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Avoiding damage, shame and regrets data protection for mobile client-server architectures @vixentael

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is intuitive, evolution trained us for it Real-world security

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Meet Dodo birds! Alice Bob data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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They are chatting together Alice Bob tweet hello data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Here comes Eve.. ..the eavesdropping Fennec Fox data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Eve eavesdrops danger tweet ack ear radars: ON data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Birds fly away, Eve doesn’t hear them secure place hear nothing data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Risk (threat): Eve hears your secrets Mitigation: physically move away from Eve Real-world security

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evolution did not prepare you for that! Cyber-world security

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Apple Secure Coding Guide Every program is a potential target. Your customers’ property and your reputation are at stake. Security/Conceptual/SecureCodingGuide/ Introduction.html data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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What we protect? User’s data! in storage in motion in memory data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Data in motion

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There are hackers.. and threats these hackers exploit.. to create damage Problem: Layer 1 data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Meet Alice-the-App and Bob-the-Server Alice-the-App Bob-the-Server data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Client and Server are communicating passw: 123456 HTTP 1.1 Alice-the-App Bob-the-Server data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Eve-the-Hacker data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Here Eve-the-Hacker comes! passw: 123456 HTTP 1.1 data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Here Eve-the-Hacker comes! passw: 123456 HTTP 1.1 {“passw”:“123456”} data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Let’s go deeper.. To avoid threats we need secure programming Problem: Layer 2 data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Alice decides to implement security puts on paper hat! data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Bob decides to implement security builds the fence! data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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..and they decide to use HTTPS! ****** : ****** HTTPS out of the box data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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But it’s not really secure.. ****** : ****** HTTPS out of the box {“passw”:“123456”} data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Intercept traffic using proxy (1) data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Intercept traffic using proxy (2) data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Intercept traffic using proxy (3) * SSL experimenting with Android Top100 apps * Intercepting the App Store's Traffic on iOS data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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What helps Eve to eavesdrop? ๏ not encrypting user data ๏ plain HTTP ๏ self-signed certificates ๏ HTTPS with old cipher-suites ๏ using vulnerable libraries and bad examples from StackOverflow ๏ SSL without SSL certificate pinning data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Problem: Layer 3 As the result, Programming is rarely secure data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Software is buggy do.html AFNetworking SSL verification bug (v2.5.1-2.5.2) Out-of-the-box SSL is frequent subject to attacks Apple “goto fail” vulnerability data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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๏ Copying bad code from StackOverflow ๏ Debugging by tearing security suites apart ๏ Avoiding “complicated” security documentation Software is buggy. Why? data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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- is easy to f*ck up - is inconvenient to implement Cyber-world security

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- use good practice and brain - use good tools - minimize re-inventing the wheel What shall we do?

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Realize threat vectors Bad cryptography No access control Authentication bypass Credential reuse Session hijacking Denial of Service Data leakage … data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Anyone can invent a security system that he himself cannot break — Schneier's Law 2011/04/schneiers_law.html Implementing security tools yourself is a threat data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Do not re-implement existing things data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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No content

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Use great tools scientific background trust big guys good track record libsodium/NaCL OTRKit RNCryptor MIHCrypto Themis data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Apple open sourced crypto data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Swift CommonCrypto wrapper data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Armoring your SSL

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Do your SSL/TLS right ๏use long keys ๏disable backward compatibility ๏use strong ciphers (EC vs RSA) ๏pin SSL certificate ๏use cheat sheet next-app.html SSL has a lot of problems To survive you need to: Transport_Layer_Protection_Cheat_Sheet data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Do you pin SSL certificate? data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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SSL/TLS in short hello client asks certificate server sends cert encrypted data client verifies cert - domain, - expiration date, - asks CA if cert is valid and not revoked key negotiation data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Where can it break? hello client asks certificate server sends cert encrypted data client verifies cert - domain, - expiration date, - asks CA if cert is valid and not revoked key negotiation data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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SSL pinning hello client asks certificate server sends cert encrypted data client verifies cert - compares cert against pinned cert key negotiation data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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SSL pinning on iOS applications/ - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge { SecTrustRef serverTrust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust; id sender = challenge.sender; SecCertificateRef certificate = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(serverTrust, 0); NSData * remoteCertificateData = CFBridgingRelease(SecCertificateCopyData(certificate)); NSString * cerPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MyLocalCertificate" ofType:@"cer"]; NSData * localCertData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:cerPath]; if ([remoteCertificateData isEqualToData:localCertData]) { NSURLCredential * credential = [NSURLCredential credentialForTrust:serverTrust]; [sender useCredential:credential forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge]; } else { [sender cancelAuthenticationChallenge:challenge]; } } data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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SSL pinning more easy :) let certData = NSData(contentsOfFile: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("lvwenhancom", ofType: "cer")!)!
 ... ... .addSSLPinning(LocalCertData: certData) { () -> Void in
 print("Under Man-in-the-middle attack!")
 } Swift lib for HTTPS and SSL pinning data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Nah. SSL is not enough :( So, we’re done?

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Government MitM data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Implementing Forward Secrecy

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Forward Secrecy: Threat Eve records encrypted traffic New crypto vulnerability allows to extract keys Eve physically extracts keys from one of the birds Eve decrypts all encrypted traffic data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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data protection for client-server apps @vixentael Forward Secrecy: Mitigation Forward Secrecy ephemeral keys + key rotation scheme SSL/TLS has forward secrecy but it’s weak: =

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Using ephemeral key key negotiation (RSA or EC) create symmetric temp key use temp key to encrypt messages during session close session open session data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Implementing ephemeral keys 1. establish session 2. encrypt message with SecureSession before sending 3. decrypt message after receive 4. encrypt history with SecureCell Themis has built-in forward secrecy inside SecureSession object data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Implementing ephemeral keys data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Data in storage

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iOS data protection data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Storing in plain text is bad idea data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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What we need to do 1. Choose good storage library with efficient crypto 2. Embed it on read/write 3. Store keys safely data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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RNCryptor example Themis SecureCell example Storage libraries data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Storing the keys SSKeychain example Valet example data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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compute key and use KDF to derive Storing the keys: Computable obfuscation commoncrypto.html key = KDF(sqrt(42)*len(user_id)/parity(user_id)) data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Ending notes

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Practical app security step by step 1.Use HTTPS with good TLS settings 2.Enable SSL pinning 3.Encrypt user data in motion with ephemeral keys 4.Encrypt stored data and protect the key data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Alice is more secure now SSL pinning encrypted storage data ephemeral keys data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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Bob is more secure now encrypted storage data ephemeral keys data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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data protection for client-server apps @vixentael Chatting is more secure 5720b3c2 fe674f54 73e10ad4 ... HTTPS SSL pinning ephemeral keys

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Security is full of adventures and discoveries. And fun. and shiny metal birds!

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The last slide @vixentael iOS developer at [creating awesome mobile and IoT apps] take care! data protection for client-server apps @vixentael

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More to read ̣ The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook ̣ Designing Secure User Interfaces Conceptual/SecureCodingGuide/Articles/AppInterfaces.html#//apple_ref/ doc/uid/TP40002862-SW1 ̣ CryptoCat iOS app security audit ̣ Storing secret keys

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More to watch ̣ All talks of Moxie Marlinspike