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DevOps #4
 11 July 2016:
 Open Space! We will try something new this time. No talks, just open space! The goal is to have more participation from everyone and discuss real issues and specific topics of interest. Here's what wikipedia has to say about this format: Sounds complicated? It's really not! Table of Contents Dev QA Ops DevOps What happened? 2 .................................................................................................... Agenda 6 ................................................................................................................... Notes for session A 7 ................................................................................................. Notes for session B 9 ................................................................................................. 11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 1 9

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What happened? On the day of the event, Open Space starts with the preparation of the physical space. YLD offered their flexible space, with equally flexible furniture. We started by repurposing two table tops as a vertical board. Then, we reorganized couches, chairs, and puffs around a large circle. The open space in the middle was occupied by felt markers and writing paper. PARTIAL VIEW OF THE MEETING SPACE BY 18H00. People arrived at their own pace, as usual. We started at 19:25 with 16 people in the room. 1. First, we focused the group on itself, by having each one state their name and why they had decided to come. Bear in mind that most of Lisbon was celebrating the heroic football victory, so just being present was itself a statement. 2. We collected session proposals. Each one was to consider proposing their interest as a possible theme for group discussion, using the paper and marker pens. Each proposal announced to everyone, then posted into the vertical agenda. Eight proposals came forward, although some proposals were spontaneously merged together. 3. We expressed interest. People added their name next to the proposals that they found interesting. All effective proposals collected between five and nine names. Effective proposals were also marked with a post-it letter, identifying secondary meeting places within YLD. 4. Minutes later, most participants collected a beer and voted with their feet, by showing up at the place identified in their favorite proposal. 11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 2 9

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Although most proposals receive some interest, only the proposals A, B, and C sparked useful conversations right away. • Conversation A focused on the cultural aspects of DevOps, with extensive comparisons between the daily practices of the people at hand. This group grew over time. • Conversation B focused on how to motivate developers to share specific information with DevOps people. The group started with two, the grew to three. • Conversation C focused on more technical aspects and drew the larger crowd. However, they were soon satisfied with their results and joined other groups. CONVERSATIONS A (CLOSER), B (MIDDLE), AND C (BY THE WINDOW) AT 19H55. TALKING ALONE AT 19H56 BUT TALKING TO OTHERS BY 20H23. 11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 4 9

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• Conversation D started with the proponent working on the problem by himself. The real conversation started after group C disbanded. • Conversation E had two interested people, but they happened to work together on a daily basis. So, they just joined other groups. By 20H45, we gathered back into a circle. First, each group summarized their main results. Finally, each participant had the opportunity to express his personal opinion, including feelings, surprises, and outcomes. We ended roughly on time and proceeded to drink the remaining beers over casual conversation. After tearing down the meeting space, four people proceeded to have dinner and yet more conversation. Groups were offered the choice to record their major ideas into paper, to be published on this report. However, only groups A and B took written notes. — Joaquim Baptista (Senior Technical Writer) serving as facilitator As facilitator, I would like to thank: • The organizers for the opportunity (and the beers) • YLD for their welcoming space (and Daniela for gracefully showing the space) • The commitment and energy of the participants that made everything worthwhile • My family for enduring the interruptions of these random meetings. 11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 5 9

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Agenda Place Title Interest A Como atrair equipas de desenvolvimento para temas CI / CD 7 +++++++ A Como vender uma ideia? B Root cause analysis and developers 6 ++++++ C Managing clusters of very low end VMs (OpenVZ) 6 ++++++ C Virtualization (VMs) to Containerization (Docker/MSA) 9 +++++++++ D Service discovery in Docker Cluster 6 ++++++ E CI / CD tool support 7 +++++++ F Docker Swarm vs.Amazon ECS vs. DCOS/MESOS 5 +++++ 11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 6 9

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Notes for session A 11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 7 9

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11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 8 9

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Notes for session B 11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of 9 9