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Relieve Disaster Ready - Family App [email protected]

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Earthquake 7.0 SR, 564 Died Sunday, 5 Aug 2018 Friday, 28 Sep 2018 Earthquake 7.4 SR, 2113 Died LOMBOK PALU

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Indonesia is one of most disaster-prone countries in the world, National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure noted there are at least 1244 Disasters have occurred throughout 2018 that had an impact on People on all age and severity level 777,202 artist illustration

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Agency for Disaster Countermeasure of Indonesia predict there are gonna be 2500 Disasters will occur in 2019 And most of them are affected by hidrometeorologi and weather artist illustration

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What do we have now? Information system where any disaster happen Survival guide during disaster Location - Risk ranking SMS based notification

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All of it is Good We all do need that

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There is something missing One very Important thing But,

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Family A disaster is not only about one person, it’s about collective awareness

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Worried Family How are they ? Are they safe ? Where are them ? I can’t reach them They don’t answer my call It’s a daily questions for indonesians! Even with No Disaster Around

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What do we have now? A family spy app, with no privacy Real Time Tracking Applications Also, No Disaster Information :( It’s just not designed for us

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Relieve Disaster Ready - Family App Introducing

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What is happening ? We help you find out about your surroundings in real-time, when there is an extreme condition occurs we’ll warn you Actual information update all about disaster. Where was it, when, and more information if you want to find out

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Be cautious We will prompt you, when there is a disaster near you and ask you whether you are save or not. We also automatically inform it to your families, so they wouldn’t be in panic Be safe and evacuate calmly

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How about my family ? This is the current state of your family, You can add person into your family then monitor their condition, simply by a quick glimpse Red circle fo Bad Condition Blue for Fine No circle means unknown, and you can “ping” them No more panic call when something happened

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Make sure they are safe Disaster broadcast Providing the location of the disaster Possible affected family member in certain location

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Ask for a help When you need help, we provide you with some emergency phone numbers that you can contact Including your family, they need to hear your voice

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A number is unavailable? Don’t worry we can give you multiple number ordered by your distance to the location You are now a click away from help

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Have fun, going wherever you want Here’s the catch we won’t share your locations. Except when it is emergency

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Relieve Now, Let’s talk tech of How it works? Or, do we ? ...

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Relieve Archie-techture

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Relieve Now, Let’s talk Business of How do we make money? Or, do we ? ...

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We are looking forward to be a Non Profit and Open Source You can easily find us on Github! And Make a Pull Request for a better Indonesia and World We believe a good cause, should be able to be replicated everywhere

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Now really, how can we be sustained? Hope you still remember this screen We will limit your family number to only 3 people Then you will need to pay for additional person, using subscription fee. $1 / Month / Person or $10 / Year / Person

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Indonesia is a country with more than 250M Population How much is that really is ? Who are a smartphone user is more than 100M people If only 1% of them are using this app, it is more than 1M people

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If they add only 1 more person to the family, equals to 500,000 paying users means you are now looking at a whooping potensial of $5,000,000 / year income How much is that really is ?

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We will use most income in supporting any disaster recovery efforts in Indonesia Relieve is not only about app, We are telling you about a national movement Didn’t we say, Non profit ?

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Our Plans V.1 V.2 V.3 Family App Volunteer And Resource Management One Stop Portal for Disaster “Relieve”

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Relieve in Action

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Relieve Now, Let’s talk Challenge of There are many, but let see top ones

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without cellular network, we can’t inform people and their families What have we do? Currently we are having talks with governments, ISP companies and agencies Unreliable Celular Network

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We won’t know whenever a disaster occured, without usage, people will remove the app What have we do? We are implementing a family push factor. Users have to manually update their condition daily. Without it, they will appear grey and their family can Ping them Low Retention Rate

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We are dependent to data being published by Indonesia’s Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG). If that one fail we have no other source What have we do? We are looking for any potential of overseas data and implementing Society Report Unreliable Data and Report Source

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We see a future where everyone in Indonesia and the world will have better management solutions for any kind of disaster. Relieve, I am Aware, We are aware

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Relieve Disaster Ready - Family App [email protected]

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Image Source ● ● makanan-dan-minuman-DEe.JPG ● ● ● Data Source ● BMKG (Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika) ● BNPB (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) ● BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik)