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@stefanjudis *Markdown, my friend* **We have to talk!**

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STEFAN JUDIS @stefanjudis

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What have these sites in common?

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“ I don't want to and feel bad setting up polluted WYSIWYG editors.

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Everything is broken!

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No content

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It's a mix of content and presentation

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Too flexible Too easy to mess up Mixes content and looks HTML is the goal

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You want to limit the user!

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# Heading ## Sub-heading Text attributes _italic_, **bold**, `monospace`. Bullet list: * apples * oranges * pears A [link]( ![Image](duck.png) Heading Sub-heading Text attributes italic, bold, monospace. Bullet list: - apple - oranges - pears A link.

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Inline HTML is supported. Inline HTML is supported.

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“ The key design goal [of markdown] is readability.

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No content

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Markdown is not "feature-complete" ("semantical correct" is not a thing)

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# Heading And a paragraph...

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# Heading And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png)

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No content

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Responsive images

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' export default (text) => marked(text);

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' const renderer = new marked.Renderer() export default (text) => marked(text, { renderer });

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' const renderer = new marked.Renderer() renderer.image = (href, title, text) => { return `${text}` } export default (text) => marked(text, { renderer });

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' const renderer = new marked.Renderer() renderer.image = (href, title, text) => { return `${text}` } export default (text) => marked(text, { renderer });

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# Heading And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png)

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# Heading And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png) And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png) And a paragraph...

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# Heading And a paragraph... ??? And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png) And a paragraph...

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"Video hack"

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' const renderer = new marked.Renderer() renderer.image = (href, title, text) => { return `${text}` } export default (text) => marked(text, { renderer });

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' const renderer = new marked.Renderer() renderer.image = (href, title, text) => { if (/\.mp4$/.test(href)) { return ` ` } return `${text}` } export default (text) => marked(text, { renderer });

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' const renderer = new marked.Renderer() renderer.image = (href, title, text) => { if (/\.mp4$/.test(href)) { return ` ` } return `${text}` } export default (text) => marked(text, { renderer });

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// my-markdown-renderer.js import marked from 'marked' const renderer = new marked.Renderer() renderer.image = (href, title, text) => { if (/\.mp4$/.test(href)) { return ` ` } return `${text}` } export default (text) => marked(text, { renderer }); Not pretty, but "works"

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# Heading And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png) And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png) And a paragraph...

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# Heading And a paragraph... ![Movie](duck.mp4) And a paragraph... ![Image](duck.png) And a paragraph...

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# Heading And a paragraph... ![Movie](duck.mp4) And a paragraph... ??? And a paragraph...

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# Heading And a paragraph... ??? ![Movie](duck.mp4) And a paragraph... ??? And a paragraph...

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# Heading And a paragraph... ??? ![Movie](duck.mp4) And a paragraph... ??? ??? !!! ??? Duck!

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# Heading And a paragraph... ??? ![Movie](duck.mp4) And a paragraph... ??? ??? !!! ??? Duck! Markdown is not made for "complex" use cases

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Limited functionality Focuses on semantics Easy to grasp

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Limited functionality Not powerful enough Editors don't like it HTML is "allowed"

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How can you solve this with Contentful?

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No content

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{ "sys": { "contentType": { "sys": { "id": "page" } } }, "fields": { "title": "Page", "components": [ { "sys": { "contentType": { "sys": { "id": "chart" } } } } ] }, ... }

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{ "sys": { "contentType": { "sys": { "id": "page" } } }, "fields": { "title": "Page", "components": [ { "sys": { "contentType": { "sys": { "id": "chart" } } } } ] }, ... } ...

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{ "sys": { "contentType": { "sys": { "id": "page" } } }, "fields": { "title": "Page", "components": [ { "sys": { "contentType": { "sys": { "id": "chart" } } } } ] }, ... } ... Structured data is perfect for a component-driven approach!

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“ MDX is Markdown + JSX, bringing the world of components to Markdown.

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import { Chart } from ' ../components/chart' # Here's a chart The chart is rendered inside our MDX document.

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No content

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It's Reveal.js on steroids.

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Are these slide made with mdx-deck?

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Could this work in Contentful?

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Stefan, you're breaking portability!

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Yeah, kinda...

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No content

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Devs will love it Perfect for docs Component-based

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Easy to mess up Not made for publishing Needs file access Breaks portability easily

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No content

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Love it! But it's not suited for our content editing needs.

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A [link](

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A [link](

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Duck! Duck!

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Duck! Duck! Duck!

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Duck! Duck! Duck! Duck!

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Alice! Alice! Alice! Alice!

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Alice! Alice! Alice! Alice! That's not possible with hardcoded values.

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Back to square one!

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Structured Text

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It supports underline Visual interface Fewer content types

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Incoming links support Connected editing flow Platform-portable

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Slide 98 text Topics & Assemblies will still be a thing

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Proper content modelling stays important!

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So, what about the hover-duck? Duck!

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Inline references will be possible Duck!

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You can sign up for the alpha today. Talk to me!

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