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5 Context Marketing Consultancy Marketing Consultancy specialising in Marketing Operations, Strategy and Customer Experience Helping organisations reach the right customers, with the right message, at the right time and place in their journeys Working on helping businesses know what it means to be customer-centric

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Digital Marketer who has done in- house roles from SEO Executive to Global Director Talk a lot about marketing strategy and how marketing needs to be more valued Red wine drinking cat lady @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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Why did I want to talk to you about the gaps between CX and SEO? @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 M c K i n s e y & C o m p a n y CX, or Customer Experience, encapsulates everything a business or organisations does to put customers first, managing their journeys and meeting their needs. @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 The most highly satisfied customers are more likely to spend more, and buy more products and services from a business than least satisfied Institute of Customer Service Research @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 Customer Experience is on the decline Institute of Customer Service Research @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 h t t p s : / / n e s t c o m m e r c e . c o / r e s o u r c e s / t h e - r e a d o u t - a p r i l - 2 0 2 3 - e c o m - s t r a t e g i e s - b r a n d - m a r k e t i n g / In 2023, eCommerce brands were spending, on average, 80% of their marketing budget on acquistion campaigns. @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 S a l e s f o r c e 63% of customers expect businesses to know and meet their unique needs​ @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 Doing SEO just to drive web traffic means... You are missing huge opportunities @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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Most people think CX is covered by this SEO: Content for Search Terms High ranking Keywords Optimised Site Speed Technical Improvements Link Building Mobile First Content @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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1 0 Keywords for different stages of a customer journey are deprioritised​ Not enough time & attention putting resources into 'supporting' content Vanity metrics are driving SEO strategy​ Search intent doesn't have context As a result - there are gaps... @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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Marketing still sees a customer journey as a funnel @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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@colletteontour #brightonSEO

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Start thinking of SEO as a cycle @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 How can SEO fill the gaps in Customer Experience? @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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Build out the right content for the right product/service Get the right message to the right people Get the right message at the right time to customers Customers aren't channel specific – make SEO part of the wider journey Create content and experiences for every stage of the customer journey

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7 Where can SEO’s get extra insight for Customer Experience gaps? @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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1 0 Email Content Engagement Customer Preferences A/B Test Results Customer Survey‘s 1. CRM & Email @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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1 0 Google Reviews Trust Pilot/Trip Advisor Customer Service Teams Live Chat Transcriptions 2. Reviews & Feedback @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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1 0 Engagement Statistics Community Management Competitor Analysis Content Variances 3. Social Media @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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1 0 Buying trends Seasonality Industry Trends 4. Business Insight @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 Why is this the responsibility of SEO’s? @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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1 0 SEO is a foundational channel that drives traffic and engagement to all other channels SEO is evolving to mean Search and not just for the Search Engines @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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7 1 . T a k e A c t i o n - t a l k t o y o u r c u s t o m e r s 2 . D o n ’ t l e t S E O w o r k i n a S i l o 3 . D o n ’ t p r i o r i t i s e t o p o f f u n n e l k e y w o r d s 4 . M o r e t o S E O t h a n S e a r c h I n t e n t Key Takeaway’s @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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5 Connect with me on LinkedIn @colletteontour #brightonSEO

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