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@tisba First, some Questions…

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@tisba Who does not know what Serverless means?

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@tisba Who is doing
 Serverless in production?

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@tisba Who is doing
 performance testing?

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@tisba ! AWS User Group CGN • Sebastian Cohnen (@tisba) • 9+ years consulting & development • focus on performance and architecture • founder & CTO StormForger

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StormForger Start Perf Testing Now! • Performance Testing SaaS for DevOps Teams • Fully managed, focused on integration and continuous performance testing

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Performance Testing
 AWS Serverless Sebastian Cohnen, @tisba *SCNR* *SCNR*

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@tisba Why perf testing Serverless?

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@tisba Serverless? * … a gross simplification Application State / Data Runtime OS Serverless Application State / Data Runtime OS Containers Application State / Data Runtime OS … VM Networking Networking Networking … … … Application State / Data Runtime OS Bare Metal Networking Hardware … … … … … …

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@tisba Serverless • …might have an impact on how you build your systems • …systems will still be quite complex and distributed • …might be used for (µ-)Services

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@tisba Performance Testing Serverless! • Learning about system behaviour • Correct sizing & cost optimisations
 • Stateless • Issues with observability

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@tisba Strategies • Get started! Pragmatism over Perfection • Divide and Conquer • Two perspectives: “End-to-End” & “per Unit” • Move downward in the stack

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@tisba End-to-End • Scenarios modelled around actual usage • Perspective is a perimeter view • Can generate quite some noise when problems occur • Usually answers business questions best Unit • Test components or units in isolation • Very useful for teams to debug & troubleshoot performance issues • Good for checking technical SLO • Very hard to model in a way that is representative

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@tisba Moving down the Stack

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@tisba CloudFront API GW Lambda Test Traffic Moving down the Stack

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@tisba CloudFront API GW Lambda Test Traffic Moving down the Stack

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@tisba API GW Lambda CloudFront API GW Lambda Test Traffic API GW Lambda DynamoDB Moving down the Stack

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@tisba API GW Lambda API GW Lambda Test Traffic API GW Lambda CloudFront Moving down the Stack DynamoDB ElastiCache

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@tisba Observability

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@tisba Can you quickly figure out the reason for
 an increased latency or error rate for a specific endpoint?

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@tisba Observability • Logs • Metrics • Tracing
 • Check out, e.g. serverless-observability-what-can-you- use-out-of-the-box/

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@tisba Performance Testing:
 Exercise to check for Observability

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@tisba Common Pitfalls

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@tisba HTTP Keep-Alive • Using network connections for multiple requests
 • otherwise extremely wasteful in terms of resources • Keep-Alive significantly decreases latency and resource utilisation connection: ~54%

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@tisba Who is using Node.js?

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@tisba HTTP Keep-Alive • Using network connections for multiple requests
 • otherwise extremely wasteful in terms of resources • Keep-Alive significantly decreases latency and resource utilisation • e.g. Node.js does not keep alive HTTP client connections by default ⚠ connection: ~54%

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@tisba HTTP Keep-Alive • AWS Lambda are stateless • State is being externalised, often times over HTTP • Our upstream services are typically using HTTP • …and almost all AWS Services are talked to over HTTP as well!

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@tisba Remember Observability? • Networking and OS-level operations are hard to observe! • Instrumenting Network operations is next to impossible (AFAIK) • ephemeral port exhaustion, socket statistics, … Application State / Data Runtime OS … Serverless Networking … { ?

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@tisba Let’s Test This!

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@tisba definition.session("keep-alive", function(session) { session.times(25, function(context) { // HTTP 1.1 with HTTP Keep-Alive is the default context.get("", { tag: "keep-alive" }); context.waitExp(0.5); }); }); 
 definition.session("no-keep-alive", function(session) { session.times(25, function(context) { context.get("", { tag: "no-keep-alive", // instruct client to close connection after request is done headers: { Connection: "close", }, }); context.waitExp(0.5); }); });

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@tisba Only moments later… Only moments later…

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@tisba bimodal distribution

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@tisba time (ms) 0 300 600 900 1.200 median p99.9 max 1.158 242 122 262 85 29 HTTP Keep-Alive Impact* -76% -65% * Traffic generated from two instances to a single target, over 5 minutes, 25 requests per connection (keep-alive), ~200k requests in total, ~337 TCP&TLS handshakes/sec, avg test cluster CPU utilisation ~50%. -77%

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@tisba PS: Don’t forget about other connection pools ! RDS, ElastiCache, …

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@tisba Questions? Don’t be
 that guy! Start Perf Testing Now!

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@tisba Bonus Level!

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@tisba Private VPCs • You can use AWS Lambda that are running in your private VPCs • Keep in mind that they allocate IP addresses from the VPC they are running in • If you are running out of address space (hello IPv4), weird things will happen!

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@tisba Cascading Failures & Timeouts • Know your timeouts for all layers • Circuit breakers, exponential back off • Ideally: Deadline & Cancellation Propagation