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Android Cache Fix Plugin Nelson Osacky and why do I need to solve my own cache misses?

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Me • Previously Android Engineer • Large projects • SoundCloud • Square • Small startups • Gradle Plugin Maintainer • Fladle - Easily Scale Instrumentation Tests on Firebase • Gradle Doctor - Actionable Insights for your build Solutions Engineer

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I see a lot of builds from 10 person teams to 1000+ Android, Gradle and Maven

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• Optimize and understand builds • Increase build stability • Preach Developer Productivity

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• Improve Gradle ecosystem • Fix issues in open source plugin affecting customers

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• Meet with Google and Jetbrains to help prioritize issues impacting customers

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Android Development Feature Development Tech Debt (There are other things too)

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Tech Debt Refactoring Improving builds

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Slow builds are Tech Debt And it always pays off

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs 
 = 42 hours lost / day

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs 
 = 42 hours lost / day not including lost focus

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Fast Builds Matter

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs 
 = 42 hours lost / day hire 5 new people without paying them! no recruiting

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Slow builds are Tech Debt And it always pays off And is easy to justify working on it

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What is build caching?

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JavaCompile task Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies Class files any task can be made cacheable

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Cache key Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies

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Cache key Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies Build cache Class files

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What is the Android Cache Fix plugin?

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Solves cache misses/issues in the Android Gradle Plugin

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What is a cache miss? not "broken" cache

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"Broken" Cache • Cache miss -> Expected a hit but didn't • Cache hit when inputs changed • Missing outputs from cache • etc

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How to discover a cache miss?

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Run two identical builds and compare ./gradlew assembleDebug ./gradlew assembleDebug

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Task input comparison

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How does the Android Cache Fix plugin work?

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Task input comparison

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Path sensitivity Which part of the file path is considered a part of the key

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CompileLibraryResourcesTask Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies

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CompileLibraryResourcesTask build/intermediates/packaged_res/debug Compiler Args Dependencies

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CompileLibraryResourcesTask build/intermediates/packaged_res/debug

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CompileLibraryResourcesTask /Users/alice/build/intermediates/packaged_res/debug CompileLibraryResourcesTask /Users/jenkins/build/intermediates/packaged_res/debug

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CompileLibraryResourcesTask build/intermediates/packaged_res/debug

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@CacheableTas k abstract class CompileLibraryResourcesTask : NewIncrementalTask() {

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@CacheableTas k abstract class CompileLibraryResourcesTask : NewIncrementalTask() { @get:InputFile s abstract val mergedLibraryResourcesDir: DirectoryProperty

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@CacheableTas k abstract class CompileLibraryResourcesTask : NewIncrementalTask() { @get:InputFile s abstract val mergedLibraryResourcesDir: DirectoryProperty

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@CacheableTas k abstract class CompileLibraryResourcesTask : NewIncrementalTask() { @get:InputFile s abstract val mergedLibraryResourcesDir: DirectoryProperty

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@CacheableTas k abstract class CompileLibraryResourcesTask : NewIncrementalTask() { @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.ABSOLUTE ) @get:InputFile s abstract val mergedLibraryResourcesDir: DirectoryProperty

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@CacheableTas k abstract class CompileLibraryResourcesTask : NewIncrementalTask() { @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) @get:InputFile s abstract val mergedLibraryResourcesDir: DirectoryProperty

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How does the cache fix plugin workaround this?

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@AndroidIssue ( introducedIn = "4.0.0" , fixedIn = ['7.0.0-alpha09'] , link = "" ) class CompileLibraryResourcesWorkaround implements Workaround { // the workaroun d }

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@AndroidIssue ( introducedIn = "4.0.0" , fixedIn = ['7.0.0-alpha09'] , link = "" ) class CompileLibraryResourcesWorkaround implements Workaround { // the workaroun d }

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@AndroidIssue ( introducedIn = "4.0.0" , fixedIn = ['7.0.0-alpha09'] , link = "" ) class CompileLibraryResourcesWorkaround implements Workaround { // the workaroun d }

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@AndroidIssue ( introducedIn = "4.0.0" , fixedIn = ['7.0.0-alpha09'] , link = "" ) class CompileLibraryResourcesWorkaround implements Workaround { // the workaroun d }

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@AndroidIssue ( introducedIn = "4.0.0" , fixedIn = ['7.0.0-alpha09'] , link = "" ) class CompileLibraryResourcesWorkaround implements Workaround { // the workaround }

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Three-card Monte aka Find the Lady, das Kümmelblättchen, Jeu du Bonneteau, Gioco delle tre carte, Bul Karayı Al Parayı

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Con artists enticing people on Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, to play, and lose money in the game in 2018.

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Gradle Monte 🎩

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Gradle Monte 🎩 don't try this at home

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1.Add new workaround property with RELATIVE path sensitivity to existing task 2.Set workaround property with value of original property 3.Set original property to dummy (empty) value 4.Gradle performs input snapshotting on RELATIVE workaround property and dummy original property 5.After input snapshotting, set original property back its original value 6.Task executes on original value of original property Gradle Monte 🎩

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty() }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty() }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { } }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { } }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { if (it == task) { originalPropertyValue.set(task.getProperty(propertyName) ) } } }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { if (it == task) { originalPropertyValue.set(task.getProperty(propertyName) ) } } }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { if (it == task) { originalPropertyValue.set(task.getProperty(propertyName) ) def dummyProperty = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Dummy file to give the DirectoryProperty a value . dummyProperty.set(project.file('/dummy') ) setPropertyValue(task, dummyProperty ) } } }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { if (it == task) { originalPropertyValue.set(task.getProperty(propertyName) ) def dummyProperty = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Dummy file to give the DirectoryProperty a value . dummyProperty.set(project.file('/dummy') ) setPropertyValue(task, dummyProperty ) } } }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { if (it == task) { originalPropertyValue.set(task.getProperty(propertyName) ) def dummyProperty = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Dummy file to give the DirectoryProperty a value . dummyProperty.set(project.file('/dummy') ) setPropertyValue(task, dummyProperty ) } } // Set the original task property back to its original valu e task.doFirst { setPropertyValue(task, originalPropertyValue ) } }

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tasks.withType(CompileLibraryResourcesTask).configureEach { Task task - > DirectoryProperty originalPropertyValue = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Add a workaround input with the original property value and RELATIVE path sensitivit y task.inputs.dir(originalPropertyValue ) .withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE ) .withPropertyName("${propertyName}.workaround" ) .optional( ) gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask { if (it == task) { originalPropertyValue.set(task.getProperty(propertyName) ) def dummyProperty = objects.directoryProperty( ) // Dummy file to give the DirectoryProperty a value . dummyProperty.set(project.file('/dummy') ) setPropertyValue(task, dummyProperty ) } } // Set the original task property back to its original valu e task.doFirst { setPropertyValue(task, originalPropertyValue ) } }

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Please don't ever write that code

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CompileLibraryResourcesTask is fixed in AGP 7

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CompileLibraryResourcesTask is fixed in AGP 7*

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* must enable android.experimental.enableSourceSetPathsMap and android.experimental.cacheCompileLibResources

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Room cache miss

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Room is an annotation processor

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implementation("" ) kapt("")

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How many use Room?

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android { defaultConfig { javaCompileOptions { annotationProcessorOptions { arguments += mapOf ( "room.schemaLocation" to "$projectDir/schemas", ) } } } }

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annotationProcessorOptions { arguments += mapOf ( "room.schemaLocation" to "$projectDir/schemas", ) }

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annotationProcessorOptions { arguments += mapOf ( "room.schemaLocation" to "$projectDir/schemas", ) }

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"User/no/home/workspace/myapp/schemas " "User/bob/home/workspace/myapp/schemas"

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"User/no/home/workspace/myapp/schemas " "User/bob/home/workspace/myapp/schemas " "User/jenkins/home/myapp/schemas"

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return [] // TODO } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return [] // TODO } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return [] // TODO } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return [] // TODO } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return [] // TODO } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return [] // TODO } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return [] // TODO } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["room.schemaLocation"] } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["-Aroom.schemaLocation=schemaLocationDir.get().asFile.absolutePath"] } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["-Aroom.schemaLocation=schemaLocationDir.get().asFile.absolutePath"] } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["-Aroom.schemaLocation=schemaLocationDir.get().asFile.absolutePath"] } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { @OutputDirector y @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["-Aroom.schemaLocation=schemaLocationDir.get().asFile.absolutePath"] } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { @OutputDirector y @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["-Aroom.schemaLocation=schemaLocationDir.get().asFile.absolutePath"] } }

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How to use it?

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annotationProcessorOptions { arguments += mapOf ( "room.schemaLocation" to "$projectDir/schemas", ) }

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annotationProcessorOptions { compilerArgumentProviders.add(RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider("$projectDir/schemas") ) }

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And now you get cache hits

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And now you get cache hits?

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yes, but

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schemas/1.json // exists and is committed to version contro l schemas/2.json // written when schema is updated

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schemas/1.json // inpu t schemas/2.json // output

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schemas // input and output

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { @OutputDirector y @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["-Aroom.schemaLocation=schemaLocationDir.get().asFile.absolutePath"] } }

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class RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider implements CommandLineArgumentProvider { @InputDirectory @OutputDirector y @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) final Directory schemaLocationDi r RoomSchemaLocationArgumentProvider(Directory schemaLocationDir) { this.schemaLocationDir = schemaLocationDi r } @Overrid e Iterable asArguments() { return ["-Aroom.schemaLocation=schemaLocationDir.get().asFile.absolutePath"] } }

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- In plugin 'kotlin-android' type 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptWithoutKotlincTask' property 'annotationProcessorOptionProviders$kotlin_gradle_plugin.$0.$0.schemaLocationDir' has conflicting type annotations declared: @OutputDirectory, @InputDirectory . Reason: The different annotations have different semantics and Gradle cannot determine which one to pick . Possible solution: Choose between one of the conflicting annotations. - In plugin 'kotlin-android' type 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptWithoutKotlincTask' property 'annotationProcessorOptionProviders$kotlin_gradle_plugin.$0.$0.schemaLocationDir' is annotated with @PathSensitive but that is not allowed for 'OutputDirectory' properties . Reason: This modifier is used in conjunction with a property of type 'OutputDirectory' but this doesn't have semantics . Possible solution: Remove the '@PathSensitive' annotation . Please refer to validation_problems.html#incompatible_annotations for more details about this problem.

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Input and output cannot be overlapping

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Task specific output directory

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android { defaultConfig { javaCompileOptions { annotationProcessorOptions { arguments += mapOf ( "room.schemaLocation" to "$projectDir/schemas", ) } } } } kaptDebug and kaptRelease write to the same folder

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•Absolute path sensitivity •Overlapping inputs and outputs •Non exclusive output directory •Kapt removes contents of output directories

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• Annotation Processors are not tools to write arbitrary fi les on the fi lesystem. • This is what Gradle tasks and Gradle plugins are for.

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This needs to be a Gradle plugin

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This really needs to be a Gradle plugin

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Until then, the Android Cache Fix plugin will exist forever. 😭

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• Absolute path sensitivity • Overlapping inputs and outputs • Non exclusive output directory • Kapt removes contents of output directories RoomSchemaLocationWorkaround fi xes all of these. Use the Android Cache Fix plugin. Shout out to Gary!

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Room now has KSP support because performance matters. This doesn't solve the cache miss 🥲

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What looks better in a promotion case? • Use new technology to rewrite Room to improve build speeds • Fix a 41 star bug filed by community with a Gradle plugin

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What else does the Android Cache Fix plugin do?

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What is caching?

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JavaCompile task Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies Class files

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Copy task Source Files Source Files

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Project Directory Up-to-date checking is the file already there?

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Gradle build cache is there a zip entry with the same build cache key? ~/.gradle/caches Gradle Home

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Copy task Source Files Source Files

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Cache key Source Files Build cache Source Files Cache Retrieval

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Project Directory zip unzip ~/.gradle/caches Build Cache Copy task Source Files Source Files Re-execution Cache store and fetch Happens along every execution

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Sync, Copy, Zip and Jar should not be cached

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BundleLibraryClassesJar is a Jar task

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Disabling caching

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outputs.doNotCacheIf {btrueb}b

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tasks.withType(BundleLibraryClassesJar).configureEacha{a outputs.doNotCacheIf ("I/O bound tasks do not benefit from caching") {btrueb}b }

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Thanks to the Android Gradle plugin team at Google

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Slide 160 text Android Cache Fix plugin plugins { id "" version "2.4.4" apply false } subprojects { plugins.withType( { project.apply plugin: "" } }

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Gradle Enterprise Android Features • Find your slowest tests in the test dashboard • Learn which tests are flaky with flaky test insights • Android Instrumentation Test results in Build Scans! Check it out!

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Tweet, Like, Subscribe, Upvote, Star please star ⭐ #fixroom

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More Resources Gradle Training Gradle Community Slack

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Thank you! Gradle Enterprise Trial Gradle Solutions is hiring #fixroom @nellyspageli