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Chrome Apps e NodeWebkit: traga seu webapp para o Desktop Joselito Júnior @joselitojunior1 #outubrorosa

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Olá sou fundador do Estudorama e do Rabiscapp, estudo Ciência da Computação CIn-UFPE, venci o NASA Space Apps e o Startup Jam (e +), co-fundador do GDG Recife, gerente de TI na Farol52, instrutor e palestrante, design thinker, entusiasta do html5, fã de formula 1

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JavaScript de várzea botões rollover joguinhos dhtml alerts irritantes anuncios com refresh

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JavaScript na web 2.0 bibliotecas (jquery) ajax websockets realtime

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JavaScript hoje node.js e npm angularjs, blackbone, ember mobile apps

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JavaScript hoje node.js e npm angularjs, blackbone, ember mobile apps desktop apps

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e Desktop?

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e tem pra Desktop?

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e por que Desktop?

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Os Porquês mudança de hábito mobile: apps simplesmente funcionam só usam a web quando necessário mantém uma ótima experiência

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Chrome Apps

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 index.html script.js style.css troll_face.jpg manifest.json background.html main.js Estrutura

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manifest.json {      "manifest_version":  2,      "name":  "Olar  mundo",      "version":  "1.1",      "minimum_chrome_version":  "23",      "icons":  {          "16":  "icon_16.png",          "128":  "icon_128.png"      },      "app":  {          "background":  {              "scripts":  ["main.js"]          }      }   }  

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manifest-melhorzinho.json {      "name":  "Olar  mundo  cruel",      "version":  "2",      "manifest_version":  2,      "minimum_chrome_version":  "32",      "app":  {          "background":  {              "scripts":  ["background.js"]          }      },      "permissions":  [          {"fileSystem":  ["write",  "retainEntries",  "directory"]},          "storage"      ],      "file_handlers":  {          "text":  {              "types":  [                      "text/*"              ],              "title":  "Text  editor"          }      }   }

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main.js  {      var  screenWidth  =  screen.availWidth;      var  screenHeight  =  screen.availHeight;      var  width  =  500;      var  height  =  300;'index.html',  {          id:  "olarPlanetaID",          bounds:  {              width:  width,              height:  height,              left:  Math.round((screenWidth-­‐width)/2),              top:  Math.round((screenHeight-­‐height)/2)          }      });   });

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main.js  {      var  screenWidth  =  screen.availWidth;      var  screenHeight  =  screen.availHeight;      var  width  =  500;      var  height  =  300;'index.html',  {          id:  "olarPlanetaID",          bounds:  {              width:  width,              height:  height,              left:  Math.round((screenWidth-­‐width)/2),              top:  Math.round((screenHeight-­‐height)/2)          }      });   });

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main.js .onLaunch  .onRestarted

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main.js APIs exclusivas do Chrome

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Node Webkit

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V8 node.js contexto

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node.js assíncrono
 módulos do npm usa a v8 engine performance

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 index.html script.js style.css tacalhepau.mp4 package.json Estrutura

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{     "name":  "Mia  plicativo",     "main":  "index.html",     "window":  {       "toolbar":  true,       "fullscreen":  false,       "resizible":  "true",       "width":  800,       "height":  600     },     "depedencies":  {       "underscore":  "~1.4.1",       "angular":  "~1.2.0"     },     "jsflags":  "-­‐-­‐harmony-­‐collections"   } package.json

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                       Modules  Example  (System  Info  and  File  I/O)              var  os  =  require('os');                  var  fs  =  require('fs');                      var  content  =  '';                      content  +=  '[Platform]'  +  os.EOL;                  content  +=  'OS  Type                :  '  +  os.platform()  +  os.EOL;  //   linux,  darwin,  win32,  sunos,  freebsd                  content  +=  'OS  Version          :  '  +  os.release()    +  os.EOL;                  content  +=  'OS  Architecture:  '  +  os.arch()          +  os.EOL;                  content  +=  os.EOL;   … Módulos node

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                       Modules  Example  (System  Info  and  File  I/O)              var  os  =  require('os');                  var  fs  =  require('fs');                      var  content  =  '';                      content  +=  '[Platform]'  +  os.EOL;                  content  +=  'OS  Type                :  '  +  os.platform()  +  os.EOL;  //   linux,  darwin,  win32,  sunos,  freebsd                  content  +=  'OS  Version          :  '  +  os.release()    +  os.EOL;                  content  +=  'OS  Architecture:  '  +  os.arch()          +  os.EOL;                  content  +=  os.EOL;   … Módulos node

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Testando ./node-­‐webkit  

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API gráfica nativa var  win  =  gui.Window.get();       //  Create  a  menubar  for  window  menu   var  menubar  =  new  gui.Menu({  type:  'menubar'  });       //  Create  a  menuitem   var  sub1  =  new  gui.Menu();       sub1.append(new  gui.MenuItem({   label:  'GDG  Aracaju',   click:  function()  {}   }));

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Mais testes

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Resumindo módulos do npm native gui library shell functions snapshot do V8 runtime nativo early-apis do html5 apis exclusivas (frameless, clipboard(!), webrtc)

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Compilando copy  /b  nw.exe+app.nw  >  app.exe cp  app.nw  nw/Contents/Resources cat  nw  app.nw  >  app

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Necessário um browser Autorização on-demand do usuário Sem GUI própria APIs exclusivas do Chrome Loja Própria Obifuscação de código Standalone Tudo liberado por padrão API de GUI Acesso completo a codigo nativo Lojas do SO/Distribuição direta Snapshot

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quem já usa?

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Chrome Apps

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Game Dev Tycoon

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Koala App

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Popcorn Time

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Atom [Shell]

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Brackets [Shell]

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Obrigado! (: Dúvidas? Joselito Júnior @joselitojunior1