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Rinda in the real-world embedded systems. [email protected]

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About Me @m_seki My works Ruby committer 2

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First printing from 2005 (Still available) dRuby ʹΑΔ ؔকढ़ஶ ෼ࢄ ɾ Web ϓϩάϥϛϯά

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Become out of print in 2014

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2017 re-published on the web

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2020 dRubyͰָ͠Ή෼ࢄΦϒδΣΫτ n-monthly Lambda Note Vol.2 No.1

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Ruby Committer ERB, dRuby, Rinda 7

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Linda and Rinda Linda: coordination language tuple space Rinda as Ruby Linda 8

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process, tuple, tuple space process 9

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process, tuple, tuple space tuple 10

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process, tuple, tuple space tuple space 11

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How to write Parallel Programs 12

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Embedded systems Report embedded systems using rinda not ERB (embedded ruby) 13

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OAOWFC Okayama Astrophysical Observatory Wide-Field Camera Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 71, Issue 6, December 2019, 118, ୈ5ճ Մࢹ੺֎ઢ؍ଌ૷ஔٕज़ϫʔΫγϣοϓ 2015೥12݄ ʮԬࢁఱମ෺ཧ؍ଌॴ޿ࢹ໺੺֎Χϝϥͷ੡࡞ʯ༄ᖒɹ ݦ࢙ʢࠃཱఱจ୆ʣ astroinst2015/20151207_yanagisawa.pdf 14

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ϩϘοτ๬ԕڸʁ robot telescope? 15

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OAOWFC 20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ OAOWFC Okayama Astrophysical Observatory Wide Field Camera 2015/12/07 奛㷔塭伖㈨埻WS 7 16

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f/2.5 20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ 2/07 奛㷔塭伖㈨埻WS 16 17

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renewal of the existing classical Cassegrain telescope 20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ The OAO 0.9m Telescope before renewal ͻ Manufacturer : NIKON (present) ͻ Completion: 1959 ͻ Mount : Fork Equatorial ͻ Slew Speed: 1.5 deg / sec ͻ Manufacturer : IHI ͻ Completion: 1959 ͻ Rotation Speed: 3.0 deg / sec 2015/12/07 奛㷔塭伖㈨埻WS 11 18

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renewal of the existing classical Cassegrain telescope 20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ The OAO 0.9m Telescope before renewal ͻ Manufacturer : NIKON (present) ͻ Completion: 1959 ͻ Mount : Fork Equatorial ͻ Slew Speed: 1.5 deg / sec ͻ Manufacturer : IHI ͻ Completion: 1959 ͻ Rotation Speed: 3.0 deg / sec 2015/12/07 奛㷔塭伖㈨埻WS 11 19

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primary pupose 20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ 2015/12/07 奛㷔塭伖㈨埻WS 34 ྂ඾ⓗ䝉䝣䜯䜲䝗ೃ⿵䛾఩⨨ DDO Cepheid DB OAOWFC 20

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OAOWFC 20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ 21

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autonomous weather monitor auto focus cooperative operation 22

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20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ 23

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auto focus tube length monitor 20151207_yanagisawa.pdf ΑΓ -\]O^_`Oabcd% ]O^_`Oabcd+1 ef)ghiX$jk.le mn)_oONpSqcd@1 rst/_`Oabuv= iX[D_oONpSq&' . wdx8yz[DE'5% % {u1|}eef)gh=iX[1~e@le)•Ä= ÅÇ$ÉÑÖÜá=yz&'Là$•Äâä=ãå[e f$çé$>n[Lèê . ëíì 5•Äâä+1îïñó òbèqôöõòPì)ú81ù-+ -/.0011 8û'5 7)ù-+1 ~eKleü)†Ç•Ä@°V81 ¢"2 20 #£§[D•gh+¶uF% 231% 8û'5Åß1efè® ©+™´¨ì +≠$ +4-11 Æ#gh[1 ÅØ8•% 04.11% Æ#)£§=∞7&5•Äâä+1±≤≥¥=~eµ¥) ∂∑@Å∏&'AH$π0∫?Dû'5 ef≤)^Sªº ΩN$+æø¿)¡O¬O£mõΩ√èiXƒ#% +31ì 2π0∫?MvD≈01 •Äâä)!≤≥¥@)•Ä£§ =∆«T[DE'57)ÖÜá$A01•Äâä$%&' ef)gh2Ç»t$… 84D1 lemn=ef2gÀ LÃÕ?le=~e$Œk?'7@81 ]O^_`Oab 2yz84'5% % œã[L@7–1 —]O^_`Oabcd+“”‘0$ c’[DE'7@2÷◊84L21 ÿŸ/'⁄Ω^¤‹+ 84/E7@2ICL5 ≈6M.1 ¢"£§$›E~e5® ©fifl¡Sqb6‡·2£§[D‚∑•Ä2£§&'7@ % !3#4567869:12;<=> ,?@ABCD0E45FGH& % !"#$%&'()* +,(($( -(,.'()**+,(($( !"#$ %&'&()*+, 24

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hardware block diagram psz117 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2019), Vol. 71, No. 6 118-9 Fig. 7. Hardware block diagram of OAOWFC, which consists of 15 subsystems with communication capabilities; rounded rectangles with light-gray background show the subsystems, and strings at the upper-left corner describe their role. The structure is composed of three columns: network- attached PC/appliance, the controller, and the devices, arranged from left to right. TS stands for the terminal server, a Linux-based appliance used to convert messages from serial to TCP/IP or vice versa. PDU stands for the power distribution unit, arranged to restart a subsystem remotely if an Downloaded from by National As 25

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hardware block diagram psz117 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2019), Vol. 71, No. 6 118-9 Fig. 7. Hardware block diagram of OAOWFC, which consists of 15 subsystems with communication capabilities; rounded rectangles with light-gray background show the subsystems, and strings at the upper-left corner describe their role. The structure is composed of three columns: network- attached PC/appliance, the controller, and the devices, arranged from left to right. TS stands for the terminal server, a Linux-based appliance used to convert messages from serial to TCP/IP or vice versa. PDU stands for the power distribution unit, arranged to restart a subsystem remotely if an Downloaded from by National As 26

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hardware block diagram psz117 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2019), Vol. 71, No. 6 118-9 Fig. 7. Hardware block diagram of OAOWFC, which consists of 15 subsystems with communication capabilities; rounded rectangles with light-gray background show the subsystems, and strings at the upper-left corner describe their role. The structure is composed of three columns: network- attached PC/appliance, the controller, and the devices, arranged from left to right. TS stands for the terminal server, a Linux-based appliance used to convert messages from serial to TCP/IP or vice versa. PDU stands for the power distribution unit, arranged to restart a subsystem remotely if an Downloaded from by National As 27

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hardware block diagram psz117 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2019), Vol. 71, No. 6 118-9 Fig. 7. Hardware block diagram of OAOWFC, which consists of 15 subsystems with communication capabilities; rounded rectangles with light-gray background show the subsystems, and strings at the upper-left corner describe their role. The structure is composed of three columns: network- attached PC/appliance, the controller, and the devices, arranged from left to right. TS stands for the terminal server, a Linux-based appliance used to convert messages from serial to TCP/IP or vice versa. PDU stands for the power distribution unit, arranged to restart a subsystem remotely if an Downloaded from by National As 28

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software block diagram psz117 29

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software block diagram psz117 30

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software block diagram psz117 31

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software block diagram psz117 32

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software block diagram psz117 33

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software block diagram psz117 34

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Rinda (again) write, read, take 35

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concern ނো΍௨৴ΤϥʔͰ΋͏·͍͘͘ʁ In the real world the device will fail 36

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design tuple with tiemout use notify instead of take 37

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weather monitor (again) weather monitor writes a Tsky tuple every minute. tuples live for 2 minutes Control daemon waits with notify() Normally, there are 1-2 Tsky tuples 38

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Yanagisawa said. Proceedings of Symposium on Engineering in Astronomy 2017 39

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Tochigi RubyKaigi 09 2020-09-12 ͖ͭͮ͸TochigiͰ 40