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What's new in Symfony 7.1 @nicolasgrekas

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is a set of low-level building blocks that you can assemble to develop powerful high-level features easily

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Backward Compatibility Promise • Upgrade every month for bug fixes • Upgrade every 6 months for features

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Continuous Upgrade Path • Fix deprecations every 6 months • Upgrade every 2 years for new major

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Symfony 7 • Remove deprecated code paths • Add native types • Add generic types • Leverage new syntaxes

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PHP RFC DOM HTML5 parsing, serialization and opt-in spec-compliance Deprecate implicitly nullable parameter types Increasing the default BCrypt cost Resource to object conversion Allow fiber switching in destructors

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New components #52510 [TypeInfo] (mtarld, Korbeil) #53096 [Emoji] Move emoji data out of [Intl] (smnandre)

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Notifier #53927 Add Pushy bridge (stloyd) #53734 Add SMSense bridge (jimiero) #52936 Add bridge (NeoBlack) #52976 Add bridge (dfridrich) #53148 Add Smsbox bridge (Alan ZARLI) #53092 Add Unifonic bridge (seferov) #53083 Add Bluesky bridge (Nyholm)

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Mailer #53740 Add MailerSend webhook & remote event (doobas) #53621 Add auto_tls to disable automatic STARTTLS (srsbiz) #53554 Add Resend bridge (welcoMattic) #52842 Add Azure bridge (hafael)

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Dependency Injection #52922 Add #[Lazy] for classes and arguments (Tiriel) #54016 Add #[AutowireMethodOf] (nicolas-grekas) #52820 #[AutowireInline] for inline service definition (DaDeather) #52369 Add urlencode function to EnvVarProcessor (crtl)

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Dependency Injection #52369 Add urlencode function to EnvVarProcessor (crtl) # config/packages/mailer.yaml framework: mailer: dsn: 'smtp://%env(urlencode:SMTP_USER)%:%env(urlencode

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Dependency Injection #52820 #[AutowireInline] for inline service definition (DaDeather) public function __construct( #[AutowireInline( factory: [ ScopingHttpClient::class, 'forBaseUri' ], arguments: [ '$baseUri' => '', ], )] private HttpClientInterface $client, ) { }

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HttpClient #53550 Add ThrottlingHttpClient (HypeMC) #52970 Add [Json]MockResponse::fromFile() (fancyweb)

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WebProfiler #53885 Search inside profiler tables (javiereguiluz)

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WebProfiler #53885 Search inside profiler tables (javiereguiluz)

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HttpKernel #54153 Accept boolean values for MapQueryString (Jean-Beru) => #54107 Add NearMissValueResolverException and improve error reporting when requiring the wrong Request class (ilyachase) => Looks like you required a Request object with the wrong class name. Did you mean to use "Symfony\Component\ HttpFoundation\Request" instead?

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String #52198 New locale aware casing methods (bram123)

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String #52198 New locale aware casing methods (bram123) $string = u('άδικος'); $string->upper(); // ΆΔΙΚΟΣ $string->localeUpper('el'); // ΑΔΙΚΟΣ $string = u('ijssel'); $string->title(); // Ijssel $string->localeTitle('nl'); // IJssel

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HttpFoundation #52493 Add UploadedFile::getClientOriginalPath() (danielburger1337)

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HttpFoundation #52493 Add UploadedFile::getClientOriginalPath() (danielburger1337)

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Uid #53060 Add UuidV1/6::toV6/7() (fancyweb) => Migrate to lexicographically sortable UUIDs

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TwigBridge #54432 Add emojify twig filter (lyrixx)

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TwigBridge #54432 Add emojify twig filter (lyrixx)

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New components Under discussion: #51649+#53213 [FeatureFlags](Neirda24/Jean-Beru) #51718 [JsonEncoder] (mtarld) #51741 [ObjectMapper] (soyuka) #53346 [Uri] (alexandre-daubois) #54013 [AccessToken] (pounard)

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UX Live Components ux-icons class-variance-authority Idiomorph and turbo 8

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Hundreds of contributors

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Backers for 7.1 And … your logo?

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Thank you and see you soon!