Type Safety in an Unsafe World
with Kotlin
Cody Engel, Staff Software Engineer @ PayPal
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What is Type
It is kind of confusing.
Photo: Matthew Hamilton via Unsplash
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Robin Milner, A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming
“Well typed programs cannot go wrong.”
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Going Wrong
Syntactically valid, but meaningless.
Type Safety by Michael Hicks - http://bit.ly/ple-type-safety
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Well Typed
It may crash, but that is by design in Kotlin.
Type Safety by Michael Hicks - http://bit.ly/ple-type-safety
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Well Typed, Continued
This is by design in Ruby and may also crash.
Type Safety by Michael Hicks - http://bit.ly/ple-type-safety
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Cody Engel, Type Safety in an Unsafe World with Kotlin
“Some languages have stricter behavior
than others.”
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What is Kotlin?
It is a strict, yet concise
programming language.
Photo: Marc Reichelt via Unsplash
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Define Types
Name can be inferred to be a
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Define Mutability
A variable defined as “var”
can change.
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Define Structures
Structured data is more
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Define Nullability
Nullability is opt-in.
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Coroutines make
concurrency simpler.
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And The Unsafe
That would be our APIs.
Photo: Jason Yoder via Unsplash
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As a boolean it works well.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t how it was actually modeled.
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Our permissions class was never safer!
However this is how we would model that information in Kotlin.
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Okay, technically this isn’t too bad.
Although, it is not the best way to model a boolean with JSON.
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Extension functions to the
This could also be an extension property, but extension functions look better in Keynote
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Strings can also represent
numeric values which can
represent booleans.
I was pretty excited to make use of extension functions, so it was fine.
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Unfortunately String already
has a toBoolean function.
And that function is for converting “true” and “false” into a boolean
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I can’t recall if this was
actually possible with the
However there is a good chance it could have been possible based on customer configurations.
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Fortunately, it isn’t too
difficult to add.
Nonetheless, it’d be great if this wasn’t required in the first place
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It was nullable though.
That’s okay though, nullability is actually pretty simple with Kotlin.
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Updating our extension
function to be on a nullable
Any works.
Since we type cast on non-null types, the else branch catches our null case.
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Making The World
a Safer Place
How to design safer APIs.
Photo: Matthew Rumph via Unsplash
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Stick to a strict API when rolling
your own specification.
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Use an industry standard
specification, such as Open API.
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Look at JSON alternatives such
as Protocol Buffers.
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Let’s build some great and safe APIs.
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