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Let’s write a parser! DENIS DEFREYNE / SOUNDCLOUD, BERLIN / MAY 17TH, 2016

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1. Language 2

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I am Denis. 3

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But how do you know that I am Denis? 4

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But how do you know that I am Denis? I told you. I wrote it down. You’ve probably seen me before. Etc. 5

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But how do you know that I am Denis? You understand English. 6

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Computers are stupid. 7

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8 $ git commit --message="Fix bugs"

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9 def greet(name) puts "Hello, #{name}" end

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10 def greet(name: String): Unit = { println(s"Hello, $name!") }

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Text forms a language, but computers don’t know that. 11

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2. Parsing 12

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Basic idea: 13 Parser objects that are small, composable, and purely functional.

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14 def read(input, pos)

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15 def read(input, pos) + 1) end

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16 def read(input, pos) end

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17 char("H") Succeeds if the next character is the given one.

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18 char("H").apply("Hello")

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18 H e l l o char("H").apply("Hello")

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18 H e l l o 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Hello")

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18 H e l l o 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Hello")

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18 H e l l o 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Hello")

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18 H e l l o 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Hello") Success(pos = 1)

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19 char("H").apply("Adiós")

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19 A d i ó s 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Adiós")

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19 A d i ó s 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Adiós")

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19 A d i ó s 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Adiós")

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Failure(pos = 0) 19 A d i ó s 0 1 2 3 4 char("H").apply("Adiós")

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20 if input[pos] == @char + 1) else end

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21 seq(a, b) Succeeds if both given parsers succeed in sequence.

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22 seq(char("H"), char("e")).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 22 0 1 2 3 4 seq(char("H"), char("e")).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 22 0 1 2 3 4 seq(char("H"), char("e")).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 22 0 1 2 3 4 seq(char("H"), char("e")).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 22 0 1 2 3 4 seq(char("H"), char("e")).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 22 0 1 2 3 4 seq(char("H"), char("e")).apply("Hello") Success(pos = 2)

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23 seq( char("H"), char("e"), char("l"), char("l"), char("o"), )

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24 string(s) Succeeds if all characters in the given string can be read in sequence.

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H e l l o 25 0 1 2 3 4 string("Hello").apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 25 0 1 2 3 4 string("Hello").apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 25 0 1 2 3 4 string("Hello").apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 25 0 1 2 3 4 string("Hello").apply("Hello") Success(pos = 5)

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26 eof() Succeeds at the end of input; fails otherwise.

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H e l l o 27 0 1 2 3 4 seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 27 0 1 2 3 4 seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 27 0 1 2 3 4 seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 27 0 1 2 3 4 seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello")

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H e l l o 27 0 1 2 3 4 seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello") Success(pos = 5)

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28 0 1 2 3 4 5 H e l l o ! seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello!")

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28 0 1 2 3 4 5 H e l l o ! seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello!")

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28 0 1 2 3 4 5 H e l l o ! seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello!")

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28 0 1 2 3 4 5 H e l l o ! seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello!")

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28 0 1 2 3 4 5 Failure(pos = 5) H e l l o ! seq(string("Hello"), eof).apply("Hello!")

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29 alt(a, b) Succeeds if either of the given parsers succeed.

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A d i ó s 30 0 1 2 3 4 alt(char("H"), char("A")).apply("Adiós")

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A d i ó s 30 0 1 2 3 4 alt(char("H"), char("A")).apply("Adiós")

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A d i ó s 30 0 1 2 3 4 alt(char("H"), char("A")).apply("Adiós")

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A d i ó s 30 0 1 2 3 4 alt(char("H"), char("A")).apply("Adiós") Success(pos = 1)

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31 whitespace_char = alt( char(" "), char("\t"), char("\r"), char("\n"), )

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32 opt(p) Succeeds always, but only advances if p succeeds.

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33 repeat(p) Succeeds always, and attempts to apply p as often as possible.

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34 repeat(whitespace_char)

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35 intersperse(a, b) Alternates between a and b., always ending with a.

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36 intersperse(char("a"), char(",")).apply("a,a,b")

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a , a , b 36 0 1 2 3 4 intersperse(char("a"), char(",")).apply("a,a,b")

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a , a , b 36 0 1 2 3 4 intersperse(char("a"), char(",")).apply("a,a,b")

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a , a , b 36 0 1 2 3 4 intersperse(char("a"), char(",")).apply("a,a,b")

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a , a , b 36 0 1 2 3 4 intersperse(char("a"), char(",")).apply("a,a,b")

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a , a , b 36 0 1 2 3 4 intersperse(char("a"), char(",")).apply("a,a,b") Success(pos = 3)

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37 etc.

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3. Examples 38

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39 720 6 29530

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40 digit = alt( *('0'..'9') .map { |c| char(c) } )

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41 digit = char_in('0'..'9')

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42 digit = char_in('0'..'9') nat_number = seq(digit, repeat(digit))

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43 digit = char_in('0'..'9') nat_number = repeat1(digit)

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44 digit = char_in('0'..'9')
 nat_number = repeat1(digit) .capture 

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44 digit = char_in('0'..'9')
 nat_number = repeat1(digit) .capture 
 Success(pos = 3, data = "720")

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45 def read(input, pos)

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46 def read(input, pos) + 1) end

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47 def read(input, pos) + 1, "blahblah") end

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48 dec_number = seq( nat_number, char('.'), nat_number, )

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49 Horan,Niall,93 Payne,Liam,93 Tomlinson,Louis,91 Styles,Harry,94 Malik,Zayn,93

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50 field =
 repeat(char_not_in(',', "\n"))
 line =
 intersperse(field, char(','))
 file =

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50 field =
 repeat(char_not_in(',', "\n"))
 line =
 intersperse(field, char(','))
 file =

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50 field =
 repeat(char_not_in(',', "\n"))
 line =
 intersperse(field, char(','))
 file =

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50 field =
 repeat(char_not_in(',', "\n"))
 line =
 intersperse(field, char(','))
 file =

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51 Horan,Niall,93 Payne,Liam,93 Tomlinson,Louis,91 Styles,Harry,94 Malik,Zayn,93

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52 [ ["Horan", "Niall", 93], ["Payne", "Liam", 93], ["Tomlinson", "Louis", 91], ["Styles", "Harry", 94], ["Malik", "Zayn", 93], ]

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53 add(1, mul(2, 3)) sub(5, 4)

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54 lparen = char('(') rparen = char(')') comma = char(',')

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55 expr = alt(lazy { funcall }, nat_number)

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56 funcall = seq( identifier, lparen, arg_list, rparen, )

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57 letter =
 identifier =

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58 arg_list =
 intersperse( expr, seq(comma, whitespace), )

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59 arg_list =
 intersperse( expr, seq(comma, whitespace), )

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60 expr_list =
 intersperse(expr, char("\n"))

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60 expr_list =
 intersperse(expr, char("\n"))
 program =
 seq(expr_list, eof)

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61 add(1, mul(2, 3)) sub(5, 4)

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62 Success(pos = 27)

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Where’s the data!!! 63

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64 funcall = seq( identifier, lparen, arg_list, rparen, ) 

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65 funcall = seq( identifier.capture, lparen, arg_list, rparen, ) 

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66 funcall = seq( identifier.capture, lparen, arg_list, rparen, ).map do |data| # stuff here end

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67 funcall = seq( identifier.capture, lparen, arg_list, rparen, ).map do |data|[0], data[2]) end

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68 add(1, mul(2, 3)) sub(5, 4)

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69 ["add", [ 1,"mul", [2, 3]), ]),"sub", [5, 4]), ]

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And that is how you can write a parser.

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And that is how you can write a parser using parser combinators. 71

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74 require 'd-parse'

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74 require 'd-parse'
 module JSONGrammar

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74 require 'd-parse'
 module JSONGrammar extend DParse::DSL

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74 require 'd-parse'
 module JSONGrammar extend DParse::DSL
 DIGIT = char_in('0'..'9')
 NUMBER = repeat1(DIGIT)

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74 require 'd-parse'
 module JSONGrammar extend DParse::DSL
 DIGIT = char_in('0'..'9')
 NUMBER = repeat1(DIGIT)
 res = Grammar::NUMBER.apply('8700')

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75 case res

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75 case res when DParse::Success

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75 case res when DParse::Success
 puts( when DParse::Failure
 $stderr.puts res.pretty_message

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 expected identifier at line 1, column 36 def reticulate(splines, threshold, ) { ↑

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78 My name is Denis. Ready to parse your questions. Find me at [email protected], or @denis on Slack.