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DPS - Community Service Presentation 01

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Introduction - What is Community Service? Community service may be compulsory or can be done voluntarily. It is commonly conducted by a local community like school, education institutions, non-profit organization (NPO), or house of worship Community service is work performed by an individual or group of people for free with the intention to benefit other people in the community. 02

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Objective Strive to improve the RhR Hotel business by promoting the hotel. Promote the RHR Hotel which is facing difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic 03 Aim to attract more customers to stay at the hotel by highlighting its Housekeeping department and advertise the RhR Hotel Ramadhan Promotion

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Commercial Video Create a commercial video of RhR Hotel focusing on Housekeeping Department Poster Create a poster for RhR Hotel Ramadhan Promotion 04 How?

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TEMPLATE The first draft template of the storyboard was out, we then suggest some more adjustment to let the video become more informative and attach to the estimated time, setting by the lecturer. TEAM FORMATION A large team were formed, some of the positions were selected, and the responsible department were being chosen. Team: DPS (13) + DCA (1) Team Leader: Bryant RHR's Department: Housekeeping department BRAINSTORMING There are 2 types of discussion being held this week. First, brainstorming on what were our expectations to put into the video Second, answer the crucial questions, suggested by the lecturer. Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 Weekly Progress (part I)

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Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 PROGRESS The group leader had a session with Madam on the progress of this project. Besides that, we also had a discussion on the method of improvising our initial promotional videos. TASK SEGREGATION This is the week where we started the discussion on the report and splitting the task among group members. We also discussed thoroughly uncertain parts of this task. FEEDBACK The Lecturer provided us with her feedback on our video ideas during our session. From there, we proceed with our discussion on the amendment of our video ideas. Weekly Progress (part II)

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Week 9 Week 8 Week 7 SUBMISSION This is the week where we submit both the report and video. Overall, our group are satisfied with the outcome of this work. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT For this week, we do not have any group assignment. Instead, we were tasked with a self-reflective essay as our individual assignment. MOODBOARD After receiving a new task from Madam, all of us decided to do our own separate mood board and from there, we will select the best three to be presented. Weekly Progress (part III)

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Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 PRESENTATION SLIDES We begin to design the Presentation Slides through Canva and any other preparation for Next week Community Service's presentation. TASK SEGREGATION All of the members separate the responsibility in different parts of the Presentation Slides and be mind on the Likes and Share amounts on YouTube. POSTER The selected Moodboards' owners will be responsible for the Posters design and finally voted by all of the members, to pick 2 out of 3 Posters for submission. Weekly Progress (part IV)

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No content

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able to gain the knowledge of creating a proper commercial video less exaggerate transition and fonts understand how to download the video and change the background by referring to the logo understand how to organize the whole commercial video

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-Difficult to download the video CONDITION 1 The video needs to be download from the youtube, which is youtube doesn't let to download the video

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As goes by the solution to be solve this problem, we found out that a website could be download the video by just paste the link.

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CONDITION 2 Hard to remove the watermark We found out that the video that we need to download are actually have other's person watermark

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Other's person watermark

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We would be crop the original video become smaller, which is crop the watermark Solution

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CONDITION 3 Unable to find a music that suitable for the commercial video By doing the commercial video, we need a good music that suitable for our video, but we unable to found out the great music.

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For the solution, we finally search the music in youtube, which is the music name called: Paradise, by Ikson

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CONDITION 4 Struggle of the subtitles fonts and transition During we editing the video, because we lack of experience and not the professional, so we much struggling in the subtitles fonts and the transition.

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CONDITION 5 Lack on resources, editing video and the quality of the video doesn't clearly enough

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Condition 6 The pink hotel logo

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Condition 6 The pink hotel logo looks blur from the website Problem:

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Condition 6 Less skill in imitating the hotel logo Internal Problem:

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Condition 6 Microsoft PowerPoint is used to check for the colour code Action Plan Taken 1:

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Condition 6 The colour code is applicable in Canva Action Plan Taken 1:

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Condition 6 Canva is used to imitated the text form of the pink hotel logo Action Plan Taken 2:

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Condition 6 Details: Background pink colour code - #CD0F69 First “r” - Now Think front style “h” - Now Think front style with Bold Second “r” - Now Think front style in separate text box and move closer to “h” “rhr” front size - 276 “HOTEL” - Hero Light front style and size 73.5 “line” - line weight is 2 “@SELAYANG” - Open Sans front style and size 54.3 Hotel information - Poppins Light front style and size 23

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Condition 6 The pink hotel logo can then be adjusted in the middle with more pink colour area Once it is done, this can be downloaded and insert into video editing software Reason:

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Condition 7 Less experience of staying at hotels No idea which department to choose Internal Problem:

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Condition 7 The facilities of different departments are tried to explain to the group before deciding which department to focus Booking hotel websites such as Agoda and Expedia, Instagram and Facebook Page are accessed to check for the updates in cleaning routine for the pandemic Action Plan Taken 1:

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Condition 7 Booking hotel websites such as Agoda and Expedia are also accessed to check for the landmarks Google Map is used to search the nearby attraction places to understand the purpose of staying there This is to have the idea of choosing the right background music for the commercial video Action Plan Taken 2:

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Condition 8 Video shooting and photography of the hotel room cannot be done during this pandemic External Problem: Hotel's main website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and hotel booking websites are accessed to get the photos and videos of the hotel Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 9 New to storyboard Lack of experience in making storyline Internal Problem: Ideas shared by group members are collected to arrange the storyline in the provided storyboard template Draft version is sent to lecturer to seek for feedback Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 10 The requested video clips for housekeeping and a photo of the hand sanitizer to be included with the amenities are not provided External Problem: The hotel's Instagram has the photos of housekeeping, but are not up to the expectation, so the plan is cancelled Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 11 The video editing software does not have the function of collaboration with others Internal Problem: When the draft video is done, storyboard is used to as a guideline to double check for the mistakes patiently Different ideas shared by group members are used to evaluate in comparison to get the best result A draft version is showed to lecturer to seek for feedback Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 12 Lack of experience in doing timeline Internal Problem: Calendar is used to estimate the date to complete certain tasks for the commercial video Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 13 Commercial video uploaded in Facebook page is deleted External Problem: When the commercial video is uploaded in YouTube, group members take turn to share around and keep a record of the results every day Action Plan Taken:

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Results Facebook Page: Likes - 101 Views - 503 Shares - 80 Comment - 1

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Results YouTube Channel: Likes - 132 Views - 459 Dislikes - 2 Comment - 5

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Able to use the space wisely without cramming too much information Able to choose the right type of fonts so that the words are clear and readable Learning to add and edit pictures on the poster Able to choose suitable and attractive colours from the colour pallete LESSON LESSON LEARNED LEARNED

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Condition 1 New to moodboard and poster design for hotel Less skill in using Canva Internal Problem: The hotel logo is duplicated to new Poster Design in Canva Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 2 Lack of reference External Problem:

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Condition 2 The hotel logo is arranged in different positions to share some ideas for moodboard and poster design Action Plan Taken 1:

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Condition 2 Original colours of the hotel logo are placed to allow group members to try working on poster design Action Plan Taken 2:

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Condition 2 Canva link is shared to the group for the members to try doing the designs Action Plan Taken 3:

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Condition 3 There is a confusion of focusing on hotel room rate and sahur Internal Problem: To clarify with the lecturer to double confirm Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 4 Less experience in moodboard design Internal Problem: Group members have tried to do different moodboard designs The lecturer is invited to join in Canva to provide the feedback Action Plan Taken:

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Condition 5 Less experience in poster design Internal Problem: Take note of what the lecturer expects during the presentation for moodboard design Read the feedback of other moodboard designs from other courses in the provided Google Drive folder Search for the old sample from the hotel social media website for reference Action Plan Taken:

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In this post-pandemic era which the world’s economies are expected to be gradually recovering and do a re-boot in their businesses. Once the borders are open, international tourist will start coming in and it will be good for the hospitality industry. Currently, being in the Ramadhan month, we take this advantage to promote our client’s RHR hotel comfort stay and it wide varieties of mouth-watering “Buka Puasa” Buffet as this is the best time to advertise it out in the social media and other medias. To ensure the hotel gets it repeat and new business in the near future, we focus mainly on improving customers satisfaction to the highest level, especially in the housekeeping department, to have the most enjoyable experience and comfortable stay, in order to get future business and recommendations to their circle of contacts too. Conclusion 1/2

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Community service is essential to our society, and in this project team from Erican College, put in a lot of effort under the guidance of Madam Ni, to promote our client’s RHR Hotel with the aim to attract more customers to stay at the hotel by highlighting its Value Propositions, such as the best housekeeping department and its friendly staffs, who constantly do their best to provide the highest standard of a clean and sanitized, comfortable and safe environment for the hotel’s patrons. The values and lessons acquired through this community service project is the participants have learned to adapt to the new method of virtual teamwork, and have successfully completed this project, which we hope and believe will give high positive impact to our client’s hotel business. Conclusion

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First and foremost, we thank Madam Ni for her guidance and experience in doing this community project. Challenges such as producing the video, preparing the report, presentation, the posters and etc., was a big experience. This is where we start to learn how to use new applications, i.e. Canva, which can be very valuable in the future. Once the framework was given, and a leader appointed to lead and the rest slowly fall in to take their positions to do their part. Week after week, Madam Ni constantly reviewing the progress, we got somewhere and seeing our community project effort materialized. Acknowledgement

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We take this opportunity to thank all our team members in this project listed in the team chart below, the reporting team, and a special thanks to those leading with the major tasks listed below:- 1.Project team leader - Bryant 2.Preparing the draft – Wani 3.Storyboard and Timeline – Rachel Hong 4.Video Editing – Chee San & Desney Woon 2/2 Acknowledgement

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Project Team Chart