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HTTP/2 the future of the web today @robdcrowley | robdcrowley

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Goals for the session - Explore the evolution of HTTP from a simple one line protocol to being the rich full featured one we know. - Look at the motivations for HTTP/2 and investigate its major features. - Take an in depth look at Server Push, one of the key new HTTP/2 features and the current browser support. - Most of all, encourage you all learn more about HTTP/2 and migrate your applications across to leverage it

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HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

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Internet Protocol Stack Network Access IP TCP UDP DNS, TFTP etc. Application Layer Network Layer Internet Layer Transport Layer HTTP , FTP etc.

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Internet Protocol Stack Network Access IP TCP UDP DNS, TFTP etc. Application Layer Network Layer Internet Layer Transport Layer Network Access IP TCP HTTP , FTP etc. HTTP , FTP etc.

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TCP/IP vs OSI 7. Application 6. Presentation 5. Session 4. Transport 3. Network 2. Data Link 1. Physical Network Access Internet Transport Application OSI TCP/IP

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Network Performance 101 Cable ISP ISP Ethernet … WIFI Latency: The time from the source sending a packet to the destination receiving it. Bandwidth: Maximum throughput of a logical or physical communication path.

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1990 HTTP/0.9 The abridged history of HTTP

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HTTP/0.9 was the ultimate MVP

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> telnet 80 connected to GET /about/ (hypertext response) (connection closed)

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1996 HTTP/1.0 The abridged history of HTTP

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1996 HTTP/1.0 The abridged history of HTTP Adhoc Changes

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“This HTTP thing is really taking off. We should catalog all the de facto standard protocol extensions that been adopted.”

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HTTP/1.0 was not a standard but rather a compilation of best practices that had emerged.

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1999 HTTP/1.1 The abridged history of HTTP

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HTTP/1.1 was a massive success.

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Connection: Keep-Alive provided the much needed ability to persist TCP connections across requests.

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Pipelining never gained widespread support, largely due to implementation complexity.

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We are now going to travel back through time to 1999 when the web was a simpler place.

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So what precipitated the need for a new version of HTTP?

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1999 HTTP/1.1 The abridged history of HTTP

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1999 HTTP/1.1 Rob’s first website The abridged history of HTTP

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1999 HTTP/1.1 Rob’s first website The abridged history of HTTP 2004 “Web 2.0”

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Web page weight gain 700 kB 80 3284 kB 108 # requests page size 2010 2017

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TCP is optimized for long flows… …web pages typically have many short ones

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“For HTTP/1 74% of our active connections carry just a single transaction - persistent connections just aren't as helpful as we all want.” - Patrick McManus, Mozilla

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“You don't have to be an engineer to be a racing driver, but you do have to have mechanical sympathy.” - Jackie Stewart

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Issues with HTTP/1.x Head-of-line Blocking Lack of Parallelism Protocol Overhead

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Only one request can be outstanding on a connection at any point in time Image via

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Head of line blocking Slow Response

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Poor bandwidth utilization Processing request Processing request Network idle Network idle

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:authority: :method: GET :path: /etc/clientlibs/dtm/bw-dtm-config/af27f6333b4c7c76398b2602be76dbf96 :scheme: https accept: */* accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8 cache-control: no-cache cookie: JSESSIONID=BE056DF42B8A33245443C18C6BDD83DE; AWSELB=D739253506AB16 4225E86F8ADB10064C84FD43D1730B9B017999C004025758CEC0F5F93E55CB1934783B2FF7 670F03C545EDCB976AF90500354D65C74362F403; AMCVS_C7671CFE532E6D320A490D45%4 AdobeOrg=1; s_vnum=1505269579970%26vn%3D1; existingSession=true; s_ppvl=bw credit-cards%253Acompare-business-credit-cards%253Amastercard-low-rate%2C3 user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWe Headers are sent on every request

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:authority: :method: GET :path: /etc/clientlibs/dtm/bw-dtm-config/af27f6333b4c7c76398b2602be76dbf96 :scheme: https accept: */* accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8 cache-control: no-cache cookie: JSESSIONID=BE056DF42B8A33245443C18C6BDD83DE; AWSELB=D739253506AB16 4225E86F8ADB10064C84FD43D1730B9B017999C004025758CEC0F5F93E55CB1934783B2FF7 670F03C545EDCB976AF90500354D65C74362F403; AMCVS_C7671CFE532E6D320A490D45%4 AdobeOrg=1; s_vnum=1505269579970%26vn%3D1; existingSession=true; s_ppvl=bw credit-cards%253Acompare-business-credit-cards%253Amastercard-low-rate%2C3 user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWe Headers are sent on every request A lot of duplicate data is transferred uncompressed across the wire.

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We have hacked out HTTP1/x best practices

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Domain Sharding

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Domain Sharding Modern browsers will open at most 6 concurrent connections to any single origin. Sharding requests across multiple domains allows us to overcome this limitation. This comes at a cost however….

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The cost of establishing a connection SYN SYN ACK ACK Client Hello Server Hello Certificate Server Hello Done Client Key Exchange Change Cipher Spec Finished Change Cipher Spec Finished

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…and we’re not done yet. TCP starts slowly. GET /me.webp 10 x TCP Packet 10 x ACK 14600 bytes 20 x TCP Packet 29200 bytes 20 x ACK 6 x TCP Packet 7400 bytes 6 x ACK Size = 50Kb Initial cwnd = 10

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Image via Increases risk of network congestion and packet loss

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Ensure page level optimizations align with any overarching Quality of Service (QoS) policy.

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Image Sprites

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To get just one sprite, the browser must download and decode the entire image. Likewise if just one sprite changes the entire cached image on the client is invalidated. We are trading cache efficiency for reduced network requests.

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Resource Concatenation Image via

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JavaScript and CSS bundles { } { } { } { } {;} {;} {;} {;} bundle.css bundle.js

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JavaScript and CSS bundles { } { } { } { } {;} {;} {;} {;} bundle.css bundle.js X

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JavaScript and CSS bundles { } { } { } { } {;} {;} {;} {;} bundle.css bundle.js When just one resource changes the entire cached bundle is invalidated X X

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Resource Inlining Image via

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Above the fold CSS is a good candidate to be inlined.

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url( AAEAAAABAQAAAFERAAQAAAABAAAAAFESAAQAAAABAAAAAAAAAAD/2wBDAAIBAQIBAQICAgICAgICAwUDAwMDAwYEBA MFBwYHBwcGBwcICQsJCAgKCAcHCg0KCgsMDAwMBwkODw0MDgsMDAz/2wBDAQICAgMDAwYDAwYMCAcIDAwMDAwMD AwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAz/wAARCAAPAEADASIAAhEB AxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUE GE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dn d4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8 QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcR MiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl 6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6 /9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD9NvHHinxZrHxD+Iws/GGuabH4evN1vANRaG32vdLDsJLAIo3gj6Y71zd7rXxU037YLjxB4khk08sLlG1k7 oQs4tyxAf7olIXPcHcMr81d/wDE79nD4gJ8SfFlzoumWGraP4mnE0vmXEaCVPMEwjYM6su2RQcqedo5wSKqXfwk+Mmo2V1Dd aFpt19u877RI9xbrJMZZ0nYkrIBkPGmCAMKAvQKB/KeYZRmssRWVWli1JOpZwU3GT9pNxfVW5XCzjpZPTZv95weYYGNGm6c8O 4tQupOKklyRTXR35lK9+680uesP+FlR3t9DqXirxLatbWepSxiDVjcl7iyjDvAwSQ4PKj/AIEMZwRVDRtS+KniK4WGx8R69dyNfNpoW PXMn7QsLzGP7/Xy43OehKFQSwIrsJfhL8Zpbm4m/sSxjmupL2V5I7yFGV7xVWdlIlypIVcEfdxkYNQn4MfGRPEF9qUOj2drc6lc2t5 d+Tc2yJcTWziSORl343bxuYj7xLE5yc41Mpx14pUcdyqWuk+Zx5V1ta/MrbaRd9WrPSOYYazbqYW9tNYWTv2ve3Lrvq1bS91ymlal 8WNctLOez1zxNcR3+z7OV1Zv3gaWOEHlxgCWREOcbW3A42ttgv8Axb8QNM8Fza1P401pYodQTTfIGqymbzDD5pyM/LtBUFT8 wJYEKVOemn/Z6+LF7pNnZ3fh3T74afNNPbzT3Nu00ZmcySDcJBkNIS+SNyknaVBIqbxN8CvjB4w0aex1HRba6hnuIbovJewPMsk UAgU+Y0pZiY1AYuWJIznJOeOeT5t7GThSxvPy6XVS3Ny63slZKWi1ldWbtqjphmGB9olOpheW+tnC/Lfzbu3HfRWd0r6MzfBuv+N fiJ4kmtofF3iq3jtrG1ncw3kzfet48njPO9gTnAwXYn5cHpNB1zxp8NPjJ4St7rxPr2p2esan9ilivppJImi3JGeH43bvNII52pG3G8qMe2 /Zh+Jfh7xPZatp+iW7TRWkUeGvYMxsLcQOp+fvhiCCcqwzyWUaHg79nL4iv8ZdA8QaxosMcVnf20tzKt5A22KNwegfJCqAqgDhV Uc459jLsLnUPZwlhsT7b2yfP+95VDnTv2tbRp9Nb9DzMZVy6fNKNeh7L2T933L83K1bve+qffS3U//Z) We also inline using DataURIs… …resulting in larger downloads and overriding browser priorities

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These best practices create a tension... …between development and production

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Build tools help address this impedance mismatch

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The cost of such tooling is managing the added complexity

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2009 SPDY The abridged history of HTTP

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Latency is the new bottleneck

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Latency is the new bottleneck In many scenarios latency, not bandwidth, is the constraining factor on network performance.

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2015 HTTP/2 The abridged history of HTTP

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HTTP/2 is a protocol designed for low-latency transport of content over the World Wide Web

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Adoption is rising with 16.2% of websites now leveraging HTTP/2 * * source: (2017-09-15)

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HTTP/2 respects existing HTTP semantics. Not breaking the web is a good idea.

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With HTTP/2 all communication occurs over a single TCP connection per origin.

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HTTP/2 Binary Framing POST /products HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 21 HTTP/1.1 HTTP/2 DATA frame (payload) HEADERS frame (meta-data) { “name”: “Hero Saver” }

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HTTP/2 Binary Framing Client Server HTTP/2 Connection Stream 1 DATA Stream 2 HEADERS Stream 2 DATA Stream 1 DATA Stream 2 DATA Stream 5 DATA Stream 4 DATA Multiplexing is possible as frames can be interleaved

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Better bandwidth utilization As request streams can be multiplexed the client no longer needs to queue requests.

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Only 25% of HTTP/2 connections carry a single transaction.

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With the efficiency that streams bring we are finally in a position to maximise the benefit of HTTP caching.

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With HTTP/2 the browser relies on the server to deliver data in an optimal way.

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Stream Prioritization With HTTP/1.x the browser defines the priority. With HTTP/2 the browser hints the priority via stream weights and dependencies. The server is not obligated to respect these hints. * id:A w:1 id:B w:4 id:C w:4 id:D w:8 id:E w:2

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HTTPS/2 Image via

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The Internet is strewn with middle-box debris Image via

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Middle-box debris Client Server A lot of middle-boxes on the internet assume HTTP would never change. They expect text based traffic over port 80 and HTTP/2 binary data causes interoperability issues, mostly resulting in termination of the connection. In trials, between 20-30% of HTTP/2 traffic over port 80 was affected. Firewall WAN Optimizer IDS NAT X

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When served over HTTP/2 over TLS, version 1.2 or higher must be used along with perfect forward secrecy cypher suites.

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HTTPS adoption more than doubled in 2016 and now accounts for more than 50% of traffic on the web.

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For many sites, deploying HTTPS will be the most difficult part of migrating to HTTP/2.

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Protocol negotiation with ALPN (RFC 7301) Client Hello ( ALPN Extension + List of Protocols ) Server Hello ( ALPN Extension + Selected Protocol ) ALPN performs the equivalent function that Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) did in SPDY.

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Header Compression via HPACK

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HPACK (RFC 7541) Techniques ▪ Index value for common header/values ▪ Indexed list of previously sent headers ▪ Huffman encoding to compress value Static Table ▪ Predefined common headers/values Dynamic Table ▪ Maximum size

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Slide 81 text Connection Coalescing A TCP connection will be reused between two origins if: ▪ The origins resolve to the same server IP address. ▪ The origins are covered by the same TLS certificate.

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Mitigating latency is fine but they should have fixed

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“HTTP/2 isn’t magic Web performance pixie dust; you can’t drop it in and expect your page load times to decrease by 50%.” - Mark Nottingham

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SERVER Image via

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Server Push Processing request

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Server Push Processing request Client can reject push promise via RST_STREAM

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A client may choose to opt out of Server Push via SETTINGS frame.

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HTTP/2 push is a low-level networking feature, its available to anything that uses the networking stack.

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Server Push Page Service Worker HTTP Cache Server Push Cache HTTP/2 Connection An item can only be read from the push cache once. The push cache has the lowest priority. If a matching item is found in an upstream cache, then the value in the push cache will not be used.

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If the connection is closed then it’s push cache is also lost.

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Requests without credentials use a separate connection. Handling these scenarios are key. fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'});

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Browser support is well…inconsistent

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Use User-Agent sniffing to only push resources to particular browsers.

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A bad server push strategy will perform worse than not supporting it at all. Caveat Emptor

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“An interesting observation about network-based applications is that the best application performance is obtained by not using the network.” - Roy Fielding

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Cache Digest will allow clients to inform the server of the resources they already have.

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So now we have Server Push do we need or anymore?

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Good ideas with both HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 Image via

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Minimize DNS lookups Requests are blocked by unresolved names

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Reuse existing TCP connections Establishing a connection is expensive

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Minimize number of HTTP redirects

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Minimize data sent across the network through removing waste and effective caching

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Use a CDN to reduce latency including uncached origin fetches

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Slide 104 text Tools to make your HTTP/2 life easier

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QUIC The abridged history of HTTP

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Serving HTTP/2 over TCP removes head-of-line blocking at the application layer but not the transport layer.

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QUIC - A key goal of QUIC is reduce TLS handshake overhead. - 0 RTT for resuming session - 1 RTT for new session - Head-of-line blocking is eliminated at the transport layer. IP UDP QUIC HTTP/2 API

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So now you know HTTP/2, go try it out.

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