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Slide 2 text Monthly release New features Open Development Direction Strategy Collaborate on code. Issues, Merge Requests, Code Review Continuous Integration Deploy! Community Edition Open Source (MIT License) On premises or Enterprise Edition +Options On premises or Free and unlimited Public and private! SaaS Enterprise Edition

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In this webcast • GitLab CI overview • How GitLab CI works • Live demos: • Configuring CI for testing • Configuring a Specific Runner • Reviewing your work; builds and artifacts • The roadmap • Resources to get started Heather Developer Marketing

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Tip: Watching us on GNU/Linux? Try Chromium. • Recording and Slides will be available! • Keep an eye on our blog and newsletter about.gitlab. com/contact

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Introduction to GitLab CI

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@ayufanpl @GrzegorzBizon @TomaszMaczukin

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Introduction to GitLab CI Kamil

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Group What is GitLab? Project Issue Tracker Discuss, plan, assign, organize. Merge Requests Same as above, plus line by line code review, testing and merging. Git Repository Work from the command line or the UI GitLab CI Test your builds before you merge.

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Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently... verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors -- Martin Fowler on Continuous Integration

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What is CI? Your Development Team Push to Central Repository Build and test (CI) Review and merge

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What’s next? Your Development Team Push to Central Repository Build and test (CI) Production (Deployment) Staging (Delivery) ➔ Continuous Delivery ➔ Continuous Deployment

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Configuration as Code ● Versioned tests: a .gitlab-ci.yml file that contains your tests, allowing everyone to contribute changes and ensuring every branch gets the tests it needs ● We are developers, we prefer to write, focus on content, because this is natural for us :)

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.gitlab-ci.yml image: ruby before_script: - bundle install test:rspec: script: - bundle exec rspec test:rubocop: script: - bundle exec rubocop

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What can you do with CI on GitLab? ➔ Build packages ➔ Run test suites ➔ Deploy new code once tests pass ➔ Use for any language and framework ➔ Use on any platform ➔ Use for mobile and embedded development ➔ Use on ARM and Raspberry PI

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Architecture GitLab Laptop VM VM

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Other CI tools? ➔ Jenkins integration? ◆ Status display on the dashboard, such as project list, project landing page, status of commits, merge request but not the build log. ➔ With other CI services some of this won’t work. ➔ (Link to documentation describing other services)?

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Which services work with CI? ➔ Atlassian Bamboo CI ➔ Drone CI ➔ Jenkins CI ➔ JetBrains Team City CI

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Any questions about configuring GitLab CI so far? Demos coming next! We’ll answer what we can and follow up via email after! Watching the recording?

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Demo: Configuring CI Grzegorz

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What we will do in this demo ➔ Create an example Ruby project using TDD ➔ Use RSpec test harness ➔ Configure CI environment for it on ➔ Prepare very basic `gitlab-ci.yml` file ➔ See what happens after a Git push

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What we just saw How to configure your project with Continuous Integration on GitLab. com. You can apply the same workflow on your on-premises of GitLab Community Edition installation, using your own compute nodes to install GitLab Runners on!

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Any questions about the demo configuring CI? We’ll answer what we can and follow up via email after! Watching the recording?

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Demo: Specific Runners Tomasz

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What we did in this demo ➔ Installed GitLab Runner on a fresh virtual machine with Debian ➔ Registered the Runner in a project created earlier ➔ Disabled shared Runners for the project ➔ Re-executed last build so it was run on our new Runner ➔ Started our Runner to process the build

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Why would I need my own Runner? On, for example, you can use shared runners. But sometimes shared runners aren’t good solution, for example: ➔ you need to compile the software for Windows or OS X, not for linux ➔ you are creating some confidential data during the build so you need to have them on your infrastructure Happily with GitLab CI you can do it!

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Which Operating Systems? Supported platforms: i386, amd64, arm Supported OS: ➔ GNU/Linux ➔ Windows ➔ OS X ➔ FreeBSD DEB/RPM packages

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Compare Docker vs Shell? Shell ● Easiest to install and use ● Uses host environment ● Less secure - different projects can access each other working directories Docker ● More powerful ● Separates build environment ● Use predefined images with required software, libraries etc. (or build your own) ● Works only for GNU/Linux (as for now)

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Autoscaling ● Introduced in GitLab Runner 1.1 ● Uses Docker Machine (so it’s limited to GNU/Linux right now) ● It’s integrated with most popular cloud providers and you can always provide your own driver ● Made to speed up your builds and utilize your build infrastructure (and costs)

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Any questions about configuring Specific Runners? We’ll answer what we can and follow up via email after! Watching the recording?

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Reviewing your work in CI - Kamil

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Build artifacts (.gitlab-ci.yml) build: stage: build script: - make build artifacts: paths: - binaries/

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Pipeline stages: - build - test build: stage: build script: make build test: stage: test script: make test

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Parallel builds test1: stage: test script: - make test1 test2: stage: test script: - make test2

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Docker support image: ruby:2.1 services: - mysql rspec: script: - rspec

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Pages ➔ Create websites for your GitLab projects, groups, or user account ➔ Use any static website generator ➔ Use GitLab CI to generate your Pages ➔ Use own domain and SSL image: publysher/hugo pages: script: - hugo artifacts: paths: - public only: - master

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CI Lint

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Roadmap ● Integrated Container Registry: push and pull directly from GitLab ● Deployments to Kubernetes and Docker Swarm ● Plugins for GitLab Runner: ○ Easy building of Docker images ○ Easy use of docker-compose workflow ● Artifacts for failed builds ● Dependent projects

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Any questions? We’ll answer what we can and follow up via email after! Watching the recording?

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Everyone can contribute!

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@ayufanpl @GrzegorzBizon @TomaszMaczukin Thank you GitLab CI Team!

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Thank you! Recording and Slides will be available on