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Patterns that Protect Securing Workloads in Automated Deployments

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Sr. Developer Advocate at HashiCorp he / him @ksatirli Kerim Satirli

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OSS has won.

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98% of applications have OSS dependencies and they're in your repos.

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Software Lifecycle developer's machine or remote / hosted IDE build developer's machine or build server compile build server or artifact storage store orchestration platform (Kubernetes, Nomad etc) run

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This is about Trust.

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Software Lifecycle developer's machine or remote / hosted IDE trust developer's machine or build server trust build server or artifact storage trust orchestration platform (Kubernetes, Nomad etc) trust

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01 Trusting the Build Process

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! > dscl . -read /Groups/admin GroupMembership GroupMembership: root kerim #

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Endpoint Protection is important.

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Assume Hostile Intent for Unverified Code.

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02 Trusting the Compilation Process

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Always Verify your Code. Automatically.

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SLSA Level -1

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Shared Responsibility

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variable "actions_config" { description = "Object of GitHub Actions Configuration." default = { # see actionlint = { owner = "reviewdog" repository = "action-actionlint" version = "v1.37.0" } # see checkout = { owner = "actions" Building Trust into the Pipeline

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# get GH Release Tag Ids by polling the Releases Data Source data "github_release" "actions" { for_each = { for id, action in var.actions_config : id => action } repository = each.value.repository owner = each.value.owner retrieve_by = "tag" release_tag = each.value.version } Building Trust into the Pipeline

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# get Commitish by polling Ref data source using Tag Name data "github_ref" "actions" { for_each = data.github_release.actions repository = each.value.repository owner = each.value.owner ref = "tags/${each.value.release_tag}" } Building Trust into the Pipeline

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resource "github_actions_organization_permissions" "main" { allowed_actions = "selected" # require all repositories to abide by this policy enabled_repositories = "all" allowed_actions_config { github_owned_allowed = true verified_allowed = true patterns_allowed = [ for action in local.actions_config : "${action.owner}/${action.repository}@${action.sha}" ] } } Building Trust into the Pipeline

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03 Trusting the Artifact Storing Process

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Security is a product of consistent behavior.

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Sign Everything.

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Create and Store Verifiable Build Logs

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Artifact Security

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04 Trusting the Orchestration Process

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Hermetic Builds

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Running Trustable Workloads

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task "preflight_check" { lifecycle { hook = "prestart" sidecar = false } driver = "docker" config { image = "workloads/preflight:sha256:7bd...171" # v0.9.0 } template { destination = "config/preflight.hcl" data = ... } } Preflight Checking

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We shifted Security Left.

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Security is a Team Sport.

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Co-op Learning

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Thank you