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Multiplied by design Ben Holliday, Chief Designer @benholliday

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“Claiming that something is impossible is nothing more than a temporary working hypothesis. Two plus two can equal five if something changes.” – Arne Naess

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People Teams Participation Inclusion Research Knowledge Design Technology Data Delivery Multipliers

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Accessible Usable, reliable, clear and intuitive Responsive Adaptable/tailored to individual needs and local context Open Available anywhere, anytime and always on Changing expectations of products and services Transparent Built on trust and consent Faster Moving towards instantaneous Smart Making use of smart technologies and AI Joined-up Interactions that meaningfully connect online and offline Real-time Use of data to shape service experiences and interactions Automated Efficiency designed to enable human-interactions

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More is possible with design “

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Example 1: The art school

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Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh building

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Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh building - Library

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Analytical precision, but with creative eyes “

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Connectedness Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh building - Library

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One donor blueprint

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Example 2: The Bull

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The Bull - Pablo Picasso

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Creativity isn’t about making additions; it is about making subtractions. Ideas need honing, simplifying and focussing “

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Simplicity The Bull - Pablo Picasso

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Simplicity Curiosity The Bull - Pablo Picasso

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Example 3: The space rocket

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“I tend to approach things from a physics framework [which] teaches you to reason from first principles rather than by analogy. So I said, okay, let’s look at the first principles. What is a rocket made of? Aerospace grade aluminium alloys, plus some titanium, copper and carbon fibre. Then I asked, what is the value of those materials on the commodity market? It turned out that the material cost of a rocket was around 2% of the typical price – which is a crazy ratio for a large mechanical product.” – Elon Musk

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First principles: breaking down and understanding the component parts of a system or solution, then reconfiguring them to create value “

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Why are we doing this work? Understanding the reasoning and motivation behind any work that is being proposed, or has been started. Who are our users? Being able to describe who we think will need to use a service or solution. What outcome will users get from this service? Being able to describe why we think people will use a service or solution. What outcome are we looking for? Explaining the problem from the perspective of our organisation, and any operational constraints and problems to solve internally. What are our key metrics? Explaining how we intend to measure progress against these outcomes as we deliver the work. Framing the problem

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Example 4: The time traveller

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The superpower of design is time travel “

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…put imagination back at the heart of how we think about the future, and about what kind of future we might create, the future that is still possible to create. Not a perfect, utopian future, but a future that recognises the limits imposed by circumstances as opportunities, and responds with imagination and care, creating a future where things turn out okay. “

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“…we build our identity and our beliefs about what’s possible on the back of stories we take as true [but] we can control our stories, even when we can’t control the circumstances.” – Dr Pippa Grange (Fear Less)

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A future vision A better story

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A lack of ambition is also a lack of creativity and imagination “

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Example 5: The true innovator

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“…inclusive innovations don’t require a dramatic reinvention of technology. They don’t require tearing down existing solutions to create new ones. Often, it’s just applying a new lens to the resources that already exist, and forming new combinations of existing solutions. It starts by employing new perspectives to reframe the problems we aim to solve.” – Kat Holmes, Mismatch

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Reinvention of context

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Example 6: A final story about constraints…

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“Matisse became a wheelchair user shortly after surgery for cancer. He survived for 20 years and developed a method of cutting out shapes from coloured paper and having people stick them on large wall mounted sheets of paper for him.”

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2+2 = 5

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Slide 38 text Want to know more... Thank you Ben Holliday Chief Designer @benholliday