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I M P O R T A N T A D D R E S S E S T O C H A N G E D U R I N G Y O U R M O V E C H E C K L I S T WHOTO INFORM? W W W . L O N D O N - M A N - V A N . C O M 020 7060 4743

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STEP BY STEP COMPLETE MOVING CHECKLIST GUIDE - PAGE 2 LIST OF ADDRESSES TO CHANGE DURING THE MOVE Current account □ □ There is a long list of people, places, institution you should inform when you are moving. Make this task easier and download or print our “Who to Inform” checklist to be completed during the process of your move. C H E C K L I S T WHOTO INFORM? FINANCIAL / BANK: □ Standing Orders Direct Debits Credit cards □ □ □ Savings accounts Pension □ Loan Companies N O T E S : □ Others Financial / Bank: Family □ □ PERSONAL: □ Friends Employer and co-workers Others: □ N O T E S :

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STEP BY STEP COMPLETE MOVING CHECKLIST GUIDE - PAGE 3 N O T E S : Other Insurances: Travel Insurance □ □ □ Motor Insurance Private Medical Insurance Life insurance □ INSURANCES: □ □ Home insurance N O T E S : Other Authorities: DSS Benefits □ □ □ Electoral Register Council Tax National Insurance □ AUTHORITIES: □ □ HMRC / Inland Revenue C H E C K L I S T WHOTO INFORM?

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STEP BY STEP COMPLETE MOVING CHECKLIST GUIDE - PAGE 4 C H E C K L I S T WHOTO INFORM? N O T E S : TV Licence □ □ Landline Electricity Gas □ UTILITIES: □ □ Other Utilities: □ □ Mobile phone Broadband □ □ Water Digital TV N O T E S : Car Finance □ □ Breakdown cover Motor insurance V5C registration certificate □ MOTORING: □ □ Other Motoring: □ DVLA - driving licence

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STEP BY STEP COMPLETE MOVING CHECKLIST GUIDE - PAGE 5 C H E C K L I S T WHOTO INFORM? N O T E S : Dentist □ □ Prescription Private medical Doctor □ MEDICAL: □ □ □ Other Medical: The vet □ □ NHS Optician N O T E S : Other Education: □ □ Children school University College □ EDUCATION: □ □ Schools

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STEP BY STEP COMPLETE MOVING CHECKLIST GUIDE - PAGE 6 C H E C K L I S T WHOTO INFORM? N O T E S : Library □ □ Golf Clubs Magazine subscriptions Sports Clubs □ ENTERTAINMENT: □ □ □ Other Entertainment: Movies rental □ □ Gym Newsagent N O T E S : All Shopping Discount Club Cards □ □ Nectar card Boots Sainsbury’s □ SHOPPING: □ □ Tesco Other Shopping Cards

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STEP BY STEP COMPLETE MOVING CHECKLIST GUIDE - PAGE 7 C H E C K L I S T WHOTO INFORM? N O T E S : Milkman □ □ Solicitor Gardener Window cleaner □ MISCELLANEOUS: □ □ □ □ Cleaner □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □