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A Monolith Repository vs Many Repositories F A B I E N P O T E N C I E R @ F A B P O T

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A Monorepo vs Manyrepos F A B I E N P O T E N C I E R @ F A B P O T

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The monorepo Bridge/ 5 sub-projects Bundle/ 5 sub-projects Component/ 33 independent sub-projects like Asset, Cache, CssSelector, Finder, Form, HttpKernel, Ldap, Routing, Security, Serializer, Templating, Translation, Yaml, ... 43 projects, 25 000 commits, and 400 000 LOC

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The monorepo Agent PHP extension Signify Chrome Extension PHP SDK Player Docs Book Go C C JavaScript PHP PHP ReST ReST

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Development vs Distribution

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Monolith Repository ≠ Tightly coupled code

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Monorepos are
 awesome Make large
 backward incompatible changes easily...
 especially if they span
 different parts of the project

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Monorepos are
 awesome Old APIs can be removed with confidence

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Monorepos are
 awesome Change an API endpoint code
 and all its usages in all projects
 in one pull request

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Monorepos are
 awesome Code review are easier
 no manual coordination between multiple repos

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Monorepos are
 awesome Easy continuous integration for changes spanning several projects

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Monorepos are
 awesome Productivity increases

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Monorepos are
 awesome No switch from one repo to the next
 depending on which part of the codebase
 you are working on

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Monorepos are
 awesome Collaboration between teams becomes natural

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Monorepos are
 awesome Developers can fix bugs in all projects
 Noone owns code

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Monorepos are
 awesome Less management, everything is centralized

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Monorepos are
 awesome Dependency management is a non-issue, no need for version constraints for internal code

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Manyrepos are

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Manyrepos are
 awesome Clean boundaries between projects for free

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Manyrepos are
 awesome Code more reusable in other contexts

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Manyrepos are
 awesome Access control is easy

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Manyrepos are
 awesome Continuous integration might be simpler as well

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Working with
 a monorepo and

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Manyrepos - 43 ...* A monorepo - 1

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symfony/symfony src/Symfony/Component/Console Command/ Exception/ LICENSE ... symfony/console Command/ Exception/ LICENSE ...

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git log --oneline origin/2.0 src/Symfony/Component/Console 3be3dde [Console] Fixed comment dc2cc6b [Console] fixed input bug when the value of an option is empty (closes #6649, closes #6689) 151f2c1 Revert "merged branch egeloen/f-2.0-terminal-width (PR #6571)" 5157693 merged branch egeloen/f-2.0-terminal-width (PR #6571) f299bd0 [Console] Make getTerminalWith & getTerminalHeight public df5c171 updated license year 2fc41a1 [Console] fixed unitialized properties (closes #5935) 9aec4c8 Show correct class name InputArgument in error message 762649f shows correct class name InputOption in error message git log --oneline origin/2.0 da9d86b [Console] Fixed comment 5aaf6a3 [Console] fixed input bug when the value of an option is empty (closes #6649, closes #6689) efa6379 Revert "merged branch egeloen/f-2.0-terminal-width (PR #6571)" c9511da merged branch egeloen/f-2.0-terminal-width (PR #6571) 47e1ce7 [Console] Make getTerminalWith & getTerminalHeight public f3168bf updated license year fc6e023 [Console] fixed unitialized properties (closes #5935) 29e0ef3 Show correct class name InputArgument in error message 03cec88 shows correct class name InputOption in error message

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tree 55adb57 symfony/symfony f299bd0 git ls-tree origin/2.0 src/Symfony/Component/Console

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symfony/symfony f299bd0 git ls-tree origin/2.0 src/Symfony/Component/Console symfony/console 47e1ce7 git cat-file -p origin/2.0 tree 55adb57

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symfony/console 47e1ce7 symfony/symfony f299bd0 55adb57 a463ed5 ade4572 4f33efa 978ac3e

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source of thruth "read-only" Code changes Access control Tags CI / CD ... ? ... repo repo repo repo repo Manyrepos Read-time sync commits, tags, ... Monorepo PR moves

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 a monorepo
 to manyrepos git subtree split

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... at scale git subtree split 1 monorepo 43 manyrepos 5 maintained versions 220 maintained branches

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Slide 33 text, a rewrite in Go + libgit2 Initial split From hours+ to < 1 minute Incremental splits From minutes+ to < 10ms

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Slide 34 text a toolkit to manage mono/many repos

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Slide 35 text Pull requests are automatically moved
 from the manyrepos to the monorepo

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Slide 36 text CI/CD can happen
 from the monorepo
 and/or the manyrepos

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Slide 37 text Contractors can have access
 to some manyrepos only

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Slide 38 text and much more...

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Slide 39 text for Agent PHP extension Signify Chrome Extension PHP SDK Player Docs Book Website Go C C JavaScript PHP PHP ReST ReST PHP/Symfony Open-Source Open-Source A contractor works on this part only Independant releases Deployed together

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Soon to be released as Open-Source Interested?
 Email me at Thank you!