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Are you browsing comfortably? Steve Workman @steveworkman #sideviewconf

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TV is still the centre of family entertainment

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“Unlike the 1950s family, however, they are also doing their own thing. They are tweeting about a TV show, surfing the net or watching different content altogether on a tablet.” James Thickett, Ofcom’s Director of Research eansplit/8414735791/

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There is a market for the web on your TV Big TV NAS Xbox Wii Media Centre PC

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7 million households can get the internet on their TV (39%) Source: Ofcom CMR 2013

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7% of households have a Smart TV

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Over half of all households have a games console 97% 75% 53% 53% 51% 38% 35% 24% 22% 8% 7% Digital television DVD player Games console DVR Smartphone MP3 player DAB digital radio Tablet E-reader 3D ready TV Smart TV Household take-up of digital communications / AV devices 2013 Source: Ofcom CMR 2013

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The Trinity of TVs: User position, User input, Device output Input Output Position Solve for all devices

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I’m all the way over here, can you read that text?

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Small text is fine close up

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At 10’ keeping the same perceived size means bigger font sizes

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A good rule of thumb is to double the size of the text on the screen

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What’s the resolution of your TV? 1080p, obviously Viewport Size TVs Aspect Ratio 800x500 Wii 16:10 980x514 Wii U 19:10 960x540 Samsung TV 16:9 1024x574 Google TV 16:9 1041x586 Xbox 360 16:9 1094 x 928 PS3 11:10 1236x701 Xbox One 16:9 1280x720 LG TV 16:9 1920x1080 Panasonic TV 16:9

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“The Web browser viewport did not provide a good guide to how things should lay out. In fact, relying on viewport alone lead to arguably poor designs. Luke Wroblewski (@lukew) Nov 3rd 2013

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No keyboard, no mouse, no touch… no hope?

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TVs are complicated enough as they are

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Smart TV remotes have tried to make input simpler, and failed

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Second-screen input apps are filling the gap

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Voice input will come along one day Image courtesy of Microsoft

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Assume there’s a D-pad, anything else is a bonus problem

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Q: Do you browse the internet on your TV? No. Experience is awful. Very occasionally No. It's slow and annoying No Rarely. It's easier to use phone/tablet/laptop which are usually all in the same room as the TV. No because the TV processor is really slow No. I find the entire process annoying and tedious.

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Slide 22 text Your Smart TV in 2013 has the equivalent power of an iPhone 3GS

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TV browsers aren’t exactly stellar Wii PS3 iOS 4 Xbox 360 PS Vita Wii U iOS 6 Panasonic Samsung TV iOS 7 Google TV Toshiba TV Chrome (Desktop) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 HTML5 Test Score

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LG 2012 model TVs run this browser… By Ufopedia (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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We make the web on TV bearable with add-ons Big TV NAS Xbox Wii Media Centre PC

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Scenarios DESKTOP • Position: 18” from screen • Input: keyboard and mouse, maybe touch • Output: high-resolution screen, large viewport, modern MOBILE TV • Position: 10’ from screen • Input: d-pad, maybe keyboard, maybe touch, maybe voice • Output: high-resolution screen, small viewport, probably old browser • Position: 6-10” from screen • Input: touch • Output: high-resolution screen, very small viewport, modern browser

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Are there any solutions? Is it even possible to design for all devices?

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Can you make a responsive UI for all display sizes?

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Can you make a responsive UI for all display sizes?

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Can you make a responsive UI for all display sizes?

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Can you make a responsive UI for all display sizes?

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Responsive, content-driven sites work well

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Content sites designed for reading on small screens, also work well on big screens

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Non-responsive sites are hard to read without increasing the text size

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Some sites look awful no matter what

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The 10’ experience is very different from the 10” experience, and right now, responsive web design treats them the same

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“screen size doesn’t give us a complete picture of what we need to know to design an appropriate interface [for TV]” Luke Wroblewski (@lukew) Oct 31st 2013

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When is a TV not a TV? All of these devices respond to media=“screen”

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If we can’t tell that it’s a TV, perhaps we should ask the user

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Couch Mode Aaron Gustafson

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Couch Mode Aaron Gustafson

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Pixel-based Ems-based Works great on big-text screens Define media queries in ems

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The outlook for TV technology is good Wii PS3 iOS 4 Xbox 360 PS Vita Wii U iOS 6 Panasonic Samsung TV iOS 7 Google TV Toshiba TV Chrome (Desktop) Xbox One PS4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 HTML5 Test Score

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Xbox One’s focus on entertainment and media is exciting

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For TV, perhaps all you need is Chromecast

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TV Represents the tip of the iceberg • TVs are here now, and it is easy to show a website on it • Google Glass can display websites, those screens are half an inch from your eye, but are the equivalent of a 32” TV, 8 feet away • Wearable technology is emerging and will produce more situations that we cannot predict and assume what the user will want

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“The number of problems we can solve automatically for our users are dwindling. We can’t know reliably how much bandwidth a user might have available to them, whether they’re outside or stationary, or whether they’re mirroring their display to a wider screen—or, or, or." Ethan Marcotte (@beep) Nov 2nd 2013

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Ultimately, right now, we need to ask Input User- provided context Output Position Solve for user- provided screen type Solve for “TV remotes” Solve for user- provided position , and that’s ok

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Thank you Tweet @steveworkman #sideviewconf Slides at NO SIGNAL