Slide 19
Slide 19 text
- Julia Kreutzer, Shigehiko Schamoni, and Stefan Riezler. QUality Estimation
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Quality Estimation. In Proc. of WMT, pp. 316-322, 2015.
- André F. T. Martins, Ramón Astudillo, Chris Hokamp, and Fabio Kepler.
Unbabel’s Participation in the WMT16 Word-Level Translation Quality
Estimation Shared Task. In Proc. of WMT, pp. 806-811, 2016.
- Hyun Kim, Jong-Hyeok Lee, and Seung-Hoon Na. Predictor-Estimator
using Multilevel Task Learning with Stack Propagation for Neural Quality
Estimation. In Proc. of WMT, pp. 562-568, 2017.
- André F. T. Martins, Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt, Fabio N. Kepler, Ramón
Astudillo, Chris Hokamp, and Roman Grundkiewicz. Pushing the Limits of
Translation Quality Estimation. Trans. of ACL, pp. 205-218, 2017. 19