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Elevate Your Intent Matt Green

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About Me • Github: • Twitter: @mattgreenrocks • Email: [email protected]

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“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.” - Harold Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

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Why Intent? • Code is a sequence of instructions • But it can’t tell us what it’s doing, or why • How can we convey our intent?

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What Are We Doing? • We are problem solvers first and foremost • Can we change how we think about problem solving? • Code is only as good as our understanding • These are skills to build our careers on

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Requirements • Story: User Logs In • User enters username and password • Credentials sent to web service • If credentials are valid, store username + unique token in Keychain • Otherwise, display an error message

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Responsibilities • This code has four main responsibilities: • UI handling • HTTP request sending • HTTP response parsing • Keychain storage • One problem: this is a simple requirement!

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Muddled intent • Multiple responsibilities • Several levels of abstraction • Involved test setup • Two conditionals away from pain! • Employ design to increase intent

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Decoupling the API • Extract the web service to a new API class • API class will only be responsible for: • Sending requests • Parsing responses • Good class and method names further increase intent

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What Did We Gain? • Named a domain concept: the web service • Encapsulated the responsibility of: • Communicating with the API • Interpreting the response • Isolated the dependency (BubbleWrap)

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Testing the API • Use integration tests • Only test against API.login responsibilities • Need to mock web service response • Small, focused classes = simpler test suites

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Decoupling Keychain • Extract Keychain access out to a new class • Responsible for persisting username and token • Thus, we name it UserRegistration, rather than something involving Keychain

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Benefits • Introduced a domain concept • Abstracted: • ACSimpleKeychain details (service, id) • Error-checking style • Dependency itself (ACSimpleKeychain)

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Testing UserRegistration • Similar to API: • Call • Check against ACSimpleKeychain directly • Narrow interfaces ease testing

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Generalizing... • API and UserRegistration are boundaries: they allow us to interact with the world • Boundaries typically fall into a few categories, such as persistence, networking, and hardware sensors • However, they are dependencies...

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Dependencies • Dependencies may: • Have, or introduce bugs • Change their API across versions • Have a clunky, error-prone API • In short: they increase risk! • So, we isolate them

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Why isolate? • Dependency-induced complexity obscures actual domain complexity • To prevent this, we use layers: • Domain: “what does my app do?” • Technical: “how does it accomplish it?” • Layers are required for complex systems

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Dependencies And Evil “Evil things exist. You're going to have mutable state; you're going to use libraries that don't fail loudly; libraries are sometimes going to force global mutable state on you…I want that stuff on one side so that I can always keep my eye on it...because occasionally those evil forces inhabit a body and make it wear hockey masks and swing sharp objects at me and, damn it, I'm a programmer; I can't be fighting off global- mutable-state-possessed homicidal monsters.” - Gary Bernhardt

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Managing Boundaries • Name it after a domain concept • Write a simple API tailored to your app • Check for errors, and fail loudly • Rely on integration tests to verify/upgrade dependency

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Pushing Onward • The controller still knows: • That we call the API • To store the credentials if the login succeeded • How do we test that logic? • What do we do this logic is complex?

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The edge of MVC • Extract interaction to a service object, such as LoginUser that is UI agnostic • Encapsulate interaction between API and UserRegistration, simplifying our view controller • However, the API is async. How to cope?

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Desired Code...

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Enter Elevate • Elevate is a global task queue designed for service objects • Robust: powered by NSOperationQueue • Start/stop operations from view controller • Simplifies async I/O in service objects

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Elevate Usage • Elevate calls execute on any object passed to the view controller’s async method • The async method returns an NSOperation to cancel the operation • Only one operation may run at a time

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Elevate Simplifies IO • iOS web service requests are async • Elevate’s HTTP client: • Feels like a blocking HTTP client • Allows cancellation via NSOperation • Increased readability = increased intent

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Conclusion • Maximizing intent requires practice • ‘Average’ code can be improved by simply extracting concerns out • Boundaries are necessary, but incur risk • Elevate helps you create a service layer

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Further Study • Clean Architecture: 2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html • Destroy All Software: • Growing Object Oriented Software Guided By Tests, by Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce

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