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TDD / BDD Introducing with Objective-C using XCTest © kaneshin, 2014 1

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Agenda 4 What is TDD? 4 TDD life-cycle 4 How to play TDD? (Demo) 4 What is BDD? 4 What is the difference between BDD and TDD? 4 How to manipulate BDD? (Demo) © kaneshin, 2014 2

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What is TDD? © kaneshin, 2014 3

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TDD means Test-Driven Development. 4 Ensure your source code. 4 Understand the feature's specification/s and requirement/s. 4 Easily to adopt Agile for your project. 4 ... © kaneshin, 2014 4

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TDD is NOT about testing. 4 TDD is about Development. 4 It's all about expressing intent. 4 Specifically, improving your project. 4 Covering unit tests powerfully. © kaneshin, 2014 5

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TDD life-cycle © kaneshin, 2014 6

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1. Write a test (Test-First) 2. Run the test (Should be FAILED) 3. Write code (Make the test pass) 4. Run all tests 5. Refactor (Clean up code) Repeat © kaneshin, 2014 7

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1. Write a test and confirm failure 2. Write code to pass all tests 3. Clean up code Repeat © kaneshin, 2014 8

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For example Just Adding Calculator Add A to B © kaneshin, 2014 9

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Write a test. - (void)testAdd3To4 { Calc *calc = [Calc new]; XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy( [calc add:3 to:4], 7, .001 ); } 4 Should be failed on build because there is no implementation. © kaneshin, 2014 10

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Write code @interface Calc : NSObject - (double)add:(double)a to:(double)b; @end @implementation Calc - (double)add:(double)a to:(double)b { return 0.; } @end © kaneshin, 2014 11

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Make the test pass @implementation Calc - (double)add:(double)a to:(double)b { return 7.; } @end 4 Just enough code to pass. © kaneshin, 2014 12

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Refine the code @implementation Calc - (double)add:(double)a to:(double)b { return a + b; } @end 4 Run all tests. © kaneshin, 2014 13

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Got it? 4 Memorize the figure 4 Test-First 4 Should be failed 4 Refactor, Refactor, Refactor © kaneshin, 2014 14

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How to play TDD? Demo (Japanese) © kaneshin, 2014 15

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Wizard Role-Play ຐ๏࢖͍ͷϩʔϧϓϨΠ © kaneshin, 2014 16

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Wizard Spec (ຐ๏࢖͍) 4 Level 1 : ௨ৗ߈ܸ͕Ͱ͖Δ (Attack: 1 Damage) 4 Level 3 : Ϊϥ͕࢖͑Δ (Sizz: 2 Damage) 4 Level 5 : ϝϥϛ͕࢖͑Δ (Frizzle: 2 Damage) 4 Level up ʹ͸Exp 30͕Ұ཯Ͱඞཁ (؆ศͷͨΊ) © kaneshin, 2014 17

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Slime Spec (εϥΠϜ) 4 Life: 2, Exp: 10 Goblin Spec (ΰϒϦϯ) 4 Life: 5, Exp: 30 ※Ϟϯελʔ͸Ұ౓ܦݧ஋Λऔಘ͞ΕΔͱExp͸0ͱͳΔ © kaneshin, 2014 18

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What is BDD? © kaneshin, 2014 19

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BDD means Behavior-Driven Development. 4 Basically, it is based on TDD. © kaneshin, 2014 20

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What is the difference between BDD and TDD? © kaneshin, 2014 21

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The difference between BDD and TDD? 4 TDD is focused How on code. 4 Just satisfied spec/s and requirement/s. 4 We wanna confirm a state transition. 4 A State is transitioning every-time. 4 Test-suites might have scenes on conditions. 4 BDD can check the validity of scenes. © kaneshin, 2014 22

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How to manipulate BDD? Demo (Japanese) © kaneshin, 2014 23

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Thanks © kaneshin, 2014 24