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What happened?
On the day of the event, Open Space starts with the preparation of the physical space. YLD offered
their flexible space, with equally flexible furniture. We started by repurposing two table tops as a
vertical board. Then, we reorganized couches, chairs, and puffs around a large circle. The open
space in the middle was occupied by felt markers and writing paper.
People arrived at their own pace, as usual. We started at 19:25 with 16 people in the room.
1. First, we focused the group on itself, by having each one state their name and why they had
decided to come. Bear in mind that most of Lisbon was celebrating the heroic football victory,
so just being present was itself a statement.
2. We collected session proposals. Each one was to consider proposing their interest as a
possible theme for group discussion, using the paper and marker pens. Each proposal
announced to everyone, then posted into the vertical agenda. Eight proposals came forward,
although some proposals were spontaneously merged together.
3. We expressed interest. People added their name next to the proposals that they found
interesting. All effective proposals collected between five and nine names. Effective proposals
were also marked with a post-it letter, identifying secondary meeting places within YLD.
4. Minutes later, most participants collected a beer and voted with their feet, by showing up at the
place identified in their favorite proposal.
11-Jul-2016 DevOps #4: Open Space! Page of
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