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Sergio Lindo Mansilla @binary-sequence (github) @binary_sequence (twitter) Why openSUSE About ideal use case and promoting the gold triangle of openSUSE

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How do you pronounce SUSE? /ˈsuːsə/

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openSUSE is not SUSE, it is her sister

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openSUSE is not SUSE openSUSE (community) ● Leap ● Tumbleweed Help ● ● IRC (Internet Relay Chat) – freenode server – channel #suse SUSE (company) ● cloud computing (aaS) ● software-defined storage ● SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) ● more… Help ● paid support

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openSUSE is not SUSE openSUSE Factory SUSE Tumbleweed 2018-05-25 2018-05-24 Leap 15 15 SLE 42.3 12-SP3

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openSUSE is not SUSE

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openSUSE is not SUSE

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Why should I use openSUSE?

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Why should I use openSUSE? “Those who do, decide” -openSUSE “openSUSE is a do-ocracy” -Richard Brown ● Submit a fix to their devel sources. ● Feedback in few days. ● When accepted, changes released within a week.

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Why should I use openSUSE?

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Why should I use openSUSE? Yast

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Why should I use openSUSE? Yast module sudo in GUI Yast module sudo in ncurses

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How to contribute to openSUSE?

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How to contribute to openSUSE? Contributing to factory (Tumbleweed) contributor openSUSE local ←check out← OBS home ← branch ← devel project --> factory --> Tumbleweed snapshot →check in→ → submit request → Contributing to released version (Leap/SLE) ● No new packages ● Only fixes (maintenance request)

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Do you want to know more? May 25th Let's talk about testing, software and user experience in open source. Santiago Zarate Room 107 11:00am openSUSE is what you make it. Richard Brown Room 105 15:00 "Hello world" from OpenQA. Jiawei Room 349 16:00 May 26th Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You. Jimmy Berry Room 105 13:00 May 27th What's new in OBS? David Kang Room 105 10:00am Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible? Frederic Crozat Room 105 14:45

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References ● ● ● ● re-not-democracies ● ctory ●

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Join Us at

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