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m o d e r n m e m o r y k e e p i n g : f r o m d i g i t a l t o t a n g i b l e Brianna Marshall | @notsosternlib | University of Wisconsin

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About Me Brianna Marshall Digital Curation Coordinator Lead, Research Data Services University of Wisconsin

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memory keeping origins

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AOL cds

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hand transcribed text messages Image courtesy of Flickr user niftynotebooks (CC BY NC)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user drh (CC BY NC ND) and a lot of random ephemera

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you feel overwhelmed so you procrastinate feeling generally dissatisfied (but it’s never an urgent priority)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user anotherphotograph (CC BY SA)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user bethscupham (CC BY)

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picking something doing it and feeling like it’s enough.

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UW Digital Collections item S09310, Ava L Cochrane scrapbook

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priorities workflows e n e r g y

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Image courtesy of Flickr user lukew (CC BY) we are all generating more digital stuff than ever before.

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do something with your stuff that allows it to be enjoyed.

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creativity s h a r i n g r e c o r d s

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get organized Image courtesy of Flickr user winemegup (CC BY NC ND)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user marcusspisske (CC BY) throw stuff away

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amberphotographics,.com video/how-scan-old-colour-slides-3417402/ be picky!

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low hanging fruit

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Image courtesy of Flickr user 01j (CC BY NC ND)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user foshydog (CC BY NC ND) one bite at a time

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Image courtesy of Flickr user moriahgirl457 (CC BY NC ND)

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Project Life a l b u m s A r t i f a c t U p r i s i n g a l b u m s One Second E v e r y d a y v i d e o s

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1 photo albums

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about project life •  System for organizing and documenting, primarily through photos but also ephemera •  Standard components: 12x12 album, plastic pockets, card inserts, plus additional extras •  Physical or digital options •  Fun, active community

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2 photo books

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about artifact uprising •  “Inspired by the disappearing beauty of the tangible.” •  Easy to use book editor •  Social media import options •  Comparable photo book companies: Shutterfly, Snapfish, Chatbook, Blurb

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3 video compilations

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about 1SE •  “A minimalist video diary.” •  $5 app for IOS or Android •  Easy interface for selecting your daily second •  You can cheat (highly recommended) •  This app is AMAZING!

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learn more •  Project Life: •  Artifact Uprising: •  1 Second Everyday:

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recommended resources Project Photo Rescue (PL): rescue/ LoC Digital Preservation blog: PetaPixel:

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thanks for listening! Brianna Marshall @notsosternlib