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Creating The Conditions For An Awesome Developer Experience Hibri Marzook • Software Practice Lead

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2 Hibri Marzook Software Practice Lead Help teams deliver fast and enjoy doing it @hibri

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3 Prod Env Non - Prod Env GIT Cloud Provider Portal Developer Feedback Seconds - Minutes Feedback Loop is Broken Hours - Days Wall of Confusion Ops Raise a ticket The Wall of Confusion

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Can’t use existing knowledge Focus is lost Helplessness

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Impact of a poor DevEx Cochran, T. (2021)

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High-friction and low effective environments create the conditions for burn-out

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What is DevEx? Developer Experience is about creating an environment in which a developer can do their best work.

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How do developers feel about the processes, systems and services they use?

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The work we do should not cause negative emotions

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A good DevEx reduces Cognitive Load Intrinsic - the task at hand Germane - How do I solve x? Extraneous - How do I deploy FooBar again?

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Why is DevEx important? Developer productivity underpins the success of your organisation.

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Srivasta, S. et al. (2020)

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Hire expensive developers Make it hard to do their jobs . . . Profit?

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What does good DevEx look like? Heroku - do everything via the CLI and Git Monzo - CLI tools for devs to deploy, test and interact with services Netflix - evolving standard build tooling to developer tooling

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DevEx is contextual Developers exist in an environment that is unique to your organisation and environment ?

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A good developer experience is emergent

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Create boundaries for risk and responsibility

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Good fences make good neighbours

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Give Autonomy within boundaries

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Create a shared responsibility model

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Example of a Boundary : Pipeline as a Product ● A versioned library of pipeline steps ● Opinionated Pipeline ● Evolve pipeline with Governance needs

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Create Team Interactions for Fast Flow

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Conway’s Law 24 “Organisations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organisations”

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Conway’s Law affects the developer experience 25

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Understand Team Interactions

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Adopt an Internal OSS Model

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Platform/Dev Tooling code is visible to everyone

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Anyone can send a PR, to improve developer tooling

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An internal OSS model removes barriers to collaboration

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Create Fast Feedback Loops

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The Simplest Feedback Loop is a Conversation 33

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Optimize Feedback Loops, Not Pipelines 34

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Get to Real Users Quicker. Only Prod Matters 35

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How do we measure DevEx?

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The SPACE Framework S - Satisfaction and Well-being P - Performance A - Activity C - Communication and Collaboration E - Efficiency and flow (Forsgren et al., 2021)

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Dispelling Developer Productivity Myths ● Productivity is only about individual performance ● One productivity metric can tell us everything ● Productivity is only about engineering systems and developer tools ● Productivity is all about developer activity

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The most important takeaway from exposing these myths is that productivity cannot be reduced to a single dimension (or metric!) (Forsgren et al., 2021)

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Key findings Finding flow is key, and interruptions are a drag. Minimal or no interruptions give developers an 82% chance of having a good day, but interruptions throughout the day decrease the chance of a good day to just 7%. Meetings are both awesome and terrible. Collaboration improves our work, but too many meetings can be a blocker; going from two to three meetings per day lowered the chances of developers making progress toward their goals by 60%. A two minute daily reflection can help developers improve their days

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A good Developer Experience helps devs find flow and reduces interruptions

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A good Developer Experience reduces the cognitive load for a developer

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A good Developer Experience creates an environment of psychological safety

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Conditions for an Awesome DevEx to emerge; 1. There are good boundaries for risk and responsibility 2. Team interactions are optimized for fast flow 3. Adopt an Internal OSS Model 4. Focus on creating fast feedback loops

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Q&A 46

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Atlanta [email protected] Thank You continohq contino London [email protected] New York [email protected] Melbourne [email protected] Sydney [email protected] 47 Brisbane [email protected]

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References Cochran, T. (2021) Maximizing Developer Effectiveness. Available at: (Accessed: January 11, 2021) Srivasta, S. et al. (2020) How software developers can drive business growth | McKinsey, Available at: oftware-excellence-fuels-business-performance. Forsgren, N. et al. (2021) ‘The SPACE of Developer Productivity: There’s more to it than you think’, ACM Queue, 19, pp. 1–29. Available at: hink/.