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Hal Seki, Founder of Code for Japan. Twitter: hal_sk Rebuilding Trust in Government through Open Source Governance

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Chief Innovation Officer Hal Seki Kobe city Create a collaborative field for diverse people using open technologies.
 Twitter: hal_sk
 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Digital Transformation Fellow Executive Adviser for Chief Information Officer Hamamatsu city Fellow Nishiawakura villege Chief Information Officer

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Twitter: @hal_sk Twitter: @hal_sk

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Twitter: @hal_sk Twitter: @hal_sk

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Does technology really make people happier? 🤔

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Conflicts Gov. Citizen Working together Social Issues

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The network is people

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80+ local ‘Code for’

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14 Governing members and 17 affiliates

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Community activities

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Why open source way can build trust with the government and citizens? 🤝

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Cathedral & the Bazaar Eric S. Raymond

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Cathedral Bazaar Top down Precisely planning Centralized Long release period Vulnerable to change Difficult to contribute Bottom up Frequently upgraded Self-disciplined small groups Continuously development Strong to change Users can contribute

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COVID19 changed the world... Get rid of hanko seals Local government system standarization Remote work Citizen’s digital ID (Mynumber cards)

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Various activities born under the COVID19. Dashboards Search app Idea gathering NPO support

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Many contributions from the world Thank you, contributors! ❤ In the 3 weeks, We’ve got 750 issues and 671 were closed by 224 contributors.

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ex. Accessibility Issues 20 issues (threads) that are related accessibility.

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60 million page views

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Cloned by civic communities/govs

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Spreading to the whole Japan

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Investing open source software will strengthen the intellectual capital in society. Govenment Service Tools Companies Citizens Open-sourced tools Companies $ Publish Reuse Improve ment Contribution Reuse Develop Use Operate

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Many of articles were created by citizens

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Civictech Challenge Cup 2021 Civictech Accelerator Program

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Social Technology Officer 

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Chat bot for NPO that supports needy people

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DIY components Citizen collaborative toolkit Local facilitation supporters Matching workshops/platform Citizen participately platform Playbooks, case studies City OS, data catalog

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Citizen Participatory Platform Policy making Participatory planning Dibates Participatory Budgeting Initiatives Communication board An open source citizen engagement tool

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Citizen Participately Platform Using Decidim

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Offline workshop with citizens
 7 teams discussed the ideal city in the future

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Kakogawa Decidim statistics as of Jan. 5
 Citizen : others
 Max comments in one topic 
 Smartphone access

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FIWARE based data exchange platform
 We will provide a data exchagne platform to Hamatsu city.

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We are hiring infra engineer!

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Local gov. Local gov. Local gov. Local gov. Local gov. Local gov. National Gov. citizen Creating services with the citizens, make it open, and share with other local governments. citizen citizen citizen citizen

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So, is there something I can start? 🧐

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Start with... ● Join Slack! ● Find local code for and join it! ● Join Social Hack Day! ● Join other events!

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Social Hack Day

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Technology makes people happier, if we use it correctly. 🙂

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To leave a better future for the next generation. Twitter: @hal_sk CfJ Slack: CfJ email: [email protected]