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asm89 / @iam_asm89

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Why do I need a search engine?

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Elasticsearch ● Schemaless document store ● Distributed and horizontally scalable ● Zero configuration setup ● REST

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Unstructured search

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Structured search

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$ wget https://download../.../elasticsearch-1.2.1.tar.gz $ tar xf elasticsearch-1.2.1.tar.gz $ cd elasticsearch-1.2.1/ $ bin/elasticsearch

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Relational database Elasticsearch database ⇒ index table ⇒ type row ⇒ document column ⇒ field schema ⇒ mapping index ⇒ (everything is indexed) SQL ⇒ query DSL

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$ curl -XPUT localhost:9200/social/tweet/42 -d '{ "text": "#dpc14 is awesome!" }';

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$ curl -XPUT localhost:9200/social/tweet/42 -d '{ "text": "#dpc14 is awesome!" }'; $ curl -XGET localhost:9200/social/tweet/42 $ curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/social/tweet/42

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$ curl localhost:9200/_search?query=dpc

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$ curl localhost:9200/_search -d '{ "query": { "query_string": { "query": "dpc awesome" } } }'

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{ "took" : 3, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 5, "successful" : 5, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "max_score" : 1, "hits" : [ { "_score" : 1, "_id" : "42", "_source" : { "text" : "#dpc14 is awesome!" }, "_type" : "tweet", "_index" : "social" } ], "total" : 1 } }

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How does a search engine work?

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cakedc/search liip/search-bundle symfony-cmf/search-bundle elasticsearch/elasticsearch doctrine/orm doctrine/dbal Take some text

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cakedc search liip search bundle symfony cmf search bundle elasticsearch elasticsearch doctrine orm doctrine dbal Tokenize it

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bundle liip cakedc orm cmf search dbal elasticsearch doctrine symfony Find unique tokens

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search bundle doctrine cakedc/search liip/search-bundle symfony-cmf/search-bundle elasticsearch/elasticsearch doctrine/orm doctrine/dbal Link the terms and documents

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cakedc search liip search bundle symfony cmf search bundle elasticsearch elasticsearch doctrine orm doctrine dbal

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search bundle doctrine cakedc/search liip/search-bundle symfony-cmf/search-bundle elasticsearch/elasticsearch doctrine/orm doctrine/dbal Search for “bundle”

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search bundle doctrine cakedc/search liip/search-bundle symfony-cmf/search-bundle elasticsearch/elasticsearch doctrine/orm doctrine/dbal Search for “doctrine”

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What is stored in Elasticsearch?

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Document { "tweet": "PHP is GREAT", "posted": "2014-06-28", "user": { "name": "Alexander", "nick": "iam_asm89" }, "tags": ["php", "opinion"], "retweets": 42 }

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Fields { "tweet": "PHP is GREAT", "posted": "2014-06-28", "user": { "name": "Alexander", "nick": "iam_asm89" }, "tags": ["php", "opinion"], "retweets": 42 }

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Values { "tweet": "PHP is GREAT", "posted": "2014-06-28", "user": { "name": "Alexander", "nick": "iam_asm89" }, "tags": ["php", "opinion"], "retweets": 42 }

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Field types { # object "tweet": "PHP is GREAT", # string "posted": "2014-06-28", # string "user": { # nested object "name": "Alexander", # string "nick": "iam_asm89" # string }, "tags": ["php", "opinion"], # array "retweets": 42 # integer }

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Nested objects are flattened { "tweet": "PHP is GREAT", "posted": "2014-06-28", "user": { "name": "Alexander", "nick": "iam_asm89" }, "tags": ["php", "opinion"], "retweets": 42 }

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Nested objects are flattened { "tweet": "PHP is GREAT", "posted": "2014-06-28", "": "Alexander", "user.nick": "iam_asm89", "tags": ["php", "opinion"], "retweets": 42 }

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Values are analyzed into terms { "tweet": "PHP is GREAT", "posted": "2014-06-28", "": "Alexander", "user.nick": "iam_asm89", "tags": ["php", "opinion"], "retweets": 42 }

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Values are analyzed into terms { "tweet": ['php', 'great'], "posted": [Date(2014-06-28)], "": ['alexander'], "user.nick": ['iam', 'asm89'], "tags": ['php', 'opinion'], "retweets": [42] }

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$ curl -XPUT localhost:9200/social/tweet/_mapping -d '{ "tweet" : { "properties" : { "tweet" : {"type" : "string" }, "created" : {"type" : "date" } } } }'

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Mapping ● CAN add to an existing mapping ● CAN NOT change the mapping for a field

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Field types ● String / integer / long / float / double / boolean / null ● Date ● Arrays ● IP ● Geo point ● Geo shape

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Index settings { "type": "string", "index": "analyzed" } # "Foo Bar" => ['foo', 'bar']

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Index settings { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" } # "Foo Bar" => ['Foo Bar']

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Index settings { "type": "string", "index": "no" } # "Foo Bar" => []

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Index settings { "type": "string", "index": "no", "analyzer": "default" }

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Analyzers ● Standard ● Simple ● Whitespace ● Stop ● Keyword ● Pattern ● Language ● Snowball ● Custom

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Token filters ● standard ● ascii folding ● length ● lowercase ● uppercase ● ngram ● edge ngram ● porter stem ● shingle ● stop ● word delimiter ● stemmer ● keyword marker ● snowball ● phonetic ● synonym ● compound word ● reverse ● truncate ● unique ● pattern replace ● trim ● hunspell ● normalization

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Aggregations ● Analytics histograms, distributions, statistics ● Over a partition of your data ● Can be composed

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Percolator ● Search backwards ● Register a query ● Get notified when a new document comes in that matches the query

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Percolator ● Real-time search result updates ● News alerts ● Price monitoring ● Logs monitoring

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Shards & clusters

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● More primary shards – faster indexing – scalability ● More replicas – faster searching – more failover

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● Auto-discovery ● Single master ● Immediate failover with master re-election Clustering

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Logstash & Kibana

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Try it!

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