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Lightweight ๏ Downloads fast. ๏ Parses fast. ๏ Renders fast. Responsive ๏ Tap or click → updates fast. ๏ Sophisticated animations. ๏ 60fps scrolling.

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Lightweight ๏ Downloads fast. ๏ Parses fast. ๏ Renders fast. Responsive ๏ Tap or click → updates fast. ๏ Sophisticated animations. ๏ 60fps scrolling. TENSION

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Virtual DOM

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Virtual DOM ๏ Compiles JSX to JavaScript ๏ Renders recursively, synchronously ๏ Pushes optimization responsibility to application code

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1 3 2 Instant Templates 60fps Incremental Rendering Optimized Updates

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1 Instant Templates

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function Weather(weather) { return [

Current Weather

New York, NY
]; } function Weather(weather) { return [React.createElement( "h2", null, "Current Weather" ), React.createElement( "address", null, "New York, NY" ), React.createElement( "div", null, React.createElement( "strong", null, "78\xB0" ) )]; }

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Current Weather

New York, NY

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Current Weather

New York, NY

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COMPILER 101010 010101 101010

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0x19 0x00 0x1f 0x16 0x01 0x20 0x16 0x02 0x19 0x03 0x1f 0x16 0x04 0x20 0x16 0x02 0x19 0x05 0x1f 0x16 0x06 0x19 0x07 0x1f 0x16 0x08 0x30 0x15 0x48 0x04 0x00 0x05 0x09 0x05 0x0a 0x0d 0x03 0x00 0x39 0x32 0x02 0x2f 0x36 0x3c 0x00 0x13 0x04 0x0d 0x03 0x01 0x0f 0x04 0x30 0x0b 0x13 0x28 0x0b 0x13 0x0b 0x13 0x28 0x0b 0x13 0x0b 0x13 0x28 0x0b 0x13 0x3d 0x00 0x07 0x3f 0x3f 0x04 0x47 0x25 0x40 0x00 0x04 0x41 0x04 0x4a 0x04 0x45 0x04 0x46 0x4a 0x04 0x31 0x13 0x26 0x48 0x0f 0x04 0x33 0x14 0x18 0x00 0x33 0x14 0x31 0x16 0x0b 0x20 0x16 0x0c 0x20 0x14

Current Weather

New York, NY

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0x28 PushBlockScope 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x28 PushBlockScope 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x28 PushBlockScope 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x3d PushArgs names: 0x00 0 positionals: 0x07 7 synthetic: 0x3f 319 0x3f PrepareArgs state: 0x04 4 0x47 BeginComponentTransaction 0x25 PushDynamicScope 0x40 CreateComponent flags: 0x00 0 state: 0x04 4 0x41 RegisterComponentDestructor state: 0x04 4 0x43 GetComponentSelf state: 0x04 4 0x45 GetComponentLayout state: 0x04 4 0x46 InvokeComponentLayout 0x4a DidRenderLayout state: 0x04 4 0x31 PopFrame 0x13 PopScope 0x26 PopDynamicScope 0x48 CommitComponentTransaction 0x0f Load register: 0x04 4 0x33 Exit 0x14 Return 0x18 DynamicContent trusting: 0x00 0 0x33 Exit 0x14 Return 0x31 PopFrame 0x16 Text text: 0x0b "°\n " 0x20 CloseElement 0x16 Text text: 0x0c "\n" 0x20 CloseElement 0x14 Return 0x19 OpenElement tag: 0x00 "h2" 0x1f FlushElement 0x16 Text text: 0x01 "Current Weather" 0x20 CloseElement 0x16 Text text: 0x02 "\n\n" 0x19 OpenElement tag: 0x03 "address" 0x1f FlushElement 0x16 Text text: 0x04 "\n New York, NY\n" 0x20 CloseElement 0x16 Text text: 0x02 "\n\n" 0x19 OpenElement tag: 0x05 "div" 0x1f FlushElement 0x16 Text text: 0x06 "\n " 0x19 OpenElement tag: 0x07 "strong" 0x1f FlushElement 0x16 Text text: 0x08 "\n " 0x30 PushFrame 0x15 ReturnTo offset: 0x48 72 0x04 GetVariable symbol: 0x00 0 0x05 GetProperty key: 0x09 "weather" 0x05 GetProperty key: 0x0a "temperature" 0x0d Dup register: 0x03 3 offset: 0x00 0 0x39 IsComponent 0x32 Enter args: 0x02 2 0x2f JumpUnless to: 0x36 54 0x3c PushDynamicComponentManager meta: 0x00 0 0x10 Fetch register: 0x04 4 0x0d Dup register: 0x03 3 offset: 0x01 1 0x0f Load register: 0x04 4 0x30 PushFrame 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19

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0x28 PushBlockScope 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x28 PushBlockScope 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x28 PushBlockScope 0x0b Primitive primitive: 0x13 19 0x3d PushArgs names: 0x00 0 positionals: 0x07 7 synthetic: 0x3f 319 0x3f PrepareArgs state: 0x04 4 0x47 BeginComponentTransaction 0x25 PushDynamicScope 0x40 CreateComponent flags: 0x00 0 state: 0x04 4 0x41 RegisterComponentDestructor state: 0x04 4 0x43 GetComponentSelf state: 0x04 4 0x45 GetComponentLayout state: 0x04 4 0x46 InvokeComponentLayout 0x4a DidRenderLayout state: 0x04 4 0x31 PopFrame 0x13 PopScope 0x26 PopDynamicScope 0x48 CommitComponentTransaction 0x0f Load register: 0x04 4 0x33 Exit 0x14 Return 0x18 DynamicContent trusting: 0x00 0 0x33 Exit 0x14 Return 0x31 PopFrame 0x16 Text text: 0x0b "°\n " 0x20 CloseElement 0x16 Text text: 0x0c "\n" 0x20 CloseElement 0x14 Return 0x19 OpenElement tag: 0x00 "h2" 0x1f FlushElement 0x16 Text text: 0x01 "Current Weather" 0x20 CloseElement 0x16 Text text: 0x02 "\n\n" 0x19 OpenElement tag: 0x03 "address" 0x1f FlushElement 0x16 Text text: 0x04 "\n New York, NY\n" 0x20 CloseElement 0x16 Text text: 0x02 "\n\n" 0x19 OpenElement tag: 0x05 "div" 0x1f FlushElement 0x16 Text text: 0x06 "\n " 0x19 OpenElement

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Current Weather

New York, NY
{strings:["h2","Current Weather","\n\n","address","\n New York, NY\n","div","\n ","strong","\n 78°\n ","\n"]} 19 01 00 00 1F 00 16 01 01 00 20 00 16 01 02 00 19 01 03 00 1F 00 16 01 04 00 20 00 16 01 02 00 19 01 05 00 1F 00 16 01 06 00 19 01 07 00 1F 00 16 01 08 00 20 00 16 01 09 00 20 00 14 00

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export class Heap { private heap: Uint16Array | Array; private table: number[]; private offset = 0; private handle = 0; constructor(serializedHeap?: { buffer: ArrayBuffer, table: number[], handle: number }) { if (serializedHeap) { let { buffer, table, handle } = serializedHeap; this.heap = new Uint16Array(buffer); this.table = table; this.offset = this.heap.length; this.handle = handle; } else { this.heap = new Uint16Array(0x100000); this.table = []; } } push(item: number): void { this.heap[this.offset++] = item; } getbyaddr(address: number): number { return this.heap[address]; Glimmer VM uses ArrayBuffer directly, no parse or intermediate data structure.

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๏ Tiny runtime ๏ Compact bytecode ๏ No parse is faster than no parse 1 Instant Templates

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1 3 2 Instant Templates 60fps Incremental Rendering Optimized Updates

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2 Optimized Updates

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Lightweight ๏ Downloads fast. ๏ Parses fast. ๏ Renders fast. Responsive ๏ Tap or click → updates fast. ๏ Sophisticated animations. ๏ 60fps scrolling.

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“What makes a React app slow is, most of the time, useless rerenders of many components. You may have read that the React VirtualDom is super fast. That's true, but in a medium size app, a full redraw can easily render hundreds of components. Even the fastest VirtualDom templating engine can't make that in less than 16ms.”

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“The React documentation is very clear about the way to avoid useless rerenders: shouldComponentUpdate(). … it's your job as a developer to check that the props of a component didn't change and skip rendering altogether in that case.”

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0x0019 OpenElement tag: 0x0000 "div" 0x001c StaticAttr name: 0x0001 "class" value: 0x0002 "active" namespace: 0x0000 0 0x001f FlushElement 0x0004 GetVariable symbol: 0x0000 0 0x0005 GetProperty key: 0x0003 "firstName" 0x0018 DynamicContent trusting: 0x0000 0 0x0020 CloseElement 0x0014 Return

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM DOM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM DOM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM
Sean DOM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM
Sean DOM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent
Sean DOM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent
Sean DOM

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent
DOM Brendan

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent

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StaticAttr OpenElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent CloseElement APPEND PROGRAM UPDATE PROGRAM UpdateDynamicContent 6× LESS WORK

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import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { let counter = 0; setInterval(() => { this.setState({ counter: ++counter }); }, 0); } render() { let { state } = this; let { counter } = state || {}; return

{ counter }

import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends Component { @tracked counter = 0; didInsertElement() { setInterval(() => { this.counter++; }, 0); } static template = `



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import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { let counter = 0; setInterval(() => { this.setState({ counter: ++counter }); }, 0); } render() { let { state } = this; let { counter } = state || {}; return

{ counter }

import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends Component { @tracked counter = 0; didInsertElement() { setInterval(() => { this.counter++; }, 0); } static template = `



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import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { let counter = 0; setInterval(() => { this.setState({ counter: ++counter }); }, 0); } render() { let { state } = this; let { counter } = state || {}; return

{ counter }

import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends Component { @tracked counter = 0; didInsertElement() { setInterval(() => { this.counter++; }, 0); } static template = `



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import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { let counter = 0; setInterval(() => { this.setState({ counter: ++counter }); }, 0); } render() { let { state } = this; let { counter } = state || {}; return

{ counter }

import RudyRufer from './RudyRufer'; import TheSunHasGotHisHatOn from './ TheSunHasGotHisHatOn'; import Roenno from './Roenno'; import LisaSchulte from './LisaSchulte'; import ChasinWildTrains from './ChasinWildTrains'; import TommyWinship from './TommyWinship'; import Parepepeotes from './Parepepeotes'; export default class extends Component { @tracked counter = 0; didInsertElement() { setInterval(() => { this.counter++; }, 0); } static template = `



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2 Optimized Updates • With Virtual DOM, sluggish update performance can sneak up on you • Generating optimized bytecode during initial render keeps updates fast

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1 3 2 Instant Templates 60fps Incremental Rendering Optimized Updates

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3 60fps Incremental Rendering

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e Frame Frame Frame Frame F

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s 16ms 16ms 16ms 16ms 1

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s 16ms 16ms 16ms 16ms 1 1000ms ÷ 60 = 16.6 ̅ms

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s 70ms 1

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s 70ms 1

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OpenElement FlushElement Text CloseElement GetVariable GetProperty DynamicContent SYNCHRONOUS

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OpenElement FlushElement requestIdleCallback 16ms Text CloseElement GetVariable requestIdleCallback 16ms GetProperty DynamicContent requestIdleCallback 16ms

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OpenElement FlushElement requestIdleCallback 16ms Text CloseElement GetVariable requestIdleCallback 16ms GetProperty DynamicContent requestIdleCallback 16ms

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render(iterator: TemplateIterator): void { // Iterate the template iterator, executing the compiled template program // until there are no more instructions left to execute. let result; do { result =; } while (!result.done); this.result = result.value; }

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render(iterator: TemplateIterator): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { let timeout = this.timeout; let tick = (deadline: Deadline) => { let iteratorResult: IteratorResult; do { iteratorResult =; } while (!iteratorResult.done && deadline.timeRemaining() > 1); if (iteratorResult.done) { this.result = iteratorResult.value; return resolve(); } requestIdleCallback(tick, { timeout }); }; requestIdleCallback(tick, { timeout }); }); }

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• Initial render can take multiple seconds on low-end phones • Raw optimization has reached diminishing returns—we need to break up the work. • VM architecture make this almost too easy. • Works with rehydration, too! 2 60fps Incremental Rendering

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1 3 2 Instant Templates 60fps Incremental Rendering Optimized Updates

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Future ๏ Implement VM in Web Assembly ๏ Execute programs in Web Worker

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Thank you! @tomdale