, it's not pretty or nice and it really shouldn't be necessary.

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get_response Middleware 1 Middleware 2 View

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get_response Sync Middleware Async Middleware Async View async_to_sync sync_to_async

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Transactions Views are auto-wrapped in them with ATOMIC_REQUESTS Templates Direct calls from error handlers Tracebacks They're really long with all the switch functions

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Goal: Django 3.1 has async def views They already work on the branch right now!

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Phase Three: ORM

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API Design is crucial It must be familiar, yet safe.

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# Iteration is the one transparent thing for result in Model.objects.filter(name="Andrew"): >>> QuerySet.__iter__ # This can work in the same codebase! async for result in Model.objects.filter(name="Andrew"): >>> QuerySet.__aiter__

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# But some things will never work - # we'll need to force select_related result =

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QuerySet Query Compiler Connection

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QuerySet Query Compiler Connection

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QuerySet Query Compiler Connection

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In the meantime, async-safety You just try calling the ORM from async code in 3.0!

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async def random_code(): result = Model.objects.get(pk=5) >>> SynchronousOnlyOperation("You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async.")

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This needs a lot more research It's also not going to happen straight away.

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Cache? Templates? Forms? Some will benefit from async, some will not

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Some things don't need to be async URL routing is just fine as it is.

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Async views are the cornerstone Once we get those working, all other paths open up

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Being careful about performance Things could easily slow down for synchronous applications

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Being careful about people We need to bring on new faces, and not burn out others

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Documentation Async needs to be clear, safe, and clearly optional

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Funding Async expertise is rare. We need to pay people for their knowledge.

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Organisation One of the largest changes in Django's history.

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Slide 94 text A deeper dive into async vs. sync functions DEP 0009, the proposal for async in Django Where to go to help

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Thanks. Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin //