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Putting the F in FaaS

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! @trieloff

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! @adobeio

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Opinions are my own

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Ideas are not

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⚡ Putting the F in FaaS

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WT ?

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F is for Functions

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Fundamentally, there are only two programming styles: functional and dysfunctional.

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Functions in FaaS

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Stateless Short-lived

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Stateless Short-lived Single-purpose

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Stateless Short-lived Single-purpose Boring

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⚡ Serverless Functional Patterns for the Aspiring Enterprise Architect

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Fundamentally, there are only two architecture styles: functional and dysfunctional.

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! @timallenwagner The Serverless Manifesto 1. Functions are the unit of deployment and scaling 2. bla 3. bla 4. bla 5. Never pay for idle 6. bla

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! @yochayk Applied Serverless Design Patterns 1. Function Chaining 2. ASync HTTP (HTTP 202) 3. Fanout (Parallel) 4. Fanout + Fan-in 5. Long Running Function with Timeout

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! @ben11kehoe What's Missing From Serverless Providers Node is the WRONG runtime for serverless

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! @ben11kehoe What's Missing From Serverless Providers Node is the WRONG runtime for serverless

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! @ben11kehoe What's Missing From Serverless Providers Node is the WRONG runtime for serverless (because it’s making you do async wrong)

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Greenspun's tenth rule Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad- hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. tl;dr: LISP did it first

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⚡ What LISP can Teach You About Serverless Patterns

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LISP !" Clojure

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map/pmap (a.k.a. Fan-Out) (map some-function some-data) Apply some-function to each entry of the array of data in some-data. Then return the result as a new array. In parallel: use pmap. Why? To process lots of data.

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apply (a.k.a. Proxy) (apply some-function x y z) Call some-function with arguments x, y, and z. Why? To make the function to be called a variable itself.

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comp (a.k.a. Function Chaining) (comp some-function some-other-function) Create a function that first calls some-function on the arguments, and then some-other-function on the results. Why? To call multiple services in order.

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reduce (a.k.a. Fan-In) (reduce some-function some-data) Call some-function on the first item of some-data, then call some-function again, using the result of the prior invocation and the next item in some-data as arguments. Why? To compress large data sets into small results.

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fold (a.k.a. Fan-In with on Top) (fold reducef combined some-data) Break some-data into multiple sets, run (reduce reducef) on each, then run (combine combinef) on the results. Why? To compress really large data sets into small results, in multiple steps.

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iterate (a.k.a. Endless Function) (iterate start-value some-function) Create a function that creates a data stream starting with start-value from repeated calls to some-function. Why? To turn some-function into a data emitter, without some-function needing state.

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juxt (a.k.a. Parallel Functions) (juxt some-function some-other-function) Makes a function that calls some-function and some-other- function and returns a combined result. Why? To combine the results of multiple functions in one call.

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memoize (a.k.a. Good Ol’ Cache) (memoize some-function) Return a cached version of some-function that returns the same value for the same arguments. Why? To trade slow computing against fast cache lookups.

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partial (a.k.a. Wrapper) (partial some-function value) Creates a function that calls some-function with value as an argument, in addition to other arguments. Why? To provide default values and make powerful functions less dangerous.

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That’s all the F you need

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Can my Serverless Vendor do this?

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Probably. You need: 1. A Serverless (FaaS) Runtime 2. An Event Passing System 3. A Document Database with Triggers

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! @trieloff